Marriage Builders
Posted By: gentle Prayers to save our home. - 04/16/01 11:19 PM
Hello everyone,<P>I just got the papers today saying that our house will be sold May 1 st by forcloseure. Pray that God will work through my husband to save us from being put ourt of our home. I didn't want to sell it so my husband let the bank take it. God gave us an extra 11 months here and I praise Him for that. I know God's plan may not include us keeping our home. We still have options but, I believe my husband is afraid to call about the house. I use to control everything and I gave it to H to take care of several months ago. He keeps putting off calling the lawyer.I don't ask he just tells me he needs to call. Please pray that God will give him the strength and wisdom to save our home. I do believe he wants me and the girls to have it even though he is not living here. Satan has him so afraid and confused.<P>Thanks so much for your prayers.<P>gentle
Posted By: teddy Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/17/01 12:50 AM
satan, i bind you in the name of Jesus right now. you may not take anything more from our friend gentle. her house, her child, her husband and herself are all covered by the blood of Jesus and you have no power over them. <P>Jesus, we ask that you provide the finances for gentle and her family to keep their home. show gentle's husband how loving you are through gentle.<P>give gentle's husband a renewed love for his family. we pray a hedge of protection around her and her child as well as her husbands mind. give him the wisdom to know it is you Lord when he is choosing his path. turn his heart to you LOrd that he may know you and love you as gentle does.<P>oh gentle, i also gave up my "head of the house status to my husband" several years ago. it was hard - for me to let go and for him to learn about credit cards. but now we have a downsized home and we were on our way to becoming debt free. well - then this. now we have two houses , but that is only temporary, because i know he is coming home. and so is your husband - praise God for these hard times because:<P>he knows the plans he has for you - plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.<P>jeremiah 29:11<BR>
Posted By: TGattino Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/17/01 11:37 AM
Gentle,<BR>I don't know what it is about your words but when I read your comments to me about me and Patty, I feel the impact of your words deep within me. I read your comments in Ridensober's post and I just broke down and cried deeply. Thank you for your encouragement. It means so much.<P>I prayed for you after reading above. satan is a punk and he is defeated and your husband is released. Hold his hand, look into his eyes and tell him you are his helper and ask him how he wants you to help him. That it's just between the two of you and know one else. Watch what he says. I ask you to start praying I Chron 4:10, the prayer of Jabez. God IS going to bless your marriage. Remember, give ALL of everything that you have, think, feel, desire, all of your heart, to God. He wants to bless you and your husband and your children.<P>My email is God be with you, be Gentle!<P>Ted ><>
Posted By: REJECTED Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/18/01 05:12 AM
Gentle,<P>You have such a way of comforting me, I will always appreciate it. I'm not always the best at expressing myself, but it doesn't mean that I don't continue to pray for you and your family. I do know of your struggles and I pray that the Lord will take care of your needs and give you peace.<P>I think that those of us here are very compassionate people, we can come out of our own grief and comfort others.<BR>Love and prayers,<BR>Petrie
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/19/01 05:28 AM
Teddy,<P>Thanks so much for your prayers and words of kindness.I continue to pray for you also.The sad part is we will have to pay more for a smaller house because the prices have really went up here since we bought our home. I am just going to leave it with God. I would go crazy thinking about it all.Thanks again.<P>Ted,<P>You always write such loving things to us all that I know God will bless you and Patty will be home. How can she refuse what the Lord has done in you. I try to speak truth<BR>and encouragement because I was brought down so low and can relate to the pain here so well. I have promised God that I will help hurting marriages and families any way I can with Him working through me. I wish all families could be restored. I know now how much divorce hurts and this is coming from someone who left her first husband. So believe me when I say I know both sides. I fasted and prayed to get God's will for this marriage. He was faithful and answered me in a way that could have only came from God. Others said you have been released from your first marriage, but until I got God's answer nothing else would do.I have divorced and I will tell others that divorce is not the answer we seek to our relationship problems.Divorce doesn't end anything it only changes things and adds pain and sorrow.<BR>Thanks for your email address I will be writing you.<P>Petrie,<P>I too pray for all the people here even if they don't request prayers. I continue to pray for those that the Holy Spirit leads to pray for when I am in a lot of pain. This gets me through hard times. I will continue to pray for you.<BR>Thanks for your prayers. Stand firm and you will see your marriage restored.<P>gentle<p>[This message has been edited by gentle (edited April 18, 2001).]
