Marriage Builders
Posted By: TowardsTheFuture Sample no-contact letter... - 12/28/01 08:34 PM
I have ceased contact with the OM for some time now, but I thought it would be a nice gesture to make it "final" by sending a no-contact letter and allowing my SO to see it with me.<p>1) Since I've already cut contact, would this be a bad thing to do now?
2) Are there any sample letters out there on the web or at this site? I looked but didn't see any.<p>Your help would be appreciated.
Posted By: Myownme Re: Sample no-contact letter... - 12/28/01 08:55 PM
How long has it been since no contact? Did you end things with OM, or just stop contact? My advice is to ask your SO what HE would be most comfortable with. I mean, if he believes contact has ended, why contact OM even with a no-contact letter? Just my opinion.<p>MOM
Posted By: mercy Re: Sample no-contact letter... - 12/29/01 02:01 AM
by sending the no contact letter, it is a "final" way to let go of it all. My no contact letter (tho it didnt mean anythig because i hadnt ENDED it before the NO contact, makes a difference)<p> no contact letter consisted of...we can no longer have contact..we were selfsih to behave in such a manner.i cannot continue to do this to my family. ?? i cant think of what else was in it...but that was the most important parts to me anyway. it was by far the hardest letter i have ever written. It was hard to say goodbye and really mean if you realy mean it...then write the letter....if you dont know....then...what would be the point? It cant be any going to miss you, i will always lvoe you.ect has to be to the point..meantioning selfishness.....i know surviving an affair realy goes into the contact letter...but there are some here who can share too.<p>i wish you all the lukc,
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