Marriage Builders
Posted By: Lu People Mag.-this issue, infidelity everywhere - 11/26/99 02:42 PM
Hi there,<BR> Yikes I just picked up some "mindless" reading and it's article after article of celebrities' infidelity(People's magazines version though). There's Amy Grant and Vince Gill(they are soooo in love-blech), Bryant Gumbel (they make such a great couple-blech) and then Newt Gingrich(who's sooo happy with<BR>his OW of 6 yrs-blech). To be fair they mention the other side, Vince Gill's wife is devastated, Bryant Gumbel's wife talks about the family's pain and Newt's wife is on the's just so heartening though, to read how wonderful these new couples are-double blech......Lu
It does go to show us that we are not alone, even the rich and famous go through this too. It's so sad that anyone has to live through this.
Hey there,<P>It is so sad to see how the media tolerates this type of living. The media even glorifies it. No one has the guts to call these "famous" whoevers of our time "homewreakers" and "weaklings". <P>I believe the real problem of society is its tolerance to affairs. The media only reinforces it. Take "Bridges of Madison County" for example. If the simple wife had even tried to do all those romantic things with her husband, couldn't that have improved their marriage? Was the H even given a chance to improve their marriage? No, we are led to believe that her affair with OM was a once in a life time romantic dream that we all fantisize about. Give me a break.
Well, I, for one, am looking forward immensely to watching Mr. Newt "Family Values" Gingrich have the dirty details of his extramarital sex life smeared all over the pages of the same newspapers he's blasted people like me in -- people who don't want censorship, people who "lived in sin" before marriage, people who've chosen not to have children.<P>Go, Marianne! Take the b*stard for all you can!
Marianne was his first OW. That's why his first marriage ended.
Posted By: Lu Re: People Mag.-this issue, infidelity everywhere - 11/26/99 05:51 PM
Hi there,<BR> <BR> I read that ,too ,about Newt's present wife breaking up his first's ironic that she seems that most vengeful of the three wives. Vince Gill's wife sounds devastated, along with Bryant Gumbel's but Marianne sounds furious....course I'm just reading all of this, don't really know the situation. I love how Amy Grant says that she had problems in her marriage and knowing Vince Gill made her realize how bad they were...sound familiar?(Btw, they swear there was no affair, ha!).....Lu
Didn't ole Newty state loud and clear on family values and criticize others on infidelity in the past? Now look at him. <BR>What a guy. My H used to like him. Now H doesn't think too much of him anymore. I never thought much of Newt to begin with because of the way he treated first W. People do make mistakes but shouldn't get on the soup box and brate others and try to act so righteous. <P>And Hollywood seems to glorify infidelity too much. What would be wrong with glorifing marriage and fantasies between husbands and wives. I for one have always fantasied about having wonderful escapades with H. Keeping the thrill and love alive between us. However, H was never really interested before. I have always been optimistic concerning passion in marriage, this set back of H's infidelity has caused insecurity but I will have to work hard on that now. But I am tired of seeing infidelity glorified by media and Hollywood as if it is the norm. <P>Just an opinion.
Oh, really? I didn't know that. I knew that Newt had divorced his wife as she was recovering from breast cancer surgery, but I didn't know Marianne was his OW.<P> THAT'S a REAL dilemma. That's like being a Mets fan and having to root for the Yankees or the braves.<P>Sorry to sound flippant. But I love to see the self-righteous hoist on their own petard, whatever the heck that means.
I loved the one about Vince Gill and Amy Grant. They were willing to take lie detector tests to swear they werent sleeping togeher, but she gave him I love you notes. Can anyone say emotional affair? My husband has this same definition of affairs. Lora
sorry this was brought up to the top...I only get here once a week or so...<BR>I'm not trying to be flippant or a smarta**...but, I'm a big fan of Vince his music. I don't have a clue as to why his wife, Janice, is so upset...they've been divorced for 2-3 years, I guess this stumped me! <BR>As for comment on that one...he's a politician!<BR>Have a great week everyone!
Posted By: Lu Re: People Mag.-this issue, infidelity everywhere - 11/29/99 01:02 AM
Hi Kacee,<BR> I think Vince Gill's wife was upset since the close friendship of him and Amy Grant started in 93 and she found love notes in 94 from Grant. They were divorced in 97....I know this is all true since it was in People!!!....(I need to get a life, huh?)....Lu
Dazed and Confused:<P>I've always wondered what that phrase meant, too. Sounds pretty painful. And I'll bet it plays heck with your sex life! [Linked Image from]
Good 'ol Newt, he even delivered the divorce papers to his first wife while she was recovering in the hospital from a serious illness. He makes Bill Clinton look like a saint!
Past footage of Clinton, clutching his bible after church, makes me want to hurl.<P>Newt makes me want to hurl...maybe even more so.<P>Neither one's behavior really surprises me.<P>Amy Grant, however, bothers me more. I guess she said in an interview to a Christian mag. that she feels God released her from her marriage. rules for Amy alone? She also admitted Vince in her life put a spotlight on her marriage problems...but no affair. (gag) So a "friendship" that resulted in two marriages breaking up and two spouses devastated as a result, is OK if they didn't have sex? What kind of screwy thinking is that? I know we all know that, so I'm preaching to the choir here. <P>Clinton, Newt...we expect them to be liars, cheats and scoundrals. But to here justifications from betrayers who unabashedly destroyed families, just makes me heartsick. I know it is wrong to judge them, but I can label their admitted actions.<P><P>------------------<BR>Faith, Hope, Love Remain,<BR>but the greatest of these is Love.<BR>1 Corinthians 13:13
Infidelity sickens me. I never realized how devastating it could be until I had to live with my husband's infidelity.<P>I just hate how Hollywood glorifies it, with movies such as "Bridges of Madison County." DOUBLE-BLECH!!!
Lu...<BR>Ahhhh!! Now the light dawns! I did not know that there were notes from that far back. I have to admit finding that out pushed Vince to the bottom of my list. I'm kinda disappointed. <BR>I guess we think of some of these stars as better than us...Vince and Amy both singing gospel/christian songs. What hypocrites!!! Will it ever end? And, who will stop it?<BR>As for Newt...and ol' Bill, I said...politicians. I guess that's no excuse but I can't seem to expect much more from them.<BR>I wasn't born when JFK was Prez...but, all I"ve ever seen or read makes me wonder if Bill and JFK weren't brothers...I've said that from the get go. Everyone seemed to idolize JFK...and Billy-boy's supporters idolize him. What kind of excuses to they make for these philandering men? (and women!)<BR>
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