Marriage Builders
Posted By: justthewife So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 05:51 AM
The family ranch is on the edge of the Hayman Fire. Dad, SMom, and the animals were evacuated yesterday. <p>No new evacuations ordered this morning by Teller County, so that could be good news. <p>SMom is as organized as all get out, so I'm sure she was ready with all the important papers and stuff, but I couldn't even ask about all the pictures....<p>I actually love to stand at the kitchen sink there, it's an amazing view of the mountains.<p>E
Posted By: Pepperband Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 06:04 PM
[img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: worthatry Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 06:09 PM
Hang tough, Liz.
Posted By: TinyDancer Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 06:16 PM
Praying for you and your family and all the other's in harm's way from the fire. Stay strong
justthewife - I live in Highlands Ranch, the smell of the fire has been terrible down here I can't imagine what it is like up there. <p>My thoughts are with you and your family.
Posted By: Resilient Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 06:35 PM
Liz, you have my ever so diligent prayers. <p>Fire is one of my worse fears. <p>Lv,
I also live in Colorado and my job is actually to help families stay on family ranches through a variety of means -- anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This fire is incredible. My sister lives near the Coal Seam Fire and was evacuated but didn't lose her house thank goodness.
Posted By: llama Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 06:46 PM
{{{{{{llama hhugs tto lliz}}}}}}}}}<p>Hang in there sista!<p>Llama
Thanks everyone. I'm such a mental case now. I've got the living room tv on CNN and the bedroom on MSNBC. I keep popping back and forth round the net looking for some kind of new update. It's just a waiting game, and I am not known for my patience. <p>If there is a place that could be called heaven on earth this is it. <p>The driveway is miles long, and winds up to the house. Our 2 goldens run to greet you, nasty tennis balls in their mouths. It's a toss up - ride the 4 wheelers or the horses first, or go into the kitchen and sit at the island and have some of Dads homemade salsa while SMom cooks for some unknown army. <p>Christmas there is finding the perfect 25 foot tree somewhere on the ranch and dragging the darn thing back to the house. The fireplace in the living room has a mantle with all the years of family Christmas pictures on it. SMom is the one who taught Martha Stewart about the perfect Christmas, so the decorations, the food, the wrapping on the presents, everything....<p>The kids have their own room there. SMom made it just for them. 2 sets of bunk beds, a closet for clothes and one for toys and books. The theme is cowboys of course, and she has little cowboy hats on each pillow.<p>Each bedroom (except for Dad & SMom's) has a little lined page blank book. One of those journal books you know? Every time anyone comes we write down when we came and what we did. All the little things about our visit.<p>I know that if it goes we could rebuild, and that the important thing is the people - not the physical things. One woman they know died from smoke inhalation yesterday. <p>Time to check the news again.<p>E <img src="graemlins/teary.gif" border="0" alt="[Teary]" />
Posted By: cleopatra Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 08:15 PM
JTW,<p>I sure hope your family and the ranch are safe.
Have you spoken with them today?<p>I can imagine how anxious you are awaiting word on the fire...<p>[ June 12, 2002: Message edited by: cleopatra ]</p>
<img src="graemlins/teary.gif" border="0" alt="[Teary]" /> <p>I hope they get this fire stopped soon.
I talked to Dad a little while ago, we've been checking in with each other every few hours. He sounds so sad. He does say that the ranch still stands though! <p>The horses are with my aunt and uncle quite a ways away, so they will be safe.<p>I'm going to go over to my sisters with the kids now so we can be together. We just talked and decided to go news free for a few hours. So, we are going to just sit on the porch and let the kids play outside and pretend everything is normal until after dinner when we call Dad again.<p>He said that he thinks the next 48 hours are going to be it. The fire will either take the ranch or they will get it under control. 48 hours is a reallllly long time.<p>Thanks again guys, once again you're keeping me relatively sane.<p>E
Posted By: daybreak Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 09:01 PM
justthewife,<p>Am sorry to hear about your situation, family farm and ranches are so very important. Stay strong and try to enjoy the few news free hours!!<p>Dawn [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img]
My heart breaks for you and your family Liz. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless!
Posted By: Dancer Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 11:08 PM
Thinking of you too JTW<p>Dancer
Posted By: sing Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 11:22 PM
Elizabeth,<p>thinking of you.
