Marriage Builders
Posted By: tummytuck Exposing the Affair - 04/26/04 07:04 AM
I just want to know people's opinions on exposing the affair. Our families live on the other side of the world (we're in Asia) and apart from my sister, I haven't yet told them of my husband's affair. I feel like they are so far away and really cannot help us. They will be so worried about me and their grandchildren that I don't want to tell. Yet I find I am deceiving them when they call. It's almost like I'm protecting him but it's not my intention. Any advice?
Posted By: MelodyLane Re: Exposing the Affair - 04/26/04 12:07 PM
Well, they should be worried, shouldn't they? You will feel much better if you tell the truth. They can help you in many ways and they really do need to know this.
Posted By: Octobergirl Re: Exposing the Affair - 04/26/04 12:27 PM

I think you'll find that most of us are going to recommend that you tell your families.Yes they may live far away but exposing the A to as many people as possible can shed more light on the fantasy of the A.

It would be protecting your WH and even though your families are not close,they are only a telephone call away and they could be a valuable support system.You also will not have to keep covering your tracks so as not to spill the beans.That will get tiresome after a while.Be open and honest with them.

Posted By: believer Re: Exposing the Affair - 04/26/04 01:30 PM
Tell them. I told family, workmates, neighbors, everyone. Don't keep the A in the dark. Expose it.
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