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/19/01 09:07 PM
Just wanted to keep you all posted. my husband called this morning and ask me to make an appointment an attorney to file chapter 13 so we can keep our home. I got an appointment for him Monday at 3:00. After I told him I was sorry for everything last night(see post to P&B I caught them) he called this morning. Yesterday he had said , I can't , I just can't because...a bunch of I can'ts. I even told him I would let him live in the house with our daughters if that is what it takes to get him to save our home. I know he will ask me back if I have to leave. i am trying to take things as they come one at a time.<P>Praise God my husband is thinking about saving our home.<BR>Please continue to pray that his heart is softened and that God gives him wisdom and courage.<P>Thanks for your prayers,<BR>gentle
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/19/01 09:22 PM
Gentle, <BR>I think you are one of the wisest people I have ever "met". Your faith is such an encouragement to me. I don't know very many people who even believe in the evil works of the enemy of God and your determination not to let him win with any of us is so important.<P>I pray that you can save your house, but above all that you will lead many people to save their marriages. Maybe this painful time is meant to give you to us. If you hadn't suffered, you wouldn't have written on this website. I personally wouldn't have ordered the books you suggested and probably wouldn't have kept coming back for more support and to feel the power of the Lord. I think you really are on a divine mission so please let our love cover you with the love of the Lord here on earth. Let our love cover your disappointments and trials and strengthen you. When your husband comes back, you are not going to have time for us because you will be serving your husband. So maybe this period of time is meant to save us and to help us, just like Saint Paul's time in prison. <P>Jesus, let your Divine Plan for Gentle comfort her in her darkest moments. Let her inspire all of us to keep the faith and to stand for our marriages. Bless her with love from many sources and bring her husband home according to Your will. Help her to always understand Your will. You know she will follow You faithfully. Amen.
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/20/01 01:02 PM
Trying,<P>Thank you so much for your kind words. My wisdom comes from the Lord. Praise Him. I have been in so much pain and made so many mistakes, both before and after my husband left, that it hurts me to see some of the post from others making the same mistakes. I have promised God that I will let him use me to restore marriages and families. Jesus has shown me an entire new way of life. The closier I get to Him the more love and compassion I have for others that are hurting.<BR>The more Satan throws my way, the more I encourage others and the more I pray. When my husband comes home I will have<BR>to cut down on my time helping others but, I will be back and I will continue the work God has began in me. Praise God for the good and bad. Praise Him always.<P>It is funny you mentioned Paul in prison.I have thought of him in prison a lot lately. Paul is my favorite because God transformed him from the evil person Saul to the loving caring, devoted to the Lord Paul. If God can change Paul, He can and will change ANYONE or ANYTHING.HE is awesome!<P>gentle<p>[This message has been edited by gentle (edited April 20, 2001).]
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/20/01 08:29 PM
He sure is! I am getting through thanks to the Lord working through all of you! <P>Sometimes it is hard to have faith without "testing" God. I am praying for you and your house but we all have to remember God is on His own schedule so let's not test him with that May 1st deadline but pray for continued miracles in our lives and, if it's His will, that your family be allowed to keep your house.<P>Your husband's conversation to ask you to get an appointment with the lawyer sounds like a miracle right there! I have great faith for you. Take care and have a great day rejoicing in Him.<P>(When you believe, life really is a great adventure, isn't it? We are all waiting and suffering yet we get to share in all these little miracles and think: what does God have in mind for me today?<BR>My conversations with my husband are a lot more pleasant since I got involved with you. Thanks for all your sharing!)
