Marriage Builders
Dear Catnip,<p>I don't come to these boards because pregnancy and other child are not my issues. But last night on Lifetime the story "Price of a Broken Heart" was on and I watched til the end, meanwhile thinking about you and the OW and the way you wanted to bring a personal injury lawsuit against her.<p>Did you see it? <p>I also remember you didn't have enough money to go forward the last time I read one of your posts. Have things gotten any better in that regard?<p>I'll post about this on other boards as well. Take care and be well.
Good morning, Bellevue<p>No, I didn't see the movie but I did happen onto it while surfing and saw the last few minutes while the wife was standing in the door watching her husband leave with one of their kids and some woman outside standing in the street by the car. I wasn't sure what it was all about...but, it was about a BS sueing a OW, huh? What was the outcome besides, obviously, the OW getting the WS away from the marriage?<p>Well, Bellevue, I haven't posted what happened about my lawsuit because, frankly, it is disheatening and depresses me to think about it. But, I'll tell you anyway.<p>As you know, the Nassau Family Court was garnishing about 75% of Bipolar's wages, not because of 'arrears', but because they didn't take the time to examine our income taxes/wage statements and calculate what he actually made. It was all completely arbitrary and based on absolutely nothing and they got away with it so far. <p>As a result of not having any money at all because of this, we had to rent out our house just to keep it and go into hiding for a few months where Bipolar could work for cash so we could catch up on bills and live ourselves. But, it wasn't enough money to gather an extra measly $1500 to pay the attorney in Texas within the two year statue of limitations.<p>In addition to the legal limit expiring during the time we were in hiding, our attorney informed us that the mindset of the political powers in Texas were shifting to more liberal laws, judges and local government.<p>Unforunately, the more liberal a state/court system, the less chance one has of fair and reasonable and just consideration for the people in my/our position, he said. He told me it wouldn't do much good now and sent back all my endless documentation. I was sooooo incredibly disappointed. Plus, I think, waiting all that time, took it's toll and he had 'cooled off' considerably during that year and a half waiting for the initial retainer.<p>I've come to the conclusion that money does indeed buy happiness, because it can turn the wheels of "justice" in your favor, one can hit while the iron is hot, one can buy peace of mind which is a form of happiness, it can buy security which is a form of happiness, it pays the bills that keep the scary threatening thugs and bullies away, it keeps one from having to go to desparate measures to survive...which is all happiness, serenity, contentment, and peace.<p>Had I had the $1500 retainer when the attorney asked for it in the fall of 2000, I be sitting here telling you of our days in court and perhaps of the victory that we couped. Instead, OW sits blissfully in NY without any interference or involvement from either Bipolar or myself, the courts refuse Bipolar visitation because of his mental illness, yet knowing he is sick, they still demand he pay over half his wages, and OW is treated as though she spent 30 years of struggle and history with him instead of three weekends with a stranger (cash cow).<p>I DID see the special on Betty Broderick, though. Meow....does any 'oldtimer' here remember how distraught I was and how close I came to going down that path? When I smashed my truck into Bipolar's Surburban, I had a gun, too, and was going to use it on one of us at the time. I was absolutely insane at the time and came so close to disaster. I just shake my head in disbelief at how completely and totally annihilated I was back then. Now I can hardly bring myself to think about all that unpleasantness. In fact, I won't think about it now, I'll think about it tomorrow. haha<p>Very, very disappointed. No matter what, she wins and we loose in every aspect. There is no justice.<p>Thanks for asking, Bellevue.<p>So, how are you doing? What's going on in your life now?<p>Catnip =^^=
Hey Catnip,
I was a big fan of Bett long before this all happened to me and would comment to H on how unfair her life was.
We watched her story on A&E.
While I don't agree with her killing anyone, I do see how she was driven to the brink.<p>I also can see how you'd be driven ,given Bipolar has no visitation rights {even though he'd never use em}, yet must pay, pay, pay for a baby that should have never existed.
My H is cutting grass outside now so I have a few minutes to reply.<p>I must say the laws are very unfair and a man who cannot bring a baby into the world by himself should be able to say..."I pass" It was the flavor of the week or month or whatever but BOTH were involved, yet only one is made to pay!<p>We are now seeking to find out if ow's trust and H not working for the moment has any bearing on our cs. Her H and other 3 kids are benefiting from our $....Granddaughter and son and wife could use it and it would be better $ spent as far as we're concerned. I must say after the fog lifted and the sun shone through, H sees ow as a user more than he was because no where else in life do you pay for a life that you TAKE or LEAVE as in cs system! Literally pay.
H feels nothing and says it more and more ,for the 1 yr old. Her H sees it and we don't. We don't want to.
It's as if he's paying HER for the f~~k~ng that went on for a year for 18- 20 yrs!<p>His pain and anguish is great. HE feels used and is angry....Imagine that?<p>BTW ow put a huge ad in our local newspaper on baby's firt b/day/ To BABY NAME on it's first birthday. May love and happiness always follow you. Our little telling who wrote it, mom or dad....AND her other son turned 10 that same week...nothing in paper to him! We cancelled the paper.<p>My neice was invited to ow son 10 yr old party requesting to bring your paintball guns! OH! Poor kid! He's in her class at school.<p>However we plan to have an ad put in for my June birthday saying "To my beautiful wife, D, whom I love and adore. Happy Birthday! May we share dozens more together. You are the reason I go on each day and I thank God for you always..Love H<p>As time goes on H hates what happened and HATES ow more for using her body to GET him because she didn't! She didn't even before I knew!<p>Sorry Catnip to hunch my back. I read your post and went...well..."goofy".....heh..heh..heh...<p>
Hey, tomorrow is granddaughter's baptism! She's 6 weeks and eyes and golden brown hair! Lot's of it....
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