Marriage Builders
Posted By: Amazin From A Veteran: Thanks For Your Support. - 05/26/08 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by ForeverHers
On this day of remembrance...

Thank you to all who have worn the uniform, who have stood in the breech in our place, who have fallen so that we don't have to fall, who gave all they could give so that we can continue to have the right to choose (rightly or wrongly), who believed that freedom from tryranny and the oppression of others was "worth fighting for."

Thank you for STANDING.

May God be with your families and strengthen them and comfort them and may all of us KNOW that evil is real and evil MUST be opposed, even if it costs us all we have.

Thank you for being a servant of us all.

And thank you Lord Jesus, for loving us and loving the Father as you chose to do, standing between His righteous wrath and our own folly. May we walk as You walked.

Originally Posted by aussieswife
I just had to do this after watching a doco on TV and those horrible days came back to me and the Army told me and the children to prepare for the worst. But that didn't happen thank God.

I wish to thank all your servicemen and women who have given and still give so much not only to you in the US but to many in this world. My family appreciates it more than you could ever know.

I especially wish to thank that Blackhawk helicopter pilot and his crew... whoever they were .. who landed under fire and took my wounded husband and his team out of that desert hell a few years ago.
(Of course SOME husbands might of learnt from that you would think crazy )

So from someone who cares and will not forget all of ours and yours ...

Unto God‘s gracious mercy and protection we commit them. The Lord bless them and keep them. The Lord make his face to shine upon them, and be gracious unto them. The Lord lift up his countenance upon them, and give them peace, both now and evermore. Amen.

Originally Posted by believer

And thanks to all of those still fighting, still away from home supporting, and still serving. It is a huge personal and family sacrifice. My family and I appreciate and will be forever grateful to you.

These are just a few of the comments from here on the Marriage Builder’s message board. I am currently on active duty and this is just a small slice of the appreciation I hear from citizens like you every day.

I can’t count how many times that my shipmates and I have been in uniform out in town when a complete stranger goes out of their way to say “Thank you for your service”.

I can’t count how many times I’ve taken my sailors out to eat lunch only to have a patriotic citizen anonymously pay our bill.

I can’t eloquently express the thanks that I have for living in a country with citizens that appreciate and love their veterans like you. For a long time when someone would say to me “Thank you for your service” I didn’t know how to respond. Usually it was an awkward “Uh... you’re welcome”... Until recently...


It really makes me proud and makes me tear up when I say....

“Thank you for your support”
My children and I on more than one occasion have adopted a soldier.
The first one was when the war first broke out. He was a young man of only 21. We sent letters and pix of our family and the kids, gosh they were really young then, like 5 or 6, drew pictures and such. Well, that soldier wrote us back and sent us pictures too. It was so nice. Then his family and his fiance emailed me to say thank you. Talk about tearing up! When he got home they told us they got married and she was expecting. Last we heard he had been deployed again. We did not hear anymore after that. My kids still now, at age 10, ask about that soldier.

We recently adopted another one. This time I sent a note to my kids classes to see if they could all write a letter. Well, they did and they just a few weeks ago finally got a letter back. She wrote to EVERY SINGLE STUDENT WHO WROTE TO HER! Bless her heart. I don't know how she found the time but she was so appreciative she wanted to thank each child. I am tearing up thinking about it.

You have all of this family's support Amazin and all others out there serving.

We all sleep a little better at night because of you.

Amazin, what amazes me is how only one other member seems to have posted anything in the way of a simple "Thank You." Today is not Veterans Day, I understand that. But today is the day we honor our servicemen and servicewomen who have given their lives to secure our freedom. 70 "views" of the thread, as of this post, I posted this morning and not one "Thank You, Veterans."

Sad. I know we each have our problems, but none that costs us our lives.

Time for me to go listen to Lee Greenwood and honor our members of the military.

Freedom is not free. Freedom is very costly.

Freedom from sin cost Jesus His life to make it available to us.