Posted By: faithfulgirl Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/20/01 10:02 PM
Gentle, I am praying for you right now. You are a good person and will blessed! Praise God for our answered prayers!
Posted By: teddy Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/21/01 12:43 AM
gentle - i just got goosebumps (Holyghost bumps) - when you said to p&b that "they will run out of places to run when we give them no reason to blame us"<P>it slapped me in the face - whenever my flesh tries to overpower me - i am always telling my h that i will be nothing without him and i will never remarry etc........<P>you just put it all so clearly in that one sentence - you have been surely used of the spirit and just changed my life! <P>my prayers are with you - and evryone else on this board tonight. teddy
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/21/01 01:15 AM
Teddy,<P>It has taken me losing(or about to lose) everything I hold dear to get to this place. Easter was a great reminder of what Jesus has done for us. After church Wed night I was beginning to become bitter again. I had listening to my husbands bitterness in the fellowship hall after dinner. I tried to not react as I had to relive those terrible memories of last summer. He wasn't bitter toward me. He was takening it out on the court, women, etc.(he had talked to a man whose wife had filed for divorce and was being unfair <BR>the night before). I kept thinking about this during my bible study. Their were wonderful praise reports that night.<BR>I ask for prayers for our home and my son. Asking for prayers is something new for me. I started crying and two dear friends were there to put their arms around me. I also had praise reports about all the things God is doing for me.<BR>I ask my husband if he could take the girls on home so I could go to my mothers to take a shower(we don't have hot water...that is another story). He did and all the way home <BR>something kept coming to me. Last week a stander had made a <BR>challenge for us to say we were sorry to our wayward spouses with out defending ourselves or justify our actions in anyway.Yes, even if we were not wrong...that is a hard one. But this just kept coming to me. I was growing bitter and I know this only leads to more heartache. I pray for God to help me not grow bitter again. While I was taking my shower, I thought of Jesus on that cross. That is when I knew it didn't matter if I had done anything wrong, it didn't matter if I caused my husband bitterness, it didn't matter if I was just defending myself, it didn't matter if I had not caused all my husbands had to start with me. On my way back home I knew I had to say I was sorry for everything that had caused my husband pain and caused his bitterness. That was the only way I could let my bitterness, that was builing up, go. Satan did not win that battle because my Lord was there to remind me what He had done for all of us. Nothing else mattered. Praise God!<P>You made me laugh with the holyghost bumps! Very descriptive<BR>..I have had those but didn't know what they were called till now.<P>Thanks for being here. You lift my spirit!<P>gentle
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/21/01 10:19 PM
Dear Gentle, <BR>It is hard to say sorry when you feel justified for your actions. I'm trying to learn that humility too, which is the hardest and best lesson I'm learning. I have always been one who hated to get blamed for things and I have always been so vigorously defensive that I was a great example of a "contentious wife". It's a little late to figure that out, but not too late.<P>I try to remember the crown of thorns. Think how outrageous it must have been to be made fun of like that when really you are the King of Heaven and earth. How much love He must have to withstand the taunting and the hatred He received when He could have just vanquished them all on the spot.<BR>--<BR>I haven't forgotten the May 1st deadline, although I don't want to test God and I am praying that you will keep your house or else feel His love in another new way. You may be asked to witness under the worst of circumstances. Think how much He loved His mother. He did the first miracle for her, yet He asked her to witness His crucifixion. I can't imagine a greater pain for a mother. So the Lord asks a lot of those He trusts and He is asking a lot of you. Keep turning it over to Him when you can't handle it and don't forget He works through people so let others care for you and help you out. That's the best way to make friends - letting someone do something for you. I imagine you are the type of person everyone comes to for help or advice. Now it is your turn to let them help you so they can grow and you can feel love from many sources. <P>God bless you and keep you and your family.
