Marriage Builders
Posted By: gfpd Stupid mistake credit cards - 01/06/03 04:08 PM
My husband and I have been married 18 years, we have 2 children 17 and 12. We have had our problems I think trust being the biggest. We moved from our home town 3 years ago and my husband went back to school. I was working and even though I knew I shouldn't I got several credit cards. I don't know why other than it was easy to get the cards and use them. A big part is there were things I guess I felt were needed and I hate more than anything to ask my husband for money - that has always been hard - he gets mad, we never have enough and I feel like I have to beg to get anything. I feel guilty for moving my kids from their hometown, for not being there when they get home from school and now I really feel guilty and such a failure for getting these credit cards and getting so far in debt. I lost my job and have not been able to keep up with the credit cards. Now I feel my husband hates me and can't stand the sight of me. I don't know what to do. I feel I am worthless and if it weren't for my children what is the purpose of me being here.
Do you think there is any hope for us?
Thank you,

I'm new at this but it seems to me your H has some problems, first of all communication. I'd like to tell you we all make mistakes, so keep your chin up and look him in the eyes and tell him such. Try to communicate in an easy manner. It sounds to me that he is mad at something and taking it out on you.
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Embarrassed]" src="images/icons/blush.gif" />
Posted By: just a wifey 2002 Re: Stupid mistake credit cards - 01/06/03 05:15 PM
Credit cards are the downfall of many a budget. They are so easy to use, yet so hard to get rid of.

First, talk to the creditors and see if you can arrange a decreased payment schedule until you can get back on your feet. Get working again as soon as possible...I know can be hard right now with what is happening in the world. Even a smaller salary is better then no salary.


Talk to your H. Tell him you're sorry you got into this mess and you'll do whatever you can to get out of it. Both of you working together on this problem can benefit your communication skills and problem solving ability.

Yes, you two can overcome this. It takes some time, but use it as a learning experience. You both might need some finacial counseling to help you learn how to deal with money matters so that neither of you feels that one must "beg" the other. A POJA might work really well here...if you both can't agree that money needs to be spent on "x"...then "x" doesn't get bought.

Good Luck!
Posted By: KS Re: Stupid mistake credit cards - 01/06/03 08:42 PM
I also recommend the website discussion board

it's great! not only can it help with current credit problems, it might could help with making sure your credit rating is not affected, which is really important.
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