Marriage Builders
Posted By: much mahal can I write PBL if no proof of a real EA - 02/19/05 12:11 AM
I'm in the process of getting my plan B together. I have talked to a couple of lawyers and will talk to 1 more next week. They told me that I need to come to an agreement with my WH as far as if he'll pay for the mortgage and the amount of child support. So I hope when I talk to my WH he will be willing to move out.

As of now, I do not know the situation between my WH and the OW. They talk very frequently and as of the last conversation I recorded between the 2 of them there is nothing lovey dovey. Just conversation. So should I even write a plan B letter or so I alter it to fit my situation. I don't think I should tell him not to talk to OW but I'll have to tell him that I know they still talk frequently and it still hurts me?! What do you think?

Also, if I do the plan B letter... is there a way I can plan B effectively without a mediator? I have no family in the area and I don't think my friends want to get involved with my situation.
Ok - retracting my previous posts......found your others. Sorry this is happening!


<small>[ February 18, 2005, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: tanelornpete ]</small>
I must be missing a lot of your story - better check on past threads - ....

I really feel you could plan B. Though you have no proof of a real EA, you actually DO.

He is talking with this woman more than he is talking to you. He is turning his emotional investment to someone else. Even if he really hasn't become enamored officially with her in a romantic way he IS communicating and investing his expressions of thought to her and not to you.

She IS in the way of any sort of true marital rebuilding.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> She IS in the way of any sort of true marital rebuilding. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">This is definitely true... although he is in the fog and won't believe so.

In the letter, should I tell him I want him to end contact with OW? or shall I just say how it makes me feel? I am afraid to anything more to him about OW... to him I think I know everything and I'm always putting words in his mouth. I do not want to do that unless necessary. Also, do I include no contact with OW as a requirement for reconciliation?
Posted By: CarenMc Re: can I write PBL if no proof of a real EA - 02/19/05 03:48 AM

Have you plan Aed? I have posted to you before about trying to find out about the A, and if it is going on, but don't recall anything about you plan Aing......

hi carenmc...just saw your are a veryattractive lady...and this is seeing you with my fixed
Hi Caren, I have been plan Aing. I think it was 2 post ago where I talked about that. I have shown him that I am a great wife and I have done some exposing (although I am still working on this). I am at the point where I am fed up with him and vice versa. He says i'm weird and the things I do are weird, he talks constantly under under his breath, and always has something smart to say. He has no respect for me and the love I feel for him is slowly diminishing.

Based on that I was told that I should prepare for plan B. I think I will have to or else I'll lose any respect and the love I still feel for my WH.

I recorded his phone conversation again today and the only that happened was that he let the baby cry for a good 5 mins before he did anything about it. He was trying to calm the baby down so he could have his conversation with her. Don't get me wrong... he's a great dad but when I noticed this, oh it made me mad.

But I preparing myself for this separation.
I've been trying not to think about it but it worked until I looked on his cell phone again to see if he had any text messages from her. There are a lot on the days he is off from work. So now i'm back to thinking about plan B again. Originally I was thinking I would do it March 3 or 4th because his sister will be in town next weekend and we are suppose to plan a get-together for my WH's birthday. But now I'm not sure how long I can keep this up. Two weeks is just to long for me to wait.

Can anyone else provide advice as to how I should write this plan B letter?
Errrr... where are the people I need to talk to when feeling like this. <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" /> How do I find the strength to plan A for another 2 weeks when I will plan B? I am tired of all his smart comments... I can't handle it anymore. I cannot take all this pain he is inflicting on me. I do not need someone putting me down all the time.

Stupid me... I just called my MIL hoping to talk to someone. That was pointless... she didn't really want to talk about it even though that wasn't the reason I called but of course I had to say something about it.

Now my Sister IL is coming and i agreed that we'd throw him his birthday party. I don't think I can do it anymore. I may have to call it off.

Gosh, I just need someone to talk to. <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />
Posted By: Extropy Re: can I write PBL if no proof of a real EA - 02/20/05 04:18 AM
I'm afraid I don't have anything to add except that someone out here is listening.

It is impossible to move if there is still contact with the OW <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />
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