Marriage Builders
Posted By: mrh52 Address search, need advice - 12/07/04 09:17 PM
Long story short...My wife has been involved in an email affair with old boyfriend. Very sexually explicit. I also get the impression there was phone sex involved. How do I know? Long story.

The old boyfriend is also a married man (for less than a year!!). The old boyfriend lives in another town but wants to make four hour drive to meet my wife for some sex. I confront my wife. Boo hoo <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" /> "But we were just flirting", she says. She insists she was not having a physical affair and would have never gone through with it. Of course, in my mind there will always be some doubt about that. However, I do have to mention that there were some mitigating circumstances that support her claim. Nevertheless, one of the disturbing aspects of this is that she does not see this as having an “affair” because it wasn’t physical.

Meanwhile, I have printed copies of the emails, which contain the OM’s cell phone number, his work phone number, and his wife's first name. I feel obligated to inform the OM’s wife about his indiscretions. And by doing so, I intend to discourage any future indiscretions. In order to do this I need to obtain the OM's mailing address. The most I have to go on is his cell phone number and his last name. I have found a number of websites that offer address searches using cell phone numbers. But, before I invest my hard-earned money, I’m wondering if anyone here has had any experience using one of these websites for such purposes. If so, were you successful? Can anyone provide any reliable search sources or other recommendations for helping me achieve my goal?

Thanks in advance


<small>[ December 07, 2004, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: mrh52 ]</small>
Posted By: Orchid Re: Address search, need advice - 12/07/04 09:20 PM
Go to google and look up reverse address/phone # searches. They will take you to places like and other sites that are free. If you don't get what you need, then you will have to pay the bucks for the research. Again check google and decide. It doesn't cost that much to get an address.

What are you gonna do once you get this address? What are you planning to say to his W?

take care

<small>[ December 07, 2004, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Orchid ]</small>
Posted By: worthatry Re: Address search, need advice - 12/07/04 09:23 PM
I don't have any experience with that, but.......

Before you act on any address you obtain, what are you doing to work on your marriage?

I strongly recommend you get hot on Plan A in the meantime and maybe, just maybe, your wife will end things on her own and send OM a no contact letter with a copy to his wife. This may be a long shot, but give it a try before you go off on your own.

If she continues contact, go for the full monty exposure to OM's wife.
Posted By: dalson Re: Address search, need advice - 12/07/04 11:52 PM
go to with a first and last name and city they are from you can get home tn address and spouses name for 8 bucks. i would reccomend calling instead of writing a letter you can better present your case.
the best part of this website is it will show you the names and ages b4 you have to pay a dime. for more mone you can check criminal records and everything.
been there done that. best 8 bucks i ever spent.
Posted By: VnusMars Re: Address search, need advice - 12/08/04 12:05 AM
My BS/WW had only the cell phone # for one of my OW and was able to, by using an online "detective" investigations service, get her full name, her street address, and I believe some other information.
She paid about $80 for what she got.

Of course, she used the info to call the OW and drill her for details, which the then-jaded-and-looking-for-revenge FOW was happy to supply. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

Most of the reverse lookup engines will have links to such services too, since many of them are "public records."
Posted By: believer Re: Address search, need advice - 12/08/04 12:25 AM
Somebody earlier today suggested
Posted By: chackler Re: Address search, need advice - 12/08/04 01:33 AM
There is also I would pay attention to what WAT said as well...
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