Posted By: layli Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/12/02 11:31 PM
You are in my prayers. Be strong [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: Knewjie Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 12:08 AM
Liz,<p>I didn't realize you are so close to [H] and I. You and your family are in our prayers. Hang in there and let us know.<p>Our really good friends are really close to the Coal Seam fire. They check in every day. I'm really worried about her as she is a nurse at the hospital there. She can be called at any time.<p>Many hugs and prayers to you!!!<p>K
Thanks for hanging in there with me guys. I really appreciate all the lovin. It was nice to relax (kind of) tonight. Dad is sounding more stressed by the second. He was supposed to be doing this big business meeting thing in Chicago this week, so he's stressed about missing that on top of the whole fire a second away from the ranch thing. He needs a good nights sleep, I wish I could email him one of my marvelous xanax. 1mg down the hatch, I should hopefully be sound asleep in 32 minutes.<p>Knewjie, the kids and I live in Wisconsin, so we are not always close to you, we are there lots to visit Dad and SMom, and always spend Christmas there. But, if the ranch still stands next time we are out you should come over and play with our doggies and we can take a long hike and catch some fishies for dinner.<p>Love,
E [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: star*fish Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 03:53 AM
Elizabeth,<p>I'm so sorry, and I will keep an eye on CNN too. Your dad's ranch sounds like such a beautiful place, with wonderful memories. I will put you in my prayers.
Posted By: sing Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 01:02 PM
Liz,<p>Hope ya'll made it through the night.
Posted By: Zorweb Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 01:37 PM
My heart goes out to all who are dealing with these fires. Hope everyone is ok this morning.<p>My second sister and her husband just moved into their brand new retirement dream home…. next to Missionary Ridge, Durango, Colorado. They can see that fire from their house, it’s less then a mile away. Apparently the smoke it terrible. She says that the fire has 100 ft feelers reaching out from its parameter. Since this fire is the fourth priority in Colorado and the Hayman fire is so huge, there is not much hope for containment on this one.<p>It looks like the fire is moving away from their land so they are probably going to be OK. Though they have already removed all important papers, photos, etc just in case. It’d be hard to do all that last minute if there is an evacuation.<p>Geez, just heard on the news that containment for the Hayman fire is 80 – 90 days out. The report said that containment means that they get a cleared parameter dug around the fire. OMG. There are nowhere near enough fire fighters for this. Maybe it’s time for civilians to pick up shovels and go help dig that perimeter.
Posted By: cleopatra Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 01:46 PM
I read that the winds are starting to change direction and that thsi meant the fire is slowing down? Is that what your father is saying?
How are they doing this morning?
Posted By: Knewjie Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 02:28 PM
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Knewjie, the kids and I live in Wisconsin, so we are not always close to you, we are there lots to visit Dad and SMom, and always spend Christmas there. But, if the ranch still stands next time we are out you should come over and play with our doggies and we can take a long hike and catch some fishies for dinner.<p>Love,
E <hr></blockquote><p>I thought I was missing something! I would love to meet you and the family. We could bring our puppies too. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] <p>How is everyone today? Any updates?<p>Lots of hugs, love and prayers!!!<p>K
Sem and I just came from traveling out east and seen lots of cloud cover, couldn't see the blue sky. Then we come home to Colorado and it's still cloud cover. AAAHHH!<p>WE live north of Denver and on Sunday the smoke was so bad that it smelled like a camp fire in our back yard, and was so thick that we couldn't see past a mile in front of us. Well now that the fire is so big we just get lots of cloud cover.<p>JTW I pray for you and everyone who lives, works up there. Good luck.
Posted By: Knewjie Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 04:04 PM
Z!!!!!!!!!!<p>Long time no see lady! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] I'm sorry to hear of your sister and her hubby. I will keep them in my prayers.<p>Hugs to you and STL!!!<p>K
Posted By: Endevor Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 04:17 PM
The fires are horrible! <p>We live in Douglas County, our home is not in any danger but my son has a medical condition. The smoke from the fire really affects his lungs, chest, and nose. Until the fires are gone he can't go outside and play, he even has difficulty going to school.
The winds have shifted, good for Denver, bad for us. Teller County is on the South side of the fire. I've been looking, and I can't find any news that tells me anything. Sis and I haven't heard from Dad yet today, but he did say he was going to be in an area his cell wouldn't work. Not worried, just want to know what he knows.<p>Endevor, I'm glad to hear the house is safe. Your son however, any way they can give him a quick run of steroids or something to help? How awful for him to be so uncomfortable. <p>70 to 90 days for containment. Right now it's still hanging at 5%. There is NO way I could do this for 3 months. You guys would be exhausted! <p>I can see it now, all the MBers waking up and instead of saying "time to make the donughts" it would be "another day of if the ranch still stands". <p>As soon as I know anything I'll post it here. The Teller Co site is now updating every 2 hours. Thanks again for hanging in with me.<p>E
Posted By: Endevor Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/13/02 06:28 PM
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by justthewife:
<strong>Endevor, I'm glad to hear the house is safe. Your son however, any way they can give him a quick run of steroids or something to help? How awful for him to be so uncomfortable.
E</strong><hr></blockquote><p>They put him on zyrtec. He has surgery scheduled on July 1st and so they don't want to put him on something that's to wrong and causes complications. Don't really understand myself but right now we just wait. It's affecting so many people in the area that have allergies, asmatha, heart conditions, or other medical issues. <p>It's very sad, so many of our friends have been evacuated.
