Marriage Builders
Posted By: TGattino Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/16/01 11:11 AM
Hi Partners,<BR>Well, Patty and I continue to talk extensively and yet she is hurting so much. She wants me to hate her and go back to being the old Ted so she can be justified for what she has done. I cannot go back to my old ways and this is tearing her up. She is doing everything she can to make me sin and when I won't fall, it makes her even more upset (sad she says). <BR>Please pray for Her to seek peace and to seek understanding of God and His word.<BR>Please pray for me to "bear up under it" (1 Pt 3). I get discouraged and tell her I have to stop talking when she continues to just deluge me with insults and hurtful words. I have had success in going through scripture with her and explaining it so that she can understand it. <BR>Please pray for us to have more time in God's word together.<BR>Thank you everyone. Ted ><>
Posted By: teddy Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/16/01 07:18 PM
oh Lord please turn Patty's heart to you and your word. where love has died, create new love in her heart for her husband. Give Ted the peace to walk by faith and not by what he sees. give patty clarity of mind that she may have discernment to know it is you that is leading her path. in Jesus' name, <P>my h would also like for me to hate him and be the old me - he is totally confused by how i am handling this and how i look. well harley says confusion is good.<BR>i also would quote scripture to my h when he was receptive. just lately i have taken down all my positive affirmations and scriptures - i had them all over the house. when he would come over, i thought they might impress. when i was convicted of the fakeness of this - i now keep them in my nightstand and use them in private. since i did this, h came to church twice in a row!!!! <BR>sometimes when h is really mean - i lose sight of all the positive things that have happened. i am beginning to write down all the good things and progress made, so i can look at them when i am down. smiles, teddy
Posted By: freshstart Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/17/01 01:22 AM
Hi again, Ted! And Teddy thanks for sharing so honestly--how great to hear the gains you are making.<P>Ted, I'm glad Patty is talking although sad it's hurtful.<P>You are so courageous and I can't understand why she can't see your love for her...guess she can and that makes her uncomfortable. Don't know if you ever read the book Search For awesome "tome"! The author says, one of the 4 lies of Satan that we live by is: Those who fail (including myself) must be punished ....sounds like Patty is under this deception I'll pray that she can accept the "new and improved" you God wants to bless her with [Linked Image from]<P>------------------<BR>Fresh Start
Posted By: teddy Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/17/01 03:20 AM
iwas singing in the car today and i thought of all of you - but most of all you ted. <P>go to and order the "Grateful" album. this is willie georges church in tulsa. ken blount is the music director. i've never been there, but my kid's go to camp there and someone brougt back the grateful album. when you here it , you will never doubt and your faith will be restored. sometimes i play it all day. just a thought. teddy
Posted By: TGattino Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/17/01 11:19 AM
Thank you for your prayers. Patty calls me everyday and we talk and we are even laughing together. Maybe I am just impatient!!! I know God is at work. <BR>Go to I Chron 4:10 and start praying the prayer of Jabez. Since I started God has blessed so much. Glory to God for His blessings. Then spend time in John 15. The vine and the branch.... God is so good. <BR>Please keep praying for me to be closer to the heart of God. I just want to be totally who He wants me to be, with or without my marriage. In Him, Ted ><>
Posted By: REJECTED Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/17/01 04:47 PM
God is at work Ted. But, you already know that! I will pray for you (and me too) that we will be closer to the heart of God.<P>Lord please draw us closer to you, your word, and who you want us to be. And please, Lord help us to be patient!<P>I am so glad that there is communication between you and Patty, that means something.<BR>Petrie
Posted By: Janie Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/18/01 05:46 AM
You should feel really encouraged by the fact she is calling you and does not want to end contact. Continue as you have been. You certainly are on the right track.
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/17/01 09:05 PM
Ted,<P>You know you and Patty are in my prayers. Praise God that Patty's heart is turned back to you. Relaxe, Ted, and wait on the Lord.<P>The lot is cast into the lap,but its EVERY decision is from the Lord.(PR 16:33)<P>Thanks for your prayers for our home and marriage.<P>In Him,<BR>gentle
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayer for Peace in Marriage - 04/21/01 10:49 PM
Thank you for all your references which I look up in my Bible. I think you really are on the right track and the more time passes, the more you will shine. You have such energy. Try to be sensitive to Patty's fears. Maybe she also wants to know that she can be alone and handle it. Maybe she needs this time to find herself again and to reflect and heal. God has a different time frame for each of us - maybe you are ready and she isn't or maybe as a couple you're not ready but you will be. I think it sounds like you've made a TON of progress.<BR>It sounds to me like she is a really sweet person and the Lord is working through her so don't worry about that. We are supposed to help others find the Lord through our actions, not our words. (I wish I had learned that years ago...) Your actions will win her over slowly but surely. You are so loving and caring. Keep letting go like you have been - your faith will be rewarded in this and in all areas of your life.
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