Marriage Builders
Posted By: Bozos_ Deb Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 05:54 AM
OK< I actually found my way to the shrinks office today. But not before putting my knees out of commision, anybody know anything about kness ? I fll down in the middle of the blasted street and hurt me. It looks like I have 4 knee caps now and it hurts like hades. Plus I am scraped pretty good too. It is only thanks to God I didn't get run over, Gessner and Hammerley in houston is a busy intersection. AND I couldn't go home I had to get to my appointment. So I am in excrueating pain right now. Ok, I'm done whining, for the moment [Linked Image from].<BR> Anyway after lecturing me for not coming in when I started being depressed a few weeks aGO, ( DO YA'LL REMEMBER ME BEING DEPRESSED ?, ME mS. sUNSHINE AND lAUGHTER ? reallly HUMPH,)<BR>hE GAVE ME A NEW MEDICATION,sERZONE, IT'S SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANTI DEPRESSANT AND ANTI ANZIETY PROPERTYS. Sorry forgot the caps lock was on, and don't feel like going back and redoing it.<P>BUT you will all be proud of me (yea right) I actually splurged and treated myself to dinner at the Olive Garden. Their White hocolate raspberry cheesecake is to die for, it was expensive. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to pamper me and my knees were hurting so I wanted to sit down. Then I went seond hand book shopping. It was all I could afford, Veal Parmagiana w/ spagetti, tea and heesecake was 20.00 plus tip for one person. Why am I telling ya'll this, simple beause I intend to blame it on ya'll. I'll just tell Mike that you guys have just kept insisting I spoil myself till you wore me down. [Linked Image from].<BR>But really if you know about knees or this new med please let me know. I'm not sure if I need to see the Dr, aout the knees or not.<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>
Posted By: used2Bcozy Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 06:04 AM
Gee were up late [Linked Image from]<P>If you were close, I'd give ya my magnetic knee wraps.... Magnets have been effective to many people for discomforts.... I smacked my knee with a pry bar while pulling old wood off a wall last week... wore the magwrap and there was no bruise even the next day... I bruise easy...<P>Id have a terrible time without my magnets.. I sleep on a magnetic pad... I sleep GOOD on the magnetic pad... it gives me the sleep I need to have the tolerance do deal with life.. <P>Get a book or two on magnet therepy and if you want to know where the best quality magnets are.. ask me....There Japanese made, and the technology is far superior than alot out there...<P>soooooo hows the rest of your life going?<P>cozy
Posted By: Bozos_ Deb Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 06:26 AM
ozy,<BR> I'm only up because if I stand up to go to the bedroom I will sream. Of course I will have to scream four times in a few minutes, once when I stand up, again when I walk into the bathroom and sit down, again when I stand up, and a forth time when I get into bed. The only magnets I have are 2 on my fridge, I don't suppose they are the right kind [Linked Image from].<P> Otherwise my life is going well, I just talked to Mike, he calls after luch everynight, he may come home earl because he's worried about me.<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>
Posted By: lostva Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 11:55 AM
I'm glad you treated yourself. You deserve it. Don't know much about meds. Dr. put me on Paxil and I felt so weird for three weeks, I just gave it up - felt like stuff tastes when you have a cold, ya know? I couldn't stand it. Besides, I'm getting through ok with some help from St. Johns. Knees - my knee experience wouldn't help. About five years ago I had a horseback falling accident and crushed one. Actually destroyed BOTH legs, but only one knee. For me it was 9 hours surgery and months of rehab. But I'm great now. Got a couple of pins and some bone graphs, but I can do cartwheels, so I guess it's ok. Maybe you should see the dr????? Knees are pretty fragile, you know. Keep off em for a while, ice for the 1st 24 hours, you know the drill.<P>Lori
Posted By: Bozos_ Deb Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 12:37 PM
Oh man Lori,<BR> I feel like a real wimp,now. Next to what you went through. I just fell down went booom, that is nothing compared to what happened to you<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>
Posted By: wasstubborn Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 02:42 PM
Deb<BR>The Olive garden?????????<BR>One of my favorite restaraunts!!!!! <BR>Good Girl!!!<BR>and Shopping!!!<BR>Did it feel good??<BR>I am very proud of you. once is not enough though. Keep it up!<BR>Let me know how the new meds work. I'm considering changing too. We'll see what happens.<BR>I would give you a lecture on how to take care of your knees but nobody listens to me. I think my son has a cracked bone in his hand and the little poop won't even wrap it.<BR>His coach told him "Your mother is your mother for a reason. Listen to her." Son smiled and nodded then proceeded to ignore my directions.
