Marriage Builders
Posted By: Bryanp Counselors Fail Marriage Test - 03/04/03 03:24 AM
I just read the following article from the February 28th issue of The Week magazine. What do you guys think about it?


"If you want an accurate reading of your marital happiness, don't ask a therapist-ask another married couple. Reasearchers at the University of California, Berkeley, showed subjects videotapes of couples discussing their relatiohships. They asked the subjects to gauge the video couples' marital satisfaction and likelihood of staying married, then compared their answers with what the couples themselves reported now, years later. People in long-term satisfactory marriages, it turns out, were best at detecting good marriages. People in unhappy long-term marriages were next best, followed by newleyweds and divorcees. Religious counselors placed fifth, followed by therapists, psychology graduate students, and undergraduates. Academic marital "experts" came in last. The highest scorers were those "who've undergone marital transition," such as reaching a 50th anniversarry or divorcing, co-author Rachel Ebling tells the San Francisco Chronicle. She says professionals probably scored lower because they deal exclusively with troubled couples, and so are unable to recognize happy ones."
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