Calla, one of my biggest gripes with the film is that there IS no motivation, based on what we see, for this woman to have an affair with a stranger. The script requires the affair more than the character does.<p>It would have made more sense for her to have an affair with the husband in one of the couples they hang out with, if anything.<p>As for the ending, Adrian Lyne left it ambiguous on purpose. Did Edward turn himself in? Did they try to go on the lam? He leaves it for you to decide.<p>What I felt at the end was something I don't think the director intended -- pity for the OM, because he was just thrown away like a piece of garbage, and for these two people to even TALK about going on as if nothing happened is pretty sick. I know we all FANTASIZE about what it would be like to kill the OP, but we don't DO it, because we KNOW the consequences. <p>As for the OM having a separated wife, that too came out of nowhere, as if the screenwriter realized that if this guy was the kind of lone wolf he was portrayed as, who was going to report him missing?<p>Some MAJOR script flaws, but overall the film is compelling in the way watching a train wreck is compelling.<p>And Diane Lane has been so good for so long it's nice to see her get some recognition.