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/23/01 03:33 AM
Hello again,<P>I just wanted to remind my prayer buddies that my husband is seeing the lawyer tomorrow at 3:00 to talk about saving our home. I know it will take a miracle but, our Lord can do anything. I also know that God may have a bigger plan and it may not be His will for us to keep our home. I will walk through this fire and if God choice to pull me out,great and if He doesn't pull me out,I know he will be there with me through all the pain. I said before and I meant it, if it takes us losing our home to get my husband were the Lord wants him, then the house will have to go.<P>Pray for God to give him the wisdom and courage to do what is best for his family.<P>Thank you for your prayers. I am trying my best to keep my eyes on Jesus and not the circumstances. <P>In Him,<BR>gentle
Posted By: RidenSober Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/23/01 02:51 PM
Dearest Gentle,<P>You have been there for me through all that I am going thru, I will pray for God to touch your husbands heart, to allow your husband to become filled with the holy spirit thereby doing God's will rather than his own selfish will<P>your<BR>RidenSober<BR>
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/24/01 07:09 AM
Dear Gentle,<BR>I hope that things are moving as you wish. Was there any news after talking to the lawyer?<BR>I don't want you to have even more hardship and pain. You truly are gifted.<BR>Father, please grant the desires of Gentle's heart, so long as they fit in with your Divine plan for her. Grant her the serenity she needs to confront her new problems each day. She is a light for the world as you asked her to be. Help her to shine every day through all her trials. Grant her a reprieve to deeply feel the joy that You have in mind for her. She is so obedient to You now. Please turn her husband's heart toward her soon. Please allow her to keep this house that she calls home. Please protect her children and bring them closer to You. Above all, grant her the Discernment she needs to always understand Your will. You know she will follow Your will, Lord.
Posted By: REJECTED Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/25/01 05:10 AM
gentle,<P>Just wondering how everything is going. How did it go with the lawyer yesterday?<P>Your faith and trust in the Lord is awesome gentle, I pray for you and your family. May the Lord give you comfort and provide you and your family with your needs. <P>Thank you, for your abounding faith. It gives me such hope!<BR>Love,<BR>Petrie
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/24/01 06:08 PM
You give me so much hope, too.
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/24/01 10:28 PM
Trying and Petrie,<P>I haven't heard from my husband. Which is a small miracle. He usually is quick to let me have bad news. I didn't go to the lawyer. I turned this over to him sometimes ago. When he ask why I said because God had convicted me of being in control of all things. I told him that God also showed me that to stopping contrling I have to let others do things. He said ,oh".He didn't do anything till yesterday.Praise God that he did. He has never done things like this on his own before. His dad met with his divore lawyer more than him before he filed and had me served.(my sister works across the street from lawyers office) His mother wrote up the papers.(our daughters told me this because they were there). See why I said this is a miracle. I know God is working in him. I am a little afraid though. There is so much going on this next week that I have not even mentioned for fear of falling into despair. I know God deosn't want me to be afraid. I am praying for Him to strengthen me. I am only human, I am sure God understands. <P>Last week someone came and mark either elec.or water lines with spray paint in our yard. I was not sure what they were doing but was sure it had something to do with the sale. Today we come home and someone had dug in this area a large spot and done something underground. I have no idea what was done. There was no note or anything. This can be frightening. The place is about 8x15 and of course killed all the grass. Oh well, God is in control. Pray for me to have strength and be able to take what ever answer God has for me. <P>Thank all of you for your support. I know my post is different today. I feel better now that I wrote. <P>Praise God for all He does.<P>gentle
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/25/01 03:22 AM
Please I need prayers for my daughters. Someone came by to see the house and they found out about the sale. They are not taking this well. The 8 year old wants to beat up anyone that tries to put us out and she wants to move out of state. The 6 year old said she was going to die.I told her she wasn't going to dies, she said yes she was because she was giong to kill herself. I got them to go to bed and we prayed. That helped them to feel better. They cried themselves asleep. I am trying to help them keep faith in God. I told them God would take care of us. They don't want to live anywhere else. Please God gives me the wisdom to say the right things to all my children. My 19 year old is having a had time also. This fire is getting hot.Praise God<BR>we are all still here. <P>I still haven't heard from my husband.<P>Thanks you all for going through this fire with me.<P>In Christ,<BR>gentle
