Marriage Builders
Long-winded vent:
I’m so sick and tired of xow’s bs. Our court-ordered agreement is pretty generous. We have the baby every other weekend from Friday night to Monday morning, allowing drop offs and pick-ups at daycare. Well, to move things along slowly, we started out with Saturday – Sunday, every other weekend. Well, we missed a couple of weeks due to other obligations. When we got back from traveling I contacted her to set up drop off, pick up arrangements for that Saturday. