Marriage Builders
Posted By: Untrapped Mom Divorced tomorrow... - 08/13/01 03:09 AM
Yep, it is to be final tomorrow morning. We are 16 months post-Dday and five fake reconciliations later. We have already reached a settlement, so I guess it's just a formality. I've tried very hard not to THINK about what is really happening tomorrow. It's just too damn sad! I've walked down "memory lane" alot this weekend.... <P>I still can't believe that this is my life. What happened??? I've said that I am ready for this to happen and that I have moved on (and I have in ways I won't mention here), but tonight is the last night that I am married to him, that he is my husband.... What started out as such a wonderful thing and has turned so ugly??? <P>Just wish I could understand it all. How can he turn to a manipulative wh#%e who broke her own marriage vows and collected married men? Oh, I forgot, it's called the fog...<P>PS Karen, I know you will read this. Keep in mind that I was married to him and I can say he ain't all that! Believe what you want now, but like you think you do, I loved him with all my heart and it wasn't enough. Did you know that he said he would have never had an affair had he been on antidepressants? Did you know he said that he still loved me? A real prize you've won, huh? I hope you don't get laid off 'cause you are going to be the breadwinner!<BR>
Posted By: jabber Re: Divorced tomorrow... - 08/13/01 07:31 PM
Divorce is never pleasant and I don't think you can prepare emotionally, for me when the final day came I was still in shock it came fast for me, The only thing it did for me was to help me realize it is over and I had to stop hanging on to the past, I had to stop punishing myself for mistakes and move on with my life, I no longer had an expectation of reconcile, She is still with OM and has time goes on and I still process the divorce I believe she did me a favor, and I hope they are happy. Take care of yourself today<P>
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