Marriage Builders
I cannot believe that WS has finally contacted my DD's teacher to find out about her progress at school. I don't know if I must be happy or sad but one thing I told my DD when she informed me is that I am proud of him.<p>Since D-day, 07-01 my D's school work has regressed to the point where teacher informed me in Nov 01 that she would have to repeat the Grade.
I informed teacher about our problem and it was then agreed that she could go over to the next grade but that I as a parent had to commit myself to spending, one hour per day with her and she also had to go for occupational therapy. It is not easy because I am a working mom. I get home at six the evening, whilst I am cooking she does her reading. After supper I spend the balance of the hour with her. <p>This devastated me, I was angry beyond words. When WS came to collect our DD's for their weekend with him, I lost control completely. I physically attacked him and I blamed him for her regression. Both of us ended up crying but that did not stop my WS from taking out a protection order against me. I was hurt. I could not believe that this man who loved his children so dearly, now did not carry their interest at heart. I, firstly fought for the survival of my marriage when he moved out little did I know that I will have to fight for the survival of the bond between father and daughters. All the promises of him being there for the children, his words "I want to be there for there schooling, I will take them during the week and sit with 9yo who have the problem at school. I want to be there when they are sick...........etc. This was heavy, very, very heavy fog talk. Nothing came of it.<p>With the beginning of the new school term in Jan 02, I send him a letter informing him about the first PTA, no response, again informing him about one on one meeting with teacher discussing our DD's specific problems, no response. I went on my knees after the second meeting and I prayed, my dear Lord, I am in this alone with my two children, please give me the strenght to be there for my 9yo and 3yo. Give me the strenght at night to sit with my DD and just be there for her.<p>Amazingly, things started falling into place. My 9yo who always hated school now loves her teacher and school. No more fights in the morning of wanting to sleep that extra minutes. When I get home from work now, her homework is completed , I must do the revision and maths with her. Thank you, Lord.<p>Now, after nine months my WS has suddenly woken up and realised that his DD is at school. Is this to appease his guilt or is the fog starting to lift. Only God knows. <p>I really don't know what to make of this new development. Is my Plan B starting to show results.
That's a hard question to answer. Your WH may be realizing he,too has responsibility. I hope for the sake of yourself and your DD's it continues. If it is just the beginning of the fog lift then things can regress at times. Nothing and I mean nothing is ever completely clear as we deal with all this.
Keep praying!
Hopefully he will realize that he will miss out on a lot if he is just a part time dad! Could be a slight clearing. Who knows!
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