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/25/01 01:58 PM
Oh Gentle, I am really sorry about all that you are going through. You have really been through a lot. <BR>I think your faith and courage are great examples for your children. Do you know the song<BR>"Be not afraid.<BR>I go before you always.<BR>Come follow me.<BR>And I will give you rest."<BR>The Lord is there with all of you, holding you close. If this house means so much to everyone and you are afraid your husband hasn't moved on it, maybe you should talk to him very gently. If you don't want to try to control things, you don't have to talk to the bank without talking to your husband first. But if your husband WANTS you to talk to the bank, do it.<P>I am probably like your husband - terrible about anything administrative. I'm good at creative things but hate paperwork of any sort, forms to fill in are terribly frustrating to me, etc.<P>You said that God has convicted you of trying to control things. Are you trying to control your husband by NOT doing it yourself? I don't know, I just want to ask you. I don't want to put doubts in your mind or make things worse but it sounds like you want him to do something he is really bad at. If he doesn't help you out of this, he is going to feel terrible and be angry at himself, the bank, etc. Yet maybe he isn't ready to help or can't help. I don't know him well enough to understand the situation but as we don't want to test God, we shouldn't test others either, I don't think.<P>I don't think you'd be going against your faith if you called and talked to your husband about it. At least you would never wonder about it. I believe God works through people and sometimes that person is you. You are in charge of your children. You don't want them to be angry at God. Pray about this and ask a prayer partner who knows your situation.<P>Sometimes our humility has to be in understanding we don't always know what the Lord's will is and asking Him to show it to us. Could He be urging you on by the strong feelings you and your children have about your house? Could it be He doesn't want you to waste money by foreclosing? I don't have the answers, Gentle, but I don't believe God feels any reason to test your faith when you have already been tested so much. <P>Self-defense is legitimate and so is helping your husband if he is just unable to do things to help you right now. Don't shame him by losing your house if you have any control over the situation. If not, accept your lot and go forward with a smile.<P>I pray for a break in this situation and for you to understand what it is you have to do. It's okay to have doubts - you aren't doubting the Lord's love, you're just doubting what to do about the house and your husband which is very different. If God made you capable, I don't think He wants you to lose that gift, as long as it isn't a source of pride or strife.<P>God bless you and your family today and every day. <BR>
Posted By: RidenSober Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/25/01 04:02 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tryingtohope:<BR>Dearest gentle,<P>It is through your faith and stregnth that I have been able to hang one more day on more than opne occasion. I am so sorry to hear how your little girls are taking this. I shed some tears for you as read your last post. It made me think of my step daughter, that I have not seen in two months, I will continue top pray tha god touches your husbands heart, that he protects and gives your daughter courage, the he keeps you close tohim and gives you the stregnth you need at this tin.<BR>In Jesus Name I ask these thing amen<BR>
Posted By: alone1 Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/26/01 04:58 AM
dear Gentle,<P> I am trying to keep up with you by reading MB.May God give you strength and encourage you,bless your children.<P> You sister in Christ ,beth
Posted By: Tryingtohope Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/26/01 08:14 PM
Lord, please guide Gentle and help her to understand Your will. Please lead her husband home and draw them closer to You. Lift up her spirit today, and allow her to feel the love of friends and especially Your love. She is a shining example; please help her through this very difficult time. Amen.
Posted By: gentle Re: Prayers to save our home. - 04/28/01 12:58 AM
Everyone,<P>Prayer request over 20 post...Praise God!!<P>I am here still holding on. Please go to post...To Gentle...<BR>and read my post there. I don't know how to do the link thing yet. Anyway, I didn't want to have to post again.<BR>Thanks for all the prayers and support.<P>gentle
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