Marriage Builders
Posted By: Jeremy Biblical right to divorce - 07/22/00 04:58 PM
Intersted to know everyone's feelings on the biblical right to divorce when your spouse betrays you and how it has played into your reactions and how you deal with the betrayal
Posted By: F A Re: Biblical right to divorce - 07/23/00 05:06 AM
Check out the thread by K......."FA..I found by Bible"
Posted By: max Re: Biblical right to divorce - 07/23/00 08:21 PM
p<p>[ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: max ]</p>
Posted By: hopefull_1 Re: Biblical right to divorce - 07/24/00 03:52 AM
Jesus is our example. The church is the bride of Christ. We have all sinned against Him. And while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. He did not have to. He had every "right" to let us die in our sins. He could have easily "divorced us."<P>Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;.(Ephesians 5:24-26)<P>Betrayal can be forgiven. The wounds can be healed. It's not easy, but it can be done. Getting both of you to work together on it is the first and most crucial step.<p>[This message has been edited by hopefull_1 (edited July 23, 2000).]
Posted By: hopelessly devoted Re: Biblical right to divorce - 07/24/00 03:03 PM
Jeremy, I totally think that hopefull_1, has given you a great answer from the biblical sense. If you into reading, I can suggest a really helpful book. It's called Adultery, The Forgivable Sin, by Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D. I am about halfway through the book myself and it has really opened my eyes and my heart. As hopefull said, Jesus could have easily "divorced" us, but his love, grace and mercy should be something we apply in our earthly day to day lives. Remember, when Jesus walked the earth, his commitment of love for His father, is what he demonstrated when dealing with sinners. If you can commit yourself to restoring the marriage and have lots of patience, and always turn to the Lord, you will see that your perseverence will be rewarded. Always remember, we are loved by Jesus and God, unconditonally (we are all sinners, in some way), that same love should be applied to the person that have legally and most importantly, biblically, committed yourself to. My prayers are with you, that you find the answer(s) that you seek.<P>Sincerely,<BR>HD<BR>
Posted By: no_dup47 Re: Biblical right to divorce - 07/24/00 03:13 PM
IMHO... I believe that God inteads for you to be married till death does you part, just as it is said in the vows that you take. In the old days there where no outs for the married couple having problems. Today it is as simple as getting a divorce. <BR>I think divorce breaks God's heart everytime but I think there are also certain that intitle you to a divorce even under God's law.<BR>We had a sermon at church on it once. According to the minister, there are 3 ways in which God accepts divorce, but I can only remember 2. One was adultery and the other was if your spouse demands that you choose between them and The Father.<BR>But the minister also said that even though that God accepts divorce under those circumstances like in the aspect of infidelity. Jesus taught of forgiveness and even though you would be entitled God still would like for things to be worked out and the marriage saved.<P>I agree with that outlook. To me, it feels right. <P>Genie
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