Posted By: Bozos_ Deb Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 08:26 PM
WS,<BR> I'll listen, please Mom lecture me, I'm in so much pain I'll listen to anyone at this point. Truely I am thinking about asking my favorite teddy bear for advice. Anything to make to pain ease up.<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>
Posted By: wasstubborn Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 08:35 PM
Deb<BR>Is there a lot of swelling?<BR>You really should see the doc!<BR>Ice and anti inflammatories. Or alternate ice and heat. Ibuprofin works best here if you can take it. My son has really bad knees (The oldest one - the one who listens).<BR>It might not be a bad idea to wrap them with a tensor for a while. <BR>Do you take calcium?<BR>I'm forcing that on my H right now for his shoulder. Not a quick fix but very helpful in the long run. You know us women and the calcium loss.<BR>Now I think that cl would be better at the prescription thing. She would know more than me. Put your feet up with a pillow under your knees to take the pressure off. <BR>read one of those books you bought!!!<BR>If all else fails have a glass of wine!!!<BR>you should see the doc though. Dn't wait too long. That would be like my youngest (the one who doesn't listen!!!!)
Posted By: Susan Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 10:28 PM
Just wanted to say that I took Serzone a year ago and it did not do me any good. I have since started counseling and my counselor said that she had not had good results with it. I am presently taking Zoloft. It seems to be the drug of choice. She also said that if it didn't work not to hesitate to try Paxil, she had seen the best results with these two. It is so wonderful to be out of the black hole. Stay in touch with yourself and if the medicine does not work for you continue to try different ones until you find the right one. Good Luck!!
Posted By: Bozos_ Deb Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/25/99 11:49 PM
WS,<BR> I have anti-inflamatortys, I'll start on them right away. And I'll see if I an discover what son did with my ae bandage.<BR>The right one is swolllen pretty bad, it's up even with my knee. I am soaking them in hot water at least twice today. I have to wash them and keep them clean. Diabetes does nasty things to the body, I had a scratch once, just a little scratch, It got infected and took a month to heal. So I'm not risking that happening again. That's when we started suspecting I might have diabetes.<P>Susan,<BR> I was on zoloft for about 1 1/2 yrs. it was ok untill a few months ago then I started haveing terrible bouts of depression again.And it has also been known to cause me to well to not be able to reach an orgasm, cuting bak to 50 mg helped with that part, but it seemed not does as well for the depression.<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>
Posted By: lostva Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/26/99 12:11 AM
See the dr, Deb, see the dr. Don't take any stupid chances of damaging them worse. Stay off them as much as possible. Why am I lecturing you? You know these things! Seriously, for pain, when I left the hospital I couldn't bear to take the pain medication and I had 4 different incisions, two of them more than 8 inches long (my thigh crushed my knee, pushed my shin into my foot, well, sorta crushing it. The other foot had been caught in the stirrups, so it was kinda, well, not attached too well anymore - yuk. The bone for grafting had to come from my hips. We won't even get INTO how my face looked from being dragged!) Anyway, the stupid meds made me throw up and there was nothing I hated more than that, so my surgeon recommended 3 advil, every four hours. I was a little worried 'cause my kidney's were bruised and bleeding,but they said it was ok. And it really did take the edge off. I don't know that, short of knocking me out, anything else would've worked better. But "If Pain Persists for more than 3 days, consult your physician" LOL<P>You should make the treating yourself a weekly event - minus the falling down, of course.<P>Hope you feel better.<P>Lori
Deb-<P>Sorry to hear about your fall. Your little diversion after wards sounded great. I will take the blame with Mike.<P>SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!<BR>No motrin or aleve do to increased possibility of bleeding(bruising). Stick with tylenol. Do RICE therapy until uou see your doc.<BR>R- rest<BR>I- ice<BR>C- compress<BR>E- Elevate<P>As a diabetic I know you know how serious anything in your lower extremeties can be. You may need some antibiotics prophylactically.<P>Serzone- relatively new. May take a few weeks to take affect(like all the rest). Can cause dry mouth. Should not be stopped without supervision. Be careful about low blood pressures. And Do NOT take any antihistamines with this drug. Alcohol and it dont mix either.<P>A word of warning. If you are on an antidepressant like serzone, paxil, celexa, soloft and such St. John's wort is not a good idea. The combo was written up as bad news.
