Marriage Builders
Every year The National Marriage Project completes a study on major trends in Marriage and Family and calls it The State of Our Unions: 20XX. This year's essay by David Popenoe discusses the dramatic effect of a broad cultural shift away from religion and towards "secular individualism."

It really is sad that our culture is moving away from the most basic structure of civilization, the nuclear family. I know I was moving towards secular individualism for many years, although my core values always revolved around marriage and family.

This essay is an eye-opening is one paragraph from the essay:

Marriage promotion and marriage education are essential steps, but in order fully to rebuild the institution of marriage there would probably have to be a cultural shift of a more fundamental nature. Modern cultures would need to pull back from the now dominant thrust of secular individualism—the excessive pursuit of personal autonomy, immediate gratification, and short-term personal gain—and give greater emphasis to issues of community and social solidarity. This could come about through a growing realization, based on rational self-interest, that our personal happiness and sense of well-being over the long course of life are less affected by the amount of independence, choice, bodily pleasure and wealth we are able to obtain than by the number of stable, long-term and meaningful relationships we have with others. (16) And through a greater recognition of the fact that short-term adult interests can be in conflict with the long-term health and wellbeing of children, and that our children’s welfare has everything to do with the future of our nation.

Here is a link to the essay: The State of Our Unions 2007 - The Future of Marriage in America

The National Marriage Project is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, interdiscilinary initiative located at Rutgers University. The mission of this group is to reasearch and analyze information and trends affecting marriage, family and the well-being of children.


Thanks LoBoy, I skimmed through it and will read it more carefully in a little while. What I read looks pretty much on the mark.
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