Marriage Builders
Posted By: AgoodManInTexas Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/24/01 08:58 PM
I finally got the final papers. The Decree, QDRO, the deeds(2) all completed from the Lawyer. I hand them over to the VSTBXW about 2 weeks ago.<P>Last Thursday I go pick her up around lunch to go get them signed and notarized. While I was driving she explodes. I DON"T UNDERSTAND THE PAPERWORK. I THOUGHT WE ONLY HAD TO GET THESE 2 DOCUMENTS NOTARIZED. I DIDN'T READ THEM. ETC... I calmly said "If you don't understand them, then don't sign anything. I don't want anything to happen unless you totally agree and understand what you are about to sign. Well, she calmed down and we actually sat down and had a nice lunch. <P>I asked (Since I have the kid this weekend) If I could send her to church and we could sit down and discuss the things that she didn't understand. She said OK.<P>Sunday comes around and off to church goes the kid and I stop over. Turns out she only had a problem with one thing. I said I totally understand her point, that she is correct to ask for the point, so its done, you get XYZ. Sunday morning she signed 2 of the 4 documents.<P>Tuesday (yesterday) I once again go pick her up to sign the remaining documents and go do lunch. <P>She signed, I signed, the notary signed. As we got back into my truck I looked over and said: " I would like to give you a good bye kiss, (a peck really)(I did) Then I said "I was sorry it diddn't work out", "Always remember I will always be there for you if you need to talk" <P>I was rather suprised that she teared up. She was hiding it under her sunglasses but couldn't because she had to get a klennex to wipe her eyes. She even rubbed my back starting to sit back in my seat. Another surprise.<P>I took her to lunch (another calm one) and we started laughing alittle. I said that if when we are both 65-70Yrs old if we don't have anybody in our lives lets look each other up. She said that would be a good Idea. <P>One of the things that I noticed in the past that she never ever did was say "I love you", she would always answer with "I love you, Too".. This always bothered me.. I never heard "I love you", only I love you, too."<P>As I was dropping her off at her office, as she was getting out of the truck I said "Love ya babe, Bye" Her response was ---<P>"I love you, Too"<P>A cold chill went right through me. All of the good of the day was pushed out by the one word -> Too<P>After she closed the door I picked up my cell phone and told the lawyer, I'm on my with the signed papers. <P>I dropped the papers off and he said in less than 1.5 weeks it will be over. <P>Man, I close.. <P>Tex.
Posted By: Anna2000 Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/25/01 02:57 AM
AGMIT,<p>Wow! Your post made me both happy and sad. How serreal the whole thing must seem now.<p>I am glad she finally said "Love ya." I am also glad you got out of the marriage with such class. Mine should be any day now too.<p>Take care and good luck in the future.<p>ANNA
Posted By: AgoodManInTexas Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/25/01 02:53 PM
Anna, I saw in another post that you appear to be in Texas.. Were abouts?<p>Tex.
Posted By: Anna2000 Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/25/01 03:08 PM
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AgoodManInTexas:
<strong>Anna, I saw in another post that you appear to be in Texas.. Were abouts?<p>Tex.</strong><hr></blockquote><p>I'm in Houston, and isn't the weather just Gorgeous right now. At least for Houston it is. If you are further north it may not be as nice. I always say we have two springs in Texas, because basically fall feels like spring all over again here. Although I do miss the leaves turning colors further north. Not much of that in Houston.<p>ANNA
Posted By: cinderella Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/26/01 05:06 AM
So much more pleasant than mine. Congrats!<p>I'm sure it is both a very sad and a very glad time. You can only fight so hard. I can tell you're going to be okay.
Posted By: junebug622 Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/26/01 01:57 AM
Hi Anna and Tex. Just wanted to tell you that I live in Texas too! (Houston) It's a small world isn't it!
You probably don't recognize my name, I usually post in prayer requests.
