Marriage Builders
G'Morning all-<p>
I hope I don't get flamed for putting up this topic compared to all the heavy stuff. Just seems like I can count on people here to understand what I'm trying to do and what I'm dealing with.<p>I've been spending a lot more time doing things with my kids the last few months. This has to involved everything from the fun stuff to house chores. Sometimes, with as disconnected as my WW seems from me, I feel like a single parent. My W says she is going to get a lot of chores done and do stuff with our boys but then it seems there is always someone at work she needs to help or someother work related emergency that can't wait.<p>Anyway, I know this doesn't exactly follow the line of threads on this forum lately but, here it goes. If Christmas cookies are going to get made, I'm going to have to do it alone with the kids. I've got a couple of good recipes for other kinds of cookies that I traditionally make, but I'm looking for one to make good cut-out cookies. I'd rather not use the store pre-mix stuff and anyway the kids like measuring stuff out and look cute with flour on their faces. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] <p>I'd appreciate any links or recipes for some tried and true cut-out cookies that the kids and I can have fun with. Thanks.<p>HoFS
Posted By: sing Re: cookie recipe-keeping busy with the kids - 12/03/01 04:12 PM
not a cookie recipe but a fun tthing to do with kids<p>if you have a hot air popper
pop without the top on
let your kids try & catch the popcorn in their bowls<p>great memory making fun<p>if I gave you cookie recipe, they burn my cookies alwasy burn<p>You go, boy!!! I feel sorry that your W is missing out on all this fun...we did this for Halloween and it was a blast. We all enjoyed it.<p>Maybe when she sees y'all having fun, she'll wander in. If not, then just enjoy this memory making with the kiddos, they WILL remember it, I promise. <p>"Remember when Dad made those cookies that..."<p>HUGS.
Posted By: Wiffle Re: cookie recipe-keeping busy with the kids - 12/03/01 04:42 PM
I was just about to post the same link! Diddallas beat me to it! That site also has some other great Christmas candy and dessert recipes. We are making the Hard Rock Candy this weekend to give as gifts. The kids love it!<p>Yes, you just go on and keep making the memories. Enjoy your holiday!
Thanks for the great thread HoFS. My kids were just asking me last night if we could do the XMAS sugar cookie thing this year. Now I know where to get some recipies.<p>Thanks for the link diddallas.<p>Happy Baking!!<p>Michele
Thanks all for the help. Diddallas, that web site is really full of interesting ideas. Looks like I shouldn't have any trouble finding something to use.<p>Sing, and to think, I never imagined what fun I could have with that hot-air popper that I gave away several years ago. I saw a guy making kettle corn the other day at an outdoor food booth and now I understand why he was wearing a face shield! [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] <p>Happy baking to you all. Thanks for the encouragement with the kids.<p>HoFS
Saaaaay...could ya send one of them cookies my way? I love them and I'm tooo lazy to make 'em.<p>I love recipes sites...I print bunches and never cook them!
diddallas-<p>Can you say pleeeeeeeeeease? I'll have to see if any are left over after the kids and I get through with them. I wonder if I can post one on the forum for ya'. I don't think you are really serious. You've just got the late night munchies anyway. Wish me luck. I'll try to keep them from getting extra-crispy.<p>HoFS
Posted By: sing Re: cookie recipe-keeping busy with the kids - 12/06/01 06:20 AM
if you haven't made cookies yet check out this board. there are several recpies here, most sound out of this world.<p><p>I know that Nancy D is famous for her cookies, hence Cookie monster as her avatar.<p>peanut balls are good also.<p>[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: sing ]</p>
Posted By: kevco- Re: cookie recipe-keeping busy with the kids - 12/06/01 03:13 AM
Don't have a link, but here are a couple of winners (well, one winner and one that I just made up- but it's pretty good).<p>Cheesecake crust:
1 1/2 Cups macaroon cookie crumbs
Press into 9" springform pan, bake at 325F for 15 min.<p>Tempting Trifle Cheesecake:
3 @ 8 ounce cream cheese softened
3/4 cup sugar
4 eggs
1/2 cup whipping cream
2 Tablespoons sweet sherry
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup sour cream<p>Combine cream cheese & sugar @ medium speed until well blended.
Add eggs one at a time, mixing well.
Blend in sour cream, whipping cream, sherry, & vanilla.
Pour into pan, bake 325 F for 70 minutes.<p>Optional: whip remaining whipping cream with powered sugar for a WONDERFUL, REAL whipped cream topping.<p>
Egg Nog Cheesecake (this is the one I made up from above).
3 @ 8 ounce cream cheese softened
3/4 cup sugar
3 eggs
3/4 cup(to taste)egg nog
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup sour cream<p>Combine cream cheese & sugar @ medium speed until well blended.
Add eggs one at a time, mixing well.
Blend in sour cream, egg nog, nutmeg, & vanilla.
Pour into pan, bake 325 F for 70 minutes.
GAD! Aren't we just a bunch of Martha Stewarts here? LOL!<p>Hofs, no, I was quite serious! I wanna cookie! Puh-leeeeeeze! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img] <p>We baked some of those 'break and bake' deals over the weekend, filled up the cookie jar---got home yesterday and there was nothing but two little crumbs in the bottom! Oh, well. <p>SSShhhh! They don't know I stashed one package in the freezer for later.
diddallas-<p>So how do you even get the 'break-n-bake' cookies as far as the oven? Seems too easy just to go from break to mouth!!!<p>I'll be working on some cookies this weekend and maybe even give Kev's cheesecake a try. I know I don't have any sherry though. We'll see how patient the kids are. My W will be working most of the time so I'm sure the kids will get a little tired of being in the house with Martha Stewart Dad. They probably will need to get out some this weekend to continue window shopping and drooling so I may not get too much kitchen time. I'll try to save you some cookies!<p>HoFS
Geez, leave me a delusion or two, will ya?? I really like to tell myself that they made it to the hot place! (Cookie hell?)<p>I must confess that only some of them make it to the I'm shoving the pan into the oven, I'm also licking the residue from the 'raw' ones off my thumb.<p>Cake batter is good raw, too! H gets so grossed about--swears I'm gonna die from salmonella. Better that than being hit by a bus, I say.<p>[ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: diddallas ]</p>
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