Marriage Builders
That new Kenny Chesney song is killing me. Just when I thought I was truly on my way to healing because I could remain dry-eyed all the way through the Chicks "without you" and Tricia's "How can I live without you". I was so excited that the lyrics to songs weren't controlling me anymore.<p>Then comes along "The Good Stuff" . It just reminds me that my STBXH robbed me of my future, well not really of course, but at least the one I had planned with him. <p>15 months since he's been gone. 9 months since I knew he wasn't coming home ever. 2 months since I really had enough and gave up any desire to get back together. Why now, am I crying over some stupid song about the Good things in marriage that I'll never have again. I really hate him sometimes. I've said it before and it's still true. Selfish people suck.......<p>Can't sleep so I'm rambling. Sorry
peoplepleaser <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Why now, am I crying over some stupid song about the Good things in marriage that I'll never have again.<hr></blockquote>I can't count the number of times that I too have cried over the lyrics of songs... More so in the last year than ever before, that is for sure.<p>I'm not doing so hot myself tonight, so I will only say that I understand what you are saying...maybe not for the same reasons, but I still understand the feelings very well.
Thanks,<p>Maybe I can sleep now. I guess I just needed one person out there to validate what I'm feeling. I just get so disappointed in myself sometimes because I know I have to move on and truly don't want to go back. However, I can't help mourning for what I lost. Not so much what I had but all the memories that could have been. I know nothing I did make him have the affair and I doubt it was even about me. So why am I the one that feels rejected, ugly, unlovable, etc??? I did all I could and I know that.. Somedays ( or nights) its just not enough. A very wise friend and fellow MB (a year ago) told me that it was scientific that humans needed so many touches per day to fight off depression. Maybe I'm just down because I'm 9 months behind in touches. Man could I ever use a hug right now. <p>Good night all. Tomorrow WILL be a better day!<p>PP
(((Lynn)))<p>I can't tell you how many times the words of a song or the actions of movie bring a tear to my eye. But it's not the tear that I cried a year ago over my X. Usually it's a tear of happiness over things yet to come or occasionally a tear of what my family could of been like. The funny thing is that when I think of what could of been and picture my family down the road my X's picture doesn't come into my mind at all.<p>Off the subject, thank you. <p>I asked God to send me his friends.. He sent you.
Hi peoplepleaser, you know I think eveyone goes through the it was all my fault that WS's have an affair....Don't beat yourself up, they have a mind and will of there own.<p>I've been so amazed at everyone that has come up to me and said " Hey its not you that caused the problem, its her" They say I remember when she did this or that and downed you in front of people...I was like wow I never knew anyone saw those things..its sad...
peoplepleaser,<p>There was a time when my W and I were separated when she gave me a ride to work because my car was in the shop. In the car she was listening to the (at the time) new Shania Twain cd. It seemed to me that every song was about her and loverboy. I asked her to turn it off and she got smug and refused. It was a long time before I could hear any of those songs again.<p>If you ever need any angry music, I have a bunch. [img]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/img] Go on Bearshare or Limewire and look for a song by Cowboy Mouth called "Let Me Hold it Open". That song was a big help when we were separated and she was basically living with loverboy.
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