Marriage Builders
Hi everybody.. Long time no post. I've been lurking but haven't posted cause I don't have anything to say. Something happened to me the other day that I JUST GOTTA SHARE.. <p>Ok, OK, I've beed dating for the last couple of months. One girl more that anybody else. She's helping me around the my house, I help her out around her house. YadYadaYAda. We are in my truck just driving around chatting. Its a blue bird, lite windbreaker kind of day. Not a problem in the world. We are having a conversation about something I can't even remember (Unimportant) and as we were pulling into the Wallmart parking lot, while talking I call her my XW's NAME. <p>Holy Moly. The name hung out there like a flooting brick.. Right then and there I pull the truck over and throw it into park. Take my seat belt off, get out of the truck and walk around to her side, pop the door lock w/ my remote get about 2 inches from her face and say "I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did that, Please, please forgive me. It'll never happen again. I promise on my grandmother grave.." <p>(I'm still 2 inches from her face) She looks me in the eye, pauses, grabs me by the ears, gives me a kiss and says "I'll let it go this time, THAT'S ONE" <p>I just hope I don't get to 3, she'd probably bust my butt.<p>I'm such a dummy (DAOooooooo). <p>Tex.
Well, unless you're my brother, ****edit**** - you're probably safe. No talking in your sleep, now, yahear? [img]images/icons/shocked.gif" border="0[/img]
Hey, give yourself a were feeling happy, comfortable, and probly out of a long ago habit called the woman next to you by your ex wife's name.....not all that unusual! Obviously your friend wasn't too uptight. Although I don't think you better do it again.......<p>Anna
As my dad would say, smooth move x-lax. If you find yourself slippin try...
my little poo poo
You get the idea....
Glad you have found someone nice!
Don't kill yourself, it sounds like she dealt with it well. My wife's name is almost exactly the same as a previous girlfriend's name (same # of syllables, emphasis, similar sounds)- it was a nightmare, it took me about 6 months to get it out of my system.<p>And it could have been a lot worse. At least you were driving, and not in bed!
[img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif" border="0[/img]
Hey Tex
Long time no post on this end either.
Good job slick, but don't dwell that was just an oopsies. Sounds like you got a good woman there.
Just try not to talk to much. HEHE <p>Wishing us all well
We like the strong silent type anyway. [img]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/img] <p>You think you've got problems, when my brother divorced the first time, then remarried, the whole family kept calling the new wife the wrong name! Thank goodness for understanding SIL's!!!
Here's one for ya'!<p>My ex married me...Gayle.<p>Then ex married his second wife....Gay<p>Then he married a third wife.....Dayle<p>Now his divorced from number three and I hear he is dating a "Michelle" [img]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/img] <p>dabigtrain's post is cracking me up: "And it could have been a lot worse. At least you were driving, and not in bed!"
The thought about talking in my sleep and that is one of the reasons I posted it. <p>New Years eve night we went out and we were having a great time. We got to her place rather early (before midnight) we got tired of watching the ball and were going to bed. She mentioned to me the next day that I was out before the light of the TV going out got to me. I mean I was OUT. I don't even remember turning over until the next morning. This is the first time this happened to me w/ her. <p>I always wonder if I talk in my sleep. <p>And to Justthewife,,,
girly girl.
baby.<p>Tex. <p>Tex.
Oh Tex,
My big Texas poo poo.
Have a great day!
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