Posted By: Anna2000 Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/26/01 02:27 AM
junebug,<p>So cool.<p> [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] Texas rules!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] <p>ANNA
Posted By: lonesome heart Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/26/01 02:51 AM
Funny thing about Junebugs in Texas. They come out in March! I'm in south Texas along the coastal bend. <p>agmit, sounds like things are relatively civilized between you and your stbx. I hope the final decree will be a weight off your shoulders. That's how I hope I'll feel if I ever reach the same point you're at.
Posted By: AgoodManInTexas Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/26/01 01:15 PM
I got a rather nasty e-mail from her yesterday, about money issues. In that she doesn't have enough, yada,yada,yada. <p>I think whats happening is that after 18+ months of seperation, 9+ months of it under divorce proceedings, she never dealt with the future issues of just what exactly its going to take to be on her own again. <p>I sorry she has to go through this now. I've been working the issue for the duration.. <p>FYI: I'm in Dallas.<p>Tex.
Posted By: ANNTN Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/26/01 03:43 PM
I know it is a mixed emotional time. With my stbx everytime we talk about divorce and getting it over with he gets so emotional. Yet he says he don't want to even try. (Actually he don't want to give up his girlfriend) You sound like you will be fine. <p>P.S. I will be in Houston for Thanksgiving to spend the holidays with my brother. I can't wait! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: Anna2000 Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/27/01 05:08 AM
A good guy in Texas,<p>I love Dallas. I haven't been there much, but I have some really good memories of going there on a business trip once. <p>I hope you sent her an email back and just said exactly that. "I am sorry you are having to go through this." That makes you the better person.<p>Look at what you've started with all us Texan's chiming in on your thread!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] I had no idea there were so many of us in here!<p>Lonesome heart,<p>I envy you. I am a beach bum. Every chance possible this summer, I went to the beach. I am considering going to the beach next weekend and hangin' out.<p>ANNTN,<p>So you will be in Houston too cool! What a good sister you must be to go visit your brother! I will hopefully be in Arkansas visiting my huge family and getting some much needed love and attention from the most wonderful mother in the world. If you are ever here in Houston when I'm here maybe we can get together for lunch as MBers.<p>Take care,<p>ANNA
Posted By: AgoodManInTexas Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/26/01 11:15 PM
I did send her an e-mail back but for the life of me I can't remember what I said. SInce the e-mail I've talked to her twice. No apparent problems. She never brought anything up. This was just 5 minutes ago..<p>I have some big news!!! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] The date and time are now set. OH-Heck,, [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] I can't stand it anymore... In less than a week it'll be final.. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>I'll make another post monday, because by that time it will have blown off the board..<p>ANNA2K
The problem is there ain't none of ya up here in Dallas [img]images/icons/confused.gif" border="0[/img] WE are pretty good people up in this here parts..
Posted By: Anna2000 Re: Man am I Close.. (Update) - 10/27/01 03:43 AM
<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AgoodManInTexas:
<strong>I did send her an e-mail back but for the life of me I can't remember what I said. SInce the e-mail I've talked to her twice. No apparent problems. She never brought anything up. This was just 5 minutes ago..<p>I have some big news!!! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] The date and time are now set. OH-Heck,, [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] I can't stand it anymore... In less than a week it'll be final.. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>I'll make another post monday, because by that time it will have blown off the board..<p>ANNA2K
The problem is there ain't none of ya up here in Dallas [img]images/icons/confused.gif" border="0[/img] WE are pretty good people up in this here parts..</strong><hr></blockquote><p>AGMIT, <p>I am glad it's almost over for you. I know sometimes when you know it's inevitable it's like ok let's just get this over with now and let me move on. This is how I am feeling. Apparently my lawyer talked to his lawyer today, but I haven't heard back. I am hoping mine will be in the next month.<p>Well, looks like we need to find you a cute little Dallas lady... ANY LADIES OUT THERE???? [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>Goodluck and let us know next week how it goes.<p>ANNA
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