Marriage Builders
Posted By: Latrice Help me protect myself...... - 08/27/99 06:44 PM
What are some things I need to do right now in case my husband leaves me? I know I need to save money, but what else? I don't want him to leave me high and dry. I can't think of everything right now and I sure could use some advice.
Posted By: Latrice Re: Help me protect myself...... - 08/27/99 06:45 PM
Also, Kids are involved. All under 6 years old.
Posted By: patty co Re: Help me protect myself...... - 08/27/99 07:04 PM
I am sorry you are in this situation, I do not know your story. But i think you ned to have some close friends nearby help you during this time, seek out familys love and support. And you have us [Linked Image from] If you think he may leave and you cannot stop him, prepare yourself. It is better to expect it, and have it happen, then for him to go, and you werent prepared. Is the marriage over?<BR>Beides being finacially ready, the only thing I can think of right now is to have friends and family close. good luck, let me know how youre doing.
Posted By: Butterfly Re: Help me protect myself...... - 08/27/99 07:50 PM
Latrice,<P>I'm so sorry you may have to go through this... <P>Yes, you do need to save some money.... but save it as cash, or in an account in only your name. Also, make sure you have copies of your important documents.... insurance, stock certificats, retirement accounts, loans, etc... <P>Do you really expect he will leave you "high & dry"?? If so, then contact a lawyer now. You can give them the info & have the papers drafted w/o filing them.... you don't have to file for divorce.... but maybe get a legal separation or at the very least a Temporary Domestic Order (from the court) that outlines your assets, and the "rules". <P>We didn't/don't have any "real" assets, but a whole lot of debt.... so I filed for a legal separation (everything is in MY name) to protect myself financially. <P>I sincerely hope you do not have to face this. My thoughts & prayers are with you.<P>Butterfly<P>------------------<BR>My favorite quote....<BR>"Hello, this is God. I will be handeling your problems today. I will not need your help, so sit back and have a good day."<BR>
Posted By: Sheba Re: Help me protect myself...... - 08/27/99 09:55 PM
Latrice -<P>I'm sorry that you have to deal with this and I think you're being very smart to prepare just in case he leaves.<P>I am not familiar with your story (sorry) and do not know if there are children involved. If so, they need to be protected and you need to find out all the child law issues and think of visitation, etc. If not, then it's a little easier in that you just need to find out the spousal laws.<P>I don't know what kind of laws Texas has so I recommend not only an attorney consultation but to look them up yourself on the net. There's a site called or (not sure which). This site has laws for every state.<P>Depending on the approach you take to any split - there are things that you might need to be chronicling now. <P>In any event - keep documentation of everything. Write it all down in a notebook. Not only will this help you with your own self but it might come in handy later on.<P>If he is seen - write down by whom, when and any details, etc. Things like that.<P>Hope this helps you some.<P>Hugs,<P>Sheba<P>Sorry - didn't remember the kids part at first - look into the child laws!!<p>[This message has been edited by Sheba (edited August 27, 1999).]
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