Marriage Builders
Posted By: BrokenOne Desperately needing prayer - 08/29/06 06:37 PM
I don't know where to start. In the last two weeks everything I thought I knew has proven to be a lie. I thought I was in a relatively strong marriage. I thought I was a relatively good wife. I thought we were committed to God and to each other. Then I looked at the cell phone bill and found hours and hours of phone calls to another woman. When confronted, he yelled at me. I apologized the next day for the wrongs I had done. He lapped it up, but didn't offer an apology for his side of this. I've tried everything I know to try. He is convinced he is innocent. After three years of believing everything was fine, he now tells me that he has been planning to leave me for months. Not only am I so unforgivably horrible that he feels justified in breaking his vows, he now tells me that I have been so horrible that he can't even believe in God any more. He says he prayed that I would change and I didn't, now he "can't pray" any more.

His faith was the most attractive thing about him when we met. I'm confused. Devastated. Angry. Please pray for me and my three children. Please pray God will soften his heart and bring my dear husband back into His arms and mine. Honestly, I don't know what to pray . . . but please pray.
Posted By: AskMe Re: Desperately needing prayer - 08/30/06 12:12 PM
Please know this is not something you have done, but it is the sin that has entangled your husband. I have prayed that your husband will be broken and repentant. I hope he will find brokeness in his life that will turn him from these sins. I pray God will open his eyes and let him see the hurt and pain he has caused. I pray for God's healing that will be needed. May God be with your family and bless them.
Posted By: new_beginningII Re: Desperately needing prayer - 08/30/06 10:20 PM
Praying for you, BrokenOne...
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