Marriage Builders
Posted By: ItsInHisHandsNow Pray for My Children - 05/18/04 03:01 PM
This was my prayer on
"Wife called me @ work angry. Wants 2 know how far I'm going 2 push religion down our kids throats? Said she bore them n won't b able 2 relate 2 them because of my xtreme beliefs. She will call the police if I don't stop. I want them 2 grow up w/love n fear of God. Wife didn't, n even though she was faithful 2 me, she has no forgiveness in her heart. Satan has a grip on her soul. I'm scared 4 her."

Since I wrote this, she has gone into my things and the Restore Ministries books, tapes from other Christian ministries (she called them cults) and is basically going on a rampage to destroy me. She is making copies of the literature and giving it to her atty. She even called the CCD (religious ed) where our D goes and told them that our D is not going to attend any more. I spoke with Sister <name> and she said she has delt with women like my W before, and not to worry.
My heart is not at peace right now. I'm praying for my M to be saved, and my W to be saved and now I have to face this.
Please keep me in your prayers as I don't know what is going to happen when I get home.

God bless,
Posted By: lupolady Re: Pray for My Children - 05/19/04 05:31 AM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by ItsInHisHandsNow:
<strong>Please keep me in your prayers as I don't know what is going to happen when I get home.
</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I'll tell you what you are going to do.........
you are going to PRAISE GOD!!!

Seriously, IIHHN, I want you to spend the rest of today (before going home) PRAISING GOD with all you've got in you!!!

PRAISE HIM that the nun totally understands the spiritual battle your W is trying to win (but can't!) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

PRAISE GOD that if W does go to the police they are going to call her WEIRD for calling them cause her H takes their children to church?? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />

I STILL BELIEVE God is working on her big time, and she's battling it BIG TIME. Satan is upset, and she's being pulled in many directions.....toward her home, her family, toward God Himself. This spiritual battle is causing a major conflict in her soul, and the ONLY person she can "blame" is she does. And you get sucked into it......

STAY ABOVE IT. Stay focused on God. HE IS AT WORK.

Believe it. Pray about it. PRAISE GOD for it.

And I will do it as well.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">

We come to you today acknowledging that YOU are the all-knowing, all-loving, JUST and GOOD GOD of the Universe. Father God, we PRAISE YOU for your Works, knowing that you NEVER waste a lesson, or an act of love, and that Your Words never return to You void. Lord, we know you love us more than we can even understand.

Father, knowing that You love us even more than we can understand, help us lean on you more. Help us trust you more. Lord, give us eyes to see Your Love, a heart to feel Your Love. Give us Your Spirit in a fresh and new way. Help us in our weakness of faith. Give us faith to have peace and trust IN YOU. Teach us to live a fruitful life everyday in every circumstance.

We ask for all Good things that You want to give your children. Father God, we know we are your children. Lord, give us that child-like quality that Pleases you to trust and remain calm in the midst of the storm....knowing you are at work in smoothing out all the rough spots in the road ahead for us.

We love you and praise you, Jesus. If it weren't for your sacrifice for us, we wouldn't know up from down.....we wouldn't have eternal life w/you in paradise to look forward to.

Accept us as we are, Father, and make us more Christ-like each day.

</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
Posted By: steadfast and committed Re: Pray for My Children - 05/18/04 06:21 PM

Have you ever seen a cornered animal when it is being chased? It pulls out all the stops uses whatever arsenal it has at it's disposal to intimidate the hunter.

Lupo is right and the Sister is seeing clearly. Praise God for her struggle.

Don't let the enemy intimidate you. For he that is in you is greated than he that is in the world. Take courage in that my friend.

Stay above it. Stay focused on God. HE IS AT WORK! ...good words.

You and your family are always in my prayers.

Bless you.

Posted By: ItsInHisHandsNow Re: Pray for My Children - 05/19/04 03:54 AM
Well, I didn't handle it properly. I have never heard my W scream so loud in our relationship. I won't go through the details because you all have heard her comments/criticisms/etc. about me in previous postings. My dumb mistake is keeping my mouth shut. I have the uncontrollable urge to defend myself in some things when she is completely wrong. I then also agree when she is right. But it doesn't matter if I cry when she is right, or speak softly, or anything (the crying in the past was my natural feeling, as was the soft replies at other times). But no matter how I react, she pumbles(sp) me over and over again.

If only we could have these fights in a counselor's office, where someone could regulate the give and take of the argument. Because no matter what she talks and talks and...until she all of a sudden wants an answer. Then she
godes(sp) me into replying (quite easily since I am dying to reply), and I am caught in a trap. I pray to God to keep silent and I really need his help. I feel the only way I will ever get to say anything is if I write a letter to her; which will end up in her atty's hands anyway. But since I am not getting an atty, uncontested divorce (ItsInHisHandsNow), does it really matter what I say to her, or write to her.

She is so furious now she is threatening to tell our D, 8 years old, that the reason Mommy is divorcing Daddy is because Daddy had a girlfriend. Should I tell our D first? Our D already knows I did something horrible to Mommy and that is why she won't forgive me.

