Marriage Builders
I purchased some today and want to know if it really works! I don't want to waste money on something that doesn't have any positive effects.
Posted By: Maya Re: QUICK!! Does St. John's Wort really work? - 11/19/99 06:44 AM
No.<P>Proceed immediately to the big guns of Prozac, Zoloft, etc.
I really wanted to try something naturally before taking prescribed medication. Plus, I don't think my doctor will give it to me so easily. I've never talked to him about my periodic depressions and feel he may tell me to try yoga or something like that! What do you say to your doctor so that he understands you need more than a spiritual relaxation?
Posted By: Maya Re: QUICK!! Does St. John's Wort really work? - 11/19/99 06:54 AM
All I had to do was burst into tears and tell him my story. He started writing out the prescription.
just putting this to the top for more feedback!
Posted By: simone Re: QUICK!! Does St. John's Wort really work? - 11/18/99 07:09 PM
It only gave me a stomach ache - didn't do anything for the emotional pain.<BR>I was on paxil for a couple of years - that one did help in that the lows weren't as low but the highs were also not as high.<BR>There is a new OTC supplement called SAMe that may be better than st johns wort. Its been big in europe for a few years and now is available here. There is stuff on the internet about it if you want to check it out. However, if you are suffering from anxiety and/or depression, please tell your doctor and ask for medication. You may have to reveal some of your situation for your doc to "get it" that you need medication not just yoga and fresh air.<BR> Simone
Thanks! It's funny I just saw a book about SAMe today! I'll check into that too!
Posted By: tmdm Re: QUICK!! Does St. John's Wort really work? - 11/18/99 07:15 PM
I agree with Maya - telling your story should be enough - tears are a nice effect also. <BR>I find Wellbutrin to be very effective and I haven't had any side effects.<BR>If you are feeling very depressed, you are also most likely feeling very confused and unable to think clearly and/or make decisions - all this in a time where you really need to! Don't let your doctor shrug you off - mine sort of did that 2 years ago - told me to get a job - maybe I needed a change .... NO I was depressed - I know that now and I also firmly believe that my depression, left untreated, significantly contributed to the problems in my marriage - depression leaves you void of any emotions (well happy ones anyway) - you are simply existing. It has been explained to me that depression is a medical condition that must be treated - not unlike diabetes. It cannot be overcome by willpower or positive thinking or yoga etc. It should be treated - you will be amazed after about 3-4 weeks how much better you will feel. You do not feel "buzzed" or "high" as many people think, you just feel like your old self again - normal - for lack of any other word. The "edge" is taken off of things and not everything is such a catastrophe. If I wasn't already on these meds when I learned of my h's affair, I don't honestly know how I would have dealt with it.<BR>I sympathize with your concern about putting chemicals into your body - but boy it sure is great to feel alive and happy again!!<BR>Think about it. And if your doctor isn't meeting your needs, then maybe it's time to find one who will.
Hi there. A zoloft user here. Can't wait til it starts to work. Feeling rather sh**y today. If your MD doesn't prescribe it go to a Psychiatrist.<P>------------------<BR>That Which does not kill us makes us stronger.<P>
Prozac killed my appetite and caused some abdomenal distress. It did take the edge off.<P>Wellbutrin is helping with the depression and I'm trying to cut down on the smoking. Zyban is the same thing. Looks like I'm getting the benefit of two.<P>It took a lot for me to ask for help. I was fighting suicidal ideations for the longest time. If it weren't for my kids, I'd probably be pushing up daisys. Yes, I know it's the cowards way out of a situation. I was just too deeply involved with my problems and just can't find a solution to right them.<P>Wishing us all the Best.<P>Medic <P>Get an Rx to help you with your feelings. OTC stuff isn't consistently reliable.
<BR>trying2_4give,<P>The evidence is that St. John's Wort does indeed work (see the German Commission E report), but it takes even longer to get an effect than it would with prescription drugs. And most antidepressants usually require a couple of weeks to get blood serum levels into the right range.<P>You should be aware that anorgasmia (inability to reach orgasm) is a side effect of many of the SSRI antidepressants. Some users report other sexual dysfunctions as well. Offhand, I think its Wellbutrin that doesn't seem to have the sexual side effects. You might want to surf <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> for more info.<P>If it were me, I'd stay away from anything that could cause sexual side effects. FWIW, though, there is a new drug called Uprima in Phase III clinical trials that reportedly lowers orgasmic threshold; presumably doctors could prescribe Uprima and Prozac together.<P>Good luck,<P>Bystander
Posted By: Maya Re: QUICK!! Does St. John's Wort really work? - 11/18/99 07:58 PM
Unless, of course, SHE DOESN'T WANT TO HAVE SEX.
St. Johns wort did and continues to help me alot. It does take about 3 weeks to feel the affects but it definately did help me alot. It's not a miracle drug but it will take the edge off of your depression if you keep up with it.
<BR>Maya,<P>Yes, of course. But most people (about 75%) who are depressed report loss of libido, and they report being very concerned about it. When the depression lifts, libido usually returns. How frustrating to have libido return with anorgamsia...especially when its avoided in the first place.<P>Bystander
Posted By: tmdm Re: QUICK!! Does St. John's Wort really work? - 11/18/99 09:53 PM
Wellbutrin to the rescue - trust me there is no loss of libido with this one - I tried Prozac at first - bam zero libido - it's very hard to try to work on your marriage but not feel like sex AT ALL. H.'s take it personally - and anyways I enjoy sex and if I can take a med that will give me the same results without that nasty side effect, right on!!<BR>I don't know how your energy levels are right now, but I also never feel tired during the day like I did sometimes on Prozac. Great for getting those tedious jobs done!!<BR>Investigate for yourself further on the net - there is a wealth of info out there - and then you along with your doctor can make an educated decision.
<BR>tmdm,<P>Thanks for the memory check. I thought it was Wellbutrin that didn't have all the nasty side effects. And I agree, rebuilding a marriage when one party doesn't want sex is a recipie for heartbreak. Hurt feelings, a sense of rejection, etc.<P>Bystander
I took St John's Wort for a while and it did help me. It does take time to work though, so give it 2-3 weeks.<P>If your level of depression is severe - go for the heavy stuff.<P>SHA
St. John's Wort seems to work for me. I wanted to try something natural before going for the heavy stuff.<P>And if it has a side effect of lowering libido, then thank God for that - approaching 3 months since W stopped intimacy. [Linked Image from]
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