Marriage Builders
Posted By: roman77 either I or the wind - 12/31/02 04:24 PM
<either I or the wind>

standing outside my office
the wind whipped around me
causing all the hairs on my
arm to stand straight up
Finding a tree, I sought shelter
and for a moment
the bitter cold seemed to lose
track of where I was
but soon enough, the currents of air
made it's way round the tree and
once again left me shivering
such is my memory of you
the shots I take, the drinks I consume
they protect me and build a temporary
wall around my mind
although fleeting, at least for a moment
I can forget what I once held
I can forget my regret
I can forget my mistakes
I can forget this pain
walking back inside I found solace
from the cold in this heated building
sitting at my desk I completely forgot
about the wind still blowing so vilolently outside
I have yet to find such a haven from my mind
so I'll keep hiding behind my shots and my drinks
hoping that eventually
either I or the wind
will just stop
Posted By: shootingstar Re: either I or the wind - 12/31/02 05:48 PM
Wow Jay!
You are a natural. I love your poems. It's deep and meaningful. I wish I can write that way. Unfortunately, my style is limited . Hope you'll consider compiling them all in a book one day. (-:
Posted By: roman77 Re: either I or the wind - 01/03/03 06:56 AM
Thanks shootingstar =)

I would love to write a book of poetry someday, but I'm not really sure where to start, who to call, etc etc. Maybe someday...
Posted By: carina dream Re: either I or the wind - 01/03/03 12:01 AM
I say the same thing al lthe
That I would like to write a book, but poetry pays nothing. (usually)
I once read a local poet who wrote in his dustjucket " Here lies a poet who had a vision. Now, the cost of creating these few books put me back a few thousand bucks. I binded them myself, to save money. I apologize to Ontario Hydro for missing my payment deadline, but as I write this by candlelight, I pray that if I at least make enough to turn the heat back on, I will be a happy man."
(or something along those lines, but close)

But it's true.
You don't get rich on poetry, and with just as many poets that there are out there are twofold in cynics who believe you stole them from
Posted By: carina dream Re: either I or the wind - 01/03/03 12:03 AM
As an added note-you write very contemporary, I have noticed.
My poetry is stuck in the style of Dudeck it seems-I like my metered

Contemporary sells better, apparently.
But what do I
I am only 26
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