Marriage Builders
Posted By: teddy what does the WORD say about this? - 04/11/01 07:56 PM
ok here goes - if you don't know my story.<BR>15 years married, 6 lived together. christians after marriage. 6 kids 8 and under. out of blue h confesses and moves out. h is a reluctant participant in the reconciliation, but things are going well and i am blessed.<P>question: when my h confessed to ea several months ago - he asked me if i ever had an a. i said no right away. <BR>well during the time we lived together - i did have a one time pa with an old boyfriend. no one knows about this . i went through withdrawal and all the things my h is doing right now - i guess i'm reaping what i sowed. ouch.<P>i asked God's forgiveness for this and am confessing to you all. i searched His Word and He gave me John 1:10. this happened over 15 years ago. things are going so well - does any one have some wisdom? it's been on my heart and you have been so faithful., teddy
Posted By: teddy Re: what does the WORD say about this? - 04/11/01 07:58 PM
it would help if i asked the question. do i tell h?
Posted By: teddy Re: what does the WORD say about this? - 04/11/01 08:52 PM
i just found out by email that is going to put their answer to this on the Q&A sometime in the next two weeks. that was an answer to a prayer. in the mean time it would be nice to see what you all think.
Posted By: TGattino Re: what does the WORD say about this? - 04/12/01 10:58 AM
Teddy,<BR>All I can suggest is that if your heart condemns you, it is from God because God is greater than our hearts. I don't have the reference for that verse right now. That's a tough issue. I think it would bring healing to YOU by telling him. I think however he chooses to handle it is the consequenses for your sin. We all have to take our lumps. I believe God will draw you closer to Him as you confess this sin. I think God will bless you and hopefully your marriage will survive. <BR>I have to say one other thing. You need to give everything to the Lord. Everything. The closer you are to His heart, the better things will go in your life.<BR>I will be watching what other say!! Ted ><>
Posted By: teddy Re: what does the WORD say about this? - 04/22/01 04:17 AM
as you all know or maybe not - i did confess to my husband <P>he simply said it was water under the bridge and that it was up to me to forgive myself. God is so GREAT!!<P>but if you check out 4-22 Q&A at you will see<BR>what erin said. i am truely blessed. h is asleep in my bed right now and going to church in the morning. It may be for the "kid's sake" , but what ever it takes Lord. <P>ps - i kept my mouth shut tonight - thanks for all your prayers my way. when i see you all in heaven i know we will know each other. <P>may the Lord bless you and keep you and smile upon you. may the Lord lift up his countanance upon you and give you peace. in Jesus name.<P>the joy of the Lord is my strength, teddy
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: what does the WORD say about this? - 04/22/01 12:32 PM
Thanks for sharing that. My h is home today for my daughter and I was feeling so sad because I know he is "in love" with the OW and is probably going out with her tonight but your good news is my good news. I don't want to give the Lord's enemy an inch and I know that my sorrow and your sorrow will reap so much good that the enemy will be sorry he ever tried to mess with any of us!! And that will make our sorrow joy, won't it? God is really good and lets these trials bring great blessings! <BR>I wanted to write my h a note but I think it's better to let the Lord do the work, what do you think? I need to trust that whatever He does is best and my silence is probably best. My h knows I love him. I am showing but not telling him. It's hard!<BR>God bless you and your whole family. I think it's great that he went to church.<BR>
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