From the Teller County Website<p>High winds kicking up fire along southeast edge of South Hayman Fire this afternoon. This is the last update for the day.<p>That's us folks.<p>If you look at a map, where the Pike National Forest ends, at the South end, there is Lake George on the West, Florissant on the East, and Highway 24 running kind of under across the bottom of it all. The ranch is between Lake George and Florissant above Hwy 24. <p>On a Teller County map it is in the upper left hand corner (North West). The area that has been evacuated. <p>Just for fun, in case people want to look, this is the main forestry service page for the Hayman Fire.<p>And this is the link for Teller County, where the ranch is. It updates every 2 hours during the day with the latest news and evacuation and meeting info. Dad and SMom are very involved in the Saddle Club, and do tons of community service stuff, so if their names happen to come up there sometime later I will be sure to point them out.<p>Well folks, that's all I know for now. Sis and I are taking the kids out to dinner at Steak and Shake for a little distraction. She's had a really hard day. <p>GREAT NEWS !!!!<p>Angel (the horse the kids ride) had her little baby! All is well, mama and baby are resting comfortably in their little vacation stable.<p>Love & Thanks to all,
The zyrtec helped my Chris when he was having some trouble with amatha and the puffer thingy wasn't doing the trick. Hopefully it will just give your boy a little edge.
Posted By: sing Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/14/02 01:41 AM
Liz, I am glad you posted the links, I had found the fire one but still had no idea where anything was.<p>all toew & fingers crossed here for you.
Posted By: Estes49 Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/14/02 02:35 AM
For someone who has loved Colorado for years, hence my screen name, Estes (Park), these fires are heartbreaking. And they are horrifying because they are such a mighty force.<p>A wild fire came within 40 feet of my sister's house once, and her home has been threatened two other times by prairie grass fires. The fear the fire generates is overwhelming.<p>My H is driving to northern Colorado tomorrow. Fortunately, our cabin is NW of Denver and not in the path of these fires. We are so sad for the people and environment of this lovely state.<p>I'll definitely continue to keep tabs on your parents' area.<p>Estes
Posted By: Orchid Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/14/02 02:45 AM
Dear Elizabeth, <p>Sorry to hear about your parents being displaced by that fire. News of containment is still far from over. <p>Will keep you and your family as well as all other MBers out your way in our hearts and prayers. <p>take care,
Full of hope and going to bed, here is the picture of the new baby horsie Annie.<p>Baby Annie<p>E
Posted By: nikko Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/14/02 09:53 AM
dear liz-my prayers are with you and your family. i know how you feel. where we use to live there was just a huge pine barren fire. it reached town this time. i was so scared for all the friends i left behind.<p>the baby is gorgeous. good luck.
Posted By: sing Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/14/02 08:04 PM
any news?
I'll just post what I tossed up on EN a minute ago... Thanks for checking in.<p>It's all bad. Talked to Dad a few minutes ago. Last time I talked to him he almost seemed upbeat, musta took a pill, and now it's all bad. Friends losing their houses right by them. Planes overhead dropping slurry & slime, he says it's like a war. The saddle club has become a refugee camp. All the animals, goats, livestock, horses, llamas, doggies....<p>There is word that they are going to dismantle the Divide powerline. I guess that will make it less costly to get electricity back to the area. He's asked me to do a search on a few things and get back to him, so I gotta run...<p>E
Posted By: Estes49 Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/16/02 12:41 AM
Waiting for another update.....
The ranch still stands, the fire still is growing - but at a slower pace. Weather for the next few days is expected to help, but nobody seems to know for sure what will happen when.<p>A few more houses were lost today though. Today and yesterday it has said 30% contained, but they say it will not be out until Sept. <p>The thing that is concerning to our family is that the fire keeps heading in our direction, and there isn't much more room until it hits the house. They have taken phone and power service to the immediate area down.<p>I wish I could say they were at home and all was fine...<p>E
Posted By: sing Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/16/02 03:58 PM
Elizabeth so sorry it is still heading your direction. <img src="graemlins/teary.gif" border="0" alt="[Teary]" /> <p>Hoping the wind blows the other way but then it will be someone else, [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] do you ever feel like you are wishing bad luck on someone else, that is what I feel when hurricanes come in the gulf.<p>Hoping that when it is over that the ranch is still standing. [img]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: Orchid Re: So sad I can't even sing. Hayman Fire - 06/16/02 04:18 PM
Dear E,<p>Just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in our hearts and prayers. Wish there was more we coudl do. <p>Please keep up posted. <p>take care and hugz,
Oh Liz,<p>When I flew into CA from Denver earlier this week, I saw fires, but don't know which ones! Huge though... :sad:<p>I hope the news is better for your ranch and family and fur-faced friends today!!<p>I'll be checking in... you are one of the special people!!<p>Hugs, and many prayers,
Hi Liz,
I am so sorry to hear that the fires are still moving in the direction of your family's farm. [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] You and your family will continue to be in my prayers. God bless!<p>BTW - the baby horse is adorable!! Thanks for the links on the fire too!
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