Marriage Builders
Posted By: jamie-lee Look!!!!!! - 01/15/00 09:46 PM
i'm starting a home page and I only put two pictures on it so far...... Check it out....<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A> <BR>Click on bfamily.jpg<BR>------------------<BR>"If you can learn from the mistakes of others, you won't have to make them youself."<P><p>[This message has been edited by jamie-lee (edited January 15, 2000).]
Posted By: NSR Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/15/00 09:56 PM
Very handsome... [Linked Image from] and H is very lucky to have you too!!!! [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]<P>and what a cutie... [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from] [Linked Image from]<P>Jim
Posted By: jamie-lee Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 12:39 AM
Thanks Jim, I just can't wait until we're a family again! ANyone else with photos!<P>------------------<BR>"If you can learn from the mistakes of others, you won't have to make them youself."<P><p>[This message has been edited by jamie-lee (edited January 15, 2000).]
Posted By: lostva Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 12:59 AM
so sweet,JL!!!!<P>Lori
Posted By: No_Trust Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 01:20 AM have a lovely family. Thank you for sharing your pictures. It was great chatting with you today. Good luck tomorrow....Alecris
Posted By: new_beginning Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 02:13 AM
OK, I lurked, I admit it, I looked, and what a treat to SEE YOU...<P>You are gorgeous, your H is handsome, and your daughter is beautiful... what a pretty family. I hope you can be a family again too! [Linked Image from]
Posted By: firestorm Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 02:50 AM
JL<P>It's nice to see a face with a name that I see so much here. Good luck to you and your family. I hope that your prayers are answered someday. If you have faith everything will work out for the best for you. I really believe that.<P>FS
Posted By: jamie-lee Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 04:46 AM
Lori, Thanks<P>No Trust, It was nice chatting with you also and Thank you!<P>NB, How wonderful it is to see you here. Thanks alot! (No Trust and I were just speaking of you earlier today, Were your ears itching [Linked Image from].<P>Firestorm: Oh, I do believe. Thankyou!<P>ANY ONE ELSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO SHARE A PHOTO?<P><P>------------------<BR>"If you can learn from the mistakes of others, you won't have to make them youself."<P>
Posted By: familyof3 Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 04:52 AM
i loved the is nice to put a face to the name...<P>i am working on a website...i just have to get pictures scanned onto a disk....fil has a scanner but it is black and white......<P>I will keep all posted...<P>amanda<P>------------------<BR>I will love my husband "Always & Forever" <BR><P><BR>
Posted By: Roll Me Away Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 04:54 AM
jamie-lee,<P>LOVE the pics! That little princess is just gorgeous!!!!<P>Roll me Away<P>------------------<BR>"Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things in which smiles and kindnesses and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort."<P>Sir Humphry Davy<BR>
Posted By: Almost Happy Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 06:16 AM
jamie-lee,<BR>Just talking to you and NoTrust today and HERE YOU ARE in person......real nice pictures......very pretty.<BR>Hope we talk again sometime........<P>Almost Happy<P>--------<BR>TIME [Linked Image from]
Posted By: catnip Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 06:29 AM
Wow. It's Whitney and Bobby! You are a very good looking couple and the daughter is adorable. <P>When my husband left me, I went through 20 years of our favorite pictures. i remeber sitting on the floor trying to look at them through tear filled eyes and runny nose. I selected the ones that would trigger the 'special' times, ran over to Kinko's and had color copies made. I then put them in an envelope and dropped them on his desk one morning and said, "As long as you're gone, you might as well have some family photos so you won't forget 'us' and what we once were."<P>Within days he was calling me, coming around and inviting me to meet him at the club for a morning workout. Soon he invited to meet him at church for Mass then breakfast afterward. Within a couple weeks, he broke it off with the OW and came home.<P>I'm not saying it was due to the photos but I think they helped because he had forgotten us and all that specialness, closeness, involvement and magic that was once ours. The photos brought him back to places that were meaningful. It made him think, it made him remember.<P>Good luck, JL. I hope you will be a family again soon-as it should be.