Posted By: lizam Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/26/99 01:36 AM
Deb, I sure hope you can get some rest,and that mike makes it home to take care of you, you deserve lots of lovin'. please see you doctor as soon as you can if things are not better in the morning. I sent you an e mail earlier this week but have not heard back from you yet, hope you are okay waiting for the medication to take affect... how did your appointment with the SHRINK (oh if they could really shrink our problems)turn out. hope to hear from you soon. jill/jill slh2
Posted By: Bozos_ Deb Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/26/99 01:07 PM
OK, everybody, I promise if it still hurts this bad tomorrow, I will see the dr. I also promise to go if the scrapes show signs of infection. Right now I am washing them with hot water, putting antibiotic salve on them and bandaging them to keep them free of dirt, animal hair (our cat sheds badly)ect..<P>Lizam, <BR> I got the email and will answer soon, sorry it is taking so long. I wanted to wait till I saw the dr. so I could at least let you know the name of the new medication. You know how long my emails tend to be, and right now I an only sit for so long at a time, but check Monday or Tuesday ok ?<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>
Posted By: Sheba Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/27/99 12:27 AM
Oh Deb, I'm sorry that you fell down and went boom!!!! Hope you are doing a little better and make sure to see the doc if needed.<P>I am VERY happy that you went out and treated yourself....YAY DEB!!!!!<P>I can't help you with the meds or the knees but I can say a healing prayer and send a BIG HUG!!!!!!<P>Sheba<P>PS - Just had a thought!!! (OH-OH!!)<BR>The more you venture out and treat yourself - it's practice and then you won't fall and go boom!!! <P>Thank goodness you weren't run over!<P><BR>
Posted By: Bozos_ Deb Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/27/99 10:05 AM
Sheba,<BR> you are a bad girl. Atually, I intend to do that a little more often, not everyweekend but more often. I only have one problem/ question.<BR>When I do something like this I feel so guilty, like I've taken something from my family, and always wind up regreting doing something like this just for me. How can I get past that ?<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>
Deb-<P>Do it more often. Until you feel as if you are worth the extra attention. You are you know.<P>I also have a very difficult time with that. I usually wait until every one else's needs are satisfied. Of course, they never are. DO for Deb and I will too. <P>We both deserve it.<P>Hope your knees and other affected areas are doing better. I still think a check by your doctor would be wise. Did the info on your new med help?<P>Hope you have a good day. I am off to my coronary care class. <P>God bless.
Posted By: Sheba Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/27/99 02:54 PM
Deb -<P>That one's easy!!!!!!!<P>Just have to think of all the things that you do for them!!!<P>Then you realize - "HEY, my turn"!!!<P>No guilt - you can do for you and be deserving just like they can.<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba
Posted By: Suzy Q Re: Off topic. Med. change - 09/27/99 06:14 PM
Hi Deb,<BR>wishing you a speedy recovery!!!<BR>I started on zoloft 100mg and then switched to wellbutrin which made me even more depressed and gave me major anxiety problems.<BR>I started dwelling on h affair all over again( i turned into a mega *****). Anyway, now I'm taking celexa 40mg once a day, it's only been 4 days so I really don't know yet. Any advise or comments on celexa is appreciated.
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