Freedom from evil in the world that would like nothing better than to destroy freedom has cost many their lives to secure freedom for all of us.

And we tend to not acknowledge either sacrifice.

I wonder just what we are coming to when we don't appreciate, let alone honor, the sacrifices others have made so we can abuse our freedom or honor it as we so choose.

Thanks for your service, Amazin.

P.S. Great job, mlhb. Thanks for what you and the children have done!
I usually sing a song at church around this time of year. I will post it here. It is by Twila Paris.


He was 21 in 1944
He was hope and he was courage on a lonely shore
Sent there by a mother
With love beyond her tears
Just a young American who chose to rise above his fears

And as I watch him struggle up that hill
Without a thought of turning back
I cannot help but wonder...

What did he die for
When he died for you and me
Made the sacrifice
So that we could all be free
I believe we will answer each to Heaven
For the way we spent the priceless liberty
Look inside and ask the question
What did he die for
When he died for me

To the darkest day
In AD 33
Came the mercy and compassion of eternity
Sent there by a Father
With love beyond his tears
Blameless One the only Son to bare the guilt of all these years

And as I watch him struggle up that hill
Without a thought of turning back
I cannot help but wonder...

(repeat above chorus)

He died for freedom
He died for love
And all the things we do to pay him back
Will never be enough

What did he die for
When he died for you and me
Made the sacrifice
So that we could all be free
I believe we will answer each to Heaven
For the way we spent the priceless liberty
Look inside and ask the question
What did he die for
When he died for me


P.S. it is but a small thing that my children and I can do and we enjoy doing it.
Posted By: iam Re: From A Veteran: Thanks For Your Support. - 05/27/08 12:12 AM
I'm a veteran myself. I don't mention that for some pointless thanks. I ask those who don't appreciate veterans to dig a hole in their back yard and live in it for a week. Spend a week in dis-comfort. Live without food. Live without water. Live without company.

Please, remember your veterans!
Posted By: Zonie65 Re: From A Veteran: Thanks For Your Support. - 05/27/08 04:46 AM
Just had to post here with a comment, and a shameless plug for an organization that I have the privilege to be with. One of the things I struggle with so mightily is that my FWW will never know the pain she has caused me. And, like my fellow combat vets on this board understand, you can NEVER relate the feeling of brotherhood and love we shared when we fought together. I can't expect someone who has never been there, to feel what I'm feeling, be it wife or citizen. I expected my wife to understand my pain, and I expect our citizens to share the sense of honor and commitment we vets share. Those are lofty goals. A simple "I'm sorry" from my wife, or a heartfelt "thank you" from a citizen is all I need, but that is so hard to come by because perhaps understand they can never feel what we feel, be it a BS or a Vet. So ForeverHers, perhaps it's not a disregard for the sacrifice, but an understanding that it's very hard to relate to. I'm not sure, but I love the attempts at Thank You.

This Holiday is a tough one for me. I've cried most of the weekend and watched movies with FWW such as "Saving Private Ryan" to help her understand that today isn't about Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and a day off of work. It's a day to reflect and remember. I am very depressed today for the magnitude of what my day off of work represents, and do all that I can to honor it. I wish we all could have the same sense of commitment to self and others as our heroes do. When FWW and I have scheduled our 15 hours of uninterrupted time, I try and spend some of my free time riding time with an organization called the Patriot Guard Riders . It's not as much as I would like, but some folks here might be members as well. But, if you are unaware, please take a moment to look at that site, the mission, and the comfort it brings the families of the fallen. I have a renewed sense of commitment when I read the "Letters of Appreciation" on the site from the families of the fallen. I get another chance at life, or at least as I know it in terms of my marriage. These men gave us another chance...period.

For me Memorial Day is a day in which I choose to Honor people who hold values such as commitment, honor, love, and courage paramount to anything else in life. It's a tough day.
FH, you are absolutely right.....

It may be a day late, but my gratitude for the men and women who fight and give of their LIVES so I can enjoy mine.... You are truly the heros in my life.

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