Marriage Builders
Posted By: dumplin Dreams--need advice - 10/22/02 11:20 PM
H has supposedly not had contact with XOW in about two weeks. He said that the last time he talked to her he told her to let him know when she was ready to work out the situation (OC and dna). He has also told me that he will tell me if there is any more contact at all. To be perfectly honest, I don't know how much of this I believe; I've been lied to so many times in the past that I don't know what to believe anymore.

H also has a BIG problem with me snooping or asking him any questions about this so I've been keeping my "head out of his behind" (his words) for the last two weeks.

The problem I'm having though is that I've been having awful dreams for the last two weeks also. The worst one was H laughing at me and saying he's known the whole time that the baby was his and he was going to be with her, but he had been waiting for me to pay off the loan we have. H even woke me up from that one because I was crying in my sleep. All of my dreams have been bad and been about them being together - this is happening almost every night. The only nights I haven't had dreams was when I took my antihistamine (which knocks me out and I have trouble getting up in the morning).

I don't know how to talk to H about this or if I even should. I also don't know what I need to do. I'm exhausted most of the time from lack of sleep or feeling like I haven't slept. Any advice????
Posted By: happinesswithin Re: Dreams--need advice - 10/22/02 11:26 PM
Dumplin, I am sorry for the pain that you are feeling right now. I cannot offer any advice except that I went to my doctor and he put me on Ambien (spelling?) to help me sleep. It is wonderful. I take it 30 minutes prior to bed and before I know it I'm out. I have waken up at 7:00 am with the tv still on. Does not make me groggy in the morning or anything.
Just a suggestion.
Oh, I am also of Effexor (anti-d).

I do hope things get better in your life.

Posted By: happinesswithin Re: Dreams--need advice - 10/22/02 11:28 PM
I don't know if it will do anything about the dreams. I actually don't remember any of my dreams since I have been on it. May be coincidental and may be good I don't remember them.

Posted By: dumplin Re: Dreams--need advice - 10/22/02 11:35 PM

Thanks for the advice. I'll check out that med with my doctor. I have to be careful with meds though; if they say "May cause drowsiness" I'm out for the count. On the other hand, if they say "may cause excitability" I'm climbing the walls. I have a low tolerance level I guess. Thanks though and I will talk with my doctor about it.
Posted By: dumplin Re: Dreams--need advice - 10/23/02 02:32 AM

Should I tell H about the dreams? And if so, what should I say?
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