Marriage Builders
Posted By: SwH Has anyone seen Mortarman? - 04/07/03 06:46 PM
Hi Morar,

Just checking to see how it is going.
Posted By: Mortarman Re: Has anyone seen Mortarman? - 04/07/03 07:02 PM
Hey Sue! Thanks for checking on me. I will post an update probably tomorrow. But things are going pretty good. My wife has been home for a little over a week things are finally unboxed and we are starting to settle in. overall, considering the hell we have been thru...not bad. There are moments, but BOTH of us are trying.

The good thing is that our 10th anniversary is this Thursday and the two of us really want to do something together. Originally, we were going to go away for the weekend to the beach (her suggestion), but hse has three weeks left of school and has a ton of work to do before graduation. So, we will do something small this weekend...and wait until right after graduation, when she wants to go on a 5-7 day cruise...just her and I!

The kids are so happy now that she is home. My wife even admitted this morning that all of the stress she has carried thru the whole A is now leaving since she has gotten home. Her friends, etc have even commented on how much she laughs now.

We are starting to make so many plans again...short and long term. We have had our little setbacks over the last few weeks, but it seems she is interested in following the Harley principles and has really tried to meet my needs and to not LB herself. It is amazing.

If you look at my last thread, I am still having some issues when it comes to SF. She is not real happy with my stance right now, and I am trying to work through this. hopefully ,this will pass.

Anyway, a longer update soon. And thanks for the check up. By the's things on your end?

In His arms.
Posted By: SwH Re: Has anyone seen Mortarman? - 04/08/03 01:07 AM
I am glad to hear things are going good. I have no suggestions about the SF area, being a woman and all on what might help you. I suppose in time, that will pass as you regain your trust in her. It takes time.

My situation, nothing different. H sometimes better, sometimes not. As long as I stay focused on school, it does not bother me much. It is when I don't have school as a distraction, I have issues. So, I guess after May, I will be a wreck. But then again, I don't have that luxury, I still have to get to the Boards.

Good luck to Mrs MM on her finals and her Boards.

<small>[ April 07, 2003, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: Sue with hope ]</small>
Posted By: SwH Re: Has anyone seen Mortarman? - 04/08/03 01:07 AM
I am glad to hear things are going good.
Posted By: Mortarman Re: Has anyone seen Mortarman? - 04/08/03 02:15 PM
Well, its good that both my wife and you are winding things down. Have you applied anywhere for a position? My wife just got her dream job, and will be starting this summer. As a matter of fact, it is a hospital that is also putting her in an internship, so as she works, she will be getting her bachelors of nursing. so a great opportunity.

What area do you want to go into? My wife originally wanted to go into OB/GYN and deal with labor and delivery. But she has fallen in love with emergency medicine and wants to stay in the ER (that is where this first position is).

Good luck to you in these final weeks also and on the NCLEX!

In His arms.
Posted By: SwH Re: Has anyone seen Mortarman? - 04/08/03 10:38 PM
Hi MM,

I'm glad Mrs MM was accepted in her dream job. I've started applying around. I originally wanted OB also, or Peds. For the last year, I've wanted peds oncology. They don't usually hire new grads for this type of position, so I figure I will look for a position in a med surg area, so I can have a good background in all body systems, then try to get into an oncology or pediatric floor, from there I will try to get into pediatric oncology. I know, emotionally a tough area to work. I've applied at our local childrens hospital, we have a Nurses Job fair coming up soon. I am applying this week at the hospital that is connected to the childrens hospital.

Unfortunately, I could not work in a hospital while I was in school. I know that helps. Some of my classmates already have jobs lined up either on the floor they currently work or somewhere else in the hospital they work at. For me to take employment in a hospital would have meant a huge paycut for me. If my H had more stable employment, we could have done it. He is in construction, I don't know how it is in your area, but here in the North, come winter time, it is common to be unemployed. We save up for it, but you never know how long it will last, so you are always guessing how much to put away.

Last Christmas, H and I went to a Local chapter of his union's Christmas party, about 20 - 30 couples were there. My H was the only employed one there at that time. He was layed off in January. We were surprised because we expected him to be layed off much sooner, so we were happy he made it as long as he did.
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