I couldn't take it any longer and after several times telling her "Enough. Leave me alone. I want to go to sleep.", I threatened her by saying I would call the police because she was verbally abusing me. TOTALLY STUPID ON MY PART! When she won't let up I end up threatening. I don't have the inner strength to last in these bouts. If she just wanted me to listen, I could that. But when she asks questions, and I refuse to answer because I know it will further the fight, I finally give up, give in, give an answer, which she doesn't accept anyway. Why is it the Devil gives her the strength to keep fighting me and it shows up so easy for her; but I find it difficult to find the peace God wants me to have? Should I just NOT SAY A WORD AT ALL?

Interesting thing on the way home from work. After reading lupo's and S&C's replies, I tried to praise God for this, but I couldn't. I told God that my W never got all the anger out with me, in therapy or alone. So...what does He give me when I get home...WWIII. And I am not up for the battle. I have no diplomacy, and I feel like there is only one set of "footprints" in the sand and they're mine.

Your replies, prayers, scriptures, ANYTHING is desired because the enemy is wearing me down. My defenses are down and I don't feel much spiritual support. I know God is there, BUT, I don't sense/feel His interaction/influence during this.

Another point. Last night I had a revelation that I didn't like. I was reading one of the Psalms and I discovered that I love the Lord, but, I don't have a fear of the Lord. This scares me.

Back to tonight. My W met with the sister and told her about my sexual addiction and the sister was surprised. She also showed concern/surprise that I am exploring other Christian info. I thought I had told the sister about the Internet and my addiction, but apparently I did not and got caught in a lie with my W. I haven't spoken to the sister yet, so....

I haven't lost hope, and, I am praying every day, several times a day for my W, and her soul, and other important prayers (MB, RMI, my children, govt officals, the military, the poor and homeless, etc.). I am just believing her feelings about me more and more: I ama rotten, s-bag of a man; I will always be a sex addict, lier, controlling lonely man, who doesn't know what love is because I don't love myself. It's amazing how someone I love so much can cause such immense pain to my very being. Well, I caused her her pain first and if she didn't love me at one time (don't see the slightest glimmer now) it wouldn't her so much now.

I'm typed out. Typing is a good relief, but I wish I could talk to someone. I wish God would talk to me. I asked God to show me license plates like He did for a restored couple on the Rejoice Ministries this past week.

Abba, Daddy. Please speak to Your son, who is a sinner; who is going through so much emotional pain that I will cry myself to sleep tonight. Show me Your Will and plans for me. Comfort me in my anguish, and show me what I should do. Have the Holy Spirit place words in my mouth that will make me humble. Give me integrity with everything, especially my interaction with Marie. Give me words that heal, not wound. Make me accoutable for my actions, and not give excuses/reasons for my actions/infidelity. Soften Marie's heart and show me what I need to do in order to show her I am not a fanatic, that I truly believe (know) You exist and love me; that You also love her as well, and are waiting for her to come to You.
I ask this by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

God bless,
Posted By: hopeful98 Re: Pray for My Children - 05/19/04 04:33 AM

I'm sorry I don't have any advice to give. Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you.

One thing I will say is: DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

Lord, please be with Genesius. Comfort him Father. Let him see that those footsteps in the sand really are yours and not his. Open his eyes Lord to whatever it is he still needs to learn. Give him wisdom when speaking with Marie. Soften her heart Lord. Open her eyes to see that Genesius really is changing for the better and loves her dearly. Father we know you are working in her life, we just can't see it. Give us the patience we need to see the wonderful plans you have for our marriages and our families to be back together. Father, we trust in You and believe in You. Give us the strength we need to overcome and not give in to the enemy's attacks. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

God Bless!

Posted By: ItsInHisHandsNow Re: Pray for My Children - 05/19/04 09:43 AM
Thanks everyone for your prayers.
Posted By: StandingTogether Re: Pray for My Children - 05/20/04 03:11 PM
Hey G (hope you don't mind the new nickname),

I was praying to try to find the right words to comfort you or to give you some hope, some peace. What do you know? I read your other thread about your FIL so I'm going to quote you by saying:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">
Just remind me of this when I am down.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You know, my H told me a long time ago that it didn't matter what he said to me, I always found a way to use it against him or just explode anyway. So guess what? He stopped talking to me! When he would try to talk to me about anything & it would hit the wrong nerve w/me or something, I would explode upon him like a volcano! He, in turn, would tune me out. He would put the remote louder (I know this sounds real childish) or just not respond to me when I would ask & ask & ask questions. I had to learn (through my own stubbornness) to TALK to him, not shout & then I would get the response I desired.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Interesting thing on the way home from work. After reading lupo's and S&C's replies, I tried to praise God for this, but I couldn't. I told God that my W never got all the anger out with me, in therapy or alone. So...what does He give me when I get home...WWIII. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">You're exactly right. And how you handle it is the test. Will you return blow for blow or will you just let her blow off her steam? You have to remember, the Devil gets his energy from anger, fear, mistrust, etc. All those nasty little feelings and when we combat them with the same, we feed him even more. When we combat them with the armour of God, we come out victorious.

Don't worry, G, let her blow off her steam. And I wouldn't worry about the atty if you choose to write her a letter. Actually, that might be a good idea. You could convey your feelings of remorse, etc., a very loving letter expressing your desire to start a new M and if she gives to the atty, what will they do w/it? Use a LOVE letter AGAINST you? Sounds ridiculous to me.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> I know God is there, BUT, I don't sense/feel His interaction/influence during this.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yes, he is. Just look at your other thread.

G, we're all here for you. You wanted some scripture, but I'm at work & can't provide any right now. I will though later tonight. God's peace be w/you today, G.

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