Marriage Builders
Posted By: carriemom Roller Coaster Of Emotions - 08/11/00 04:10 PM
I am so confused and am on the wildest ride of emotions in my life.<P>My H just confessed to me four weeks ago this Sunday that he had a one night stand back in May. The timing makes it even more difficult because our baby daughter was very ill at the time and I did feel so alone in caring for her, 2 trips to the hospital on my own, appointments, etc. I resented his distance at the time and now I am even more angry.<P>He was out with a friend I totally dislike at a bar, he got totally drunk and a woman came on to him. He subcombed to her in the back seat of her car. He says he totally regretted it right away, but somehow got the impression he wanted more and she managed to get his business card and she called trying to start up something more. He met her for lunch and total her flat out no way and stuck to it. But now recently she contacted him with the possibility she is pregnant with his child. (I want to throw up every time I mention this) She is not sure as she is in a long term relationship of about 15 + years, but she thinks it might be my H's because of some fertility probs and the timing. Well, it kind of sounds like my stupid H was manipulated. There are a few things she has contradicted herself on that I caught her on in the one contact I have had with her. She has not replied since that was two weeks ago.<P>Now my H is totally in to rebuilding us and helping me through the healing. The change in him would be so great if it had not come around this way. I honestly do no know if I can ride this out, especially not knowing what is going on with "her". I feel I can't really make any decisions until I know if the pregnancy piece can be laid to rest or if I have to see if it needa to be dealt with and if I want to.<P>Today is not a good day, I just want to cry and go to sleep if I didn't dream so much.<P>Help !<P>------------------<BR>Carrie
Posted By: TMD Re: Roller Coaster Of Emotions - 08/11/00 06:09 PM
You should definitely post over at "pregnancy/child" forum. Also read "General Welcome" thread.
Posted By: inhisight Re: Roller Coaster Of Emotions - 08/11/00 07:02 PM
Carrie,<P>Do your best to not think about "her". What is most important is you and your H right now. I know when I start to think of the OW I just get big time stressed. I have to look at the fact that my H wants our marriage to work and so do I. It would have been good if changes I am seeing now didn't have to happen this way BUT I am taking them with a wonderful smile on my face.(and can't go back to change anything that has happened in the past) Be thankful that your H is willing to walk you threw your healing, it certainly isn't always easy. Deal with the pg issue if it comes up later, one day at a time......and one prayer at a time. God's Grace is a wonderful thing!!!<P>HUGS,<BR>inhisight<BR>
Posted By: carriemom Re: Roller Coaster Of Emotions - 08/11/00 07:11 PM
Thank you, I wouldn't beable to deal with any of this without my faith. That goes for my husband too, now he sees how much God is needed and should have looked to him a long time ago. My husband was always a decent guy but was stubborn when it came to having a personal relationship with God, he didn't think he needed that. I am very thankful for this change in him.<P>------------------<BR>Carrie
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