Posted By: jamie-lee Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/17/00 06:15 AM
Amanda: thanks, let me know when you get your pictures on the site<P>RMA: Thanks, My daughter definetly is my princess.<P>Almost: Thanks, it was nice chatting with you. You are very wise and opened my eyes to an insight (delayed anger) that I never really thought of before!<P>catnip: When I look at our pictures it does give me hope. I know the man in that picture and he loves me. It's always nice to hear words of encouragement and hope. I'm so glad your H and you are doing better. It gives me hope.<P>Gosh, I love all of you here! [Linked Image from]<P>------------------<BR>"If you can learn from the mistakes of others, you won't have to make them youself."<P>
Posted By: catnip Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 08:55 PM
JL: So you're a police officer? I just got a job in warrants at our county's Sheriff's department. I love it. Since I was a little girl I have loved police officers and respected and admired them. You all have such an awesome responsibility and so often underappreciated and underpaid for what you give back to society.<BR>A few years ago, there was a billboard circulating all over our city where there was a police officer holding a child in his arms and carrying her to safety. The caption read "Some Call him Pig". It made such an impact on me. It was during the late sixties when the hippies were calling the police and military 'pig' and showing such hostility and disrespect. It was a very effective billboard-one of the best I have ever seen. It made people ashamed of what they had been saying and reminding them of the incredible services they provide. I take my hat off to you for what you do. I know what you have gone through to get where you are. From your postings, I can tell your are one hell of a good one, too. Kudos, JL.
Posted By: AGB Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/16/00 09:04 PM
Love those pictures. You guys look great together. We have two daughters ages 8 and 9. Something tells me that you three will have a happy blessed future. Give it time and have strength. one day at a time, right. That's what I am trying to take. just pray that the days are not many. <BR>God Bless
Posted By: jamie-lee Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/17/00 03:49 AM
catnip: <BR>thank you so much. Yes, work isn't all that easy sometimes. In fact a lot of people have lost their faith in the police due to the media. However , I try to show them that i truly care. Being an officer is something that i always wanted to do. ALl the people you see in blue shouldn't be there. Some has become very insensitive and routine. I love my job. I hope I'm making a difference and restoring faith in the police in my community. My career has helped me keep my mind off the troubles in my marriage, but i can't wait til my H comes home. Thank you once again.<P>AGB: Thankyou for your reply. I am taking it one day at a time just as you are. Thankyou so much for your encouraging words. My prayers go out to you as well.<P>------------------<BR>"If you can learn from the mistakes of others, you won't have to make them youself."<P>
Posted By: ThisAlex Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/17/00 05:09 AM
I wish in Mexico we had respect for police forces like you guys have; here you either fear them or disrespect them- low morals, obsolete equipment, bad training, miserable salaries & lots of corruption don't help. There are of course INDIVIDUAL exceptions, but in general hee the term "law enforcement" is an oxymoron when referring to most police organizations.<P>Great photos & beautiful people!! I wish I wasn't as shy to share them- still try to protect my daughter (she'll be 8 in 3 weeks) from this situation.<P>Alex
Posted By: Kyra Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/17/00 05:20 AM
Hi jamie-lee,<BR>I'm not sure our "paths have crossed" but<BR>I wanted to chime in with the others...<BR>you have a lovely family and introduce myself! <BR>I also understand your H is in the Marine Corps. My H and I were stationed at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station(MCAS) in N.C.<BR>I was wondering if you think your H's "buddies", aka fellow jarheads, are a bad influence? I feel like the bad influences/contacts my H made in the Marine Corps had a HUGE impact on his infidelity.<BR>Just curious what your opinion is. Could his buddies be influencing his decisions?<BR>And don't you agree that a Marine's Wife is the "toughest job in the Corps?" I actually still have that t-shirt! hahaha<P> <P>------------------<BR>For I know the thoughts I think<BR>toward you, saith the Lord,<BR>thoughts of peace, not of evil,<BR>to give you an expected end.<BR>Jeremiah 29:11
Posted By: jamie-lee Re: Look!!!!!! - 01/17/00 11:51 PM
ThisAlex- You are definetly right when you say UNDERPAID!!!!! Anyways, don't be shy to share your photos, by all means please do.<P>Khyra: My H is at Camp Lejeune about a hour from Cherry Point. I think my H has some pretty good friends, aside from two guys that I really don't care for. Sometimes I do think that they could be a bad influence on him. He wants to live like he's single sometimes and just forgets about his priorities! And as far as being a military wife, my Lord, I must say it definitely takes a lot out of you. Military always claim that they are for the family, then why in the hell when he wanted to get married to me did they tell him "If we wanted you to have a wife, we would have issued you one." Kind of makes you wander what they fill their heads with, Huh?<P>------------------<BR>"If you can learn from the mistakes of others, you won't have to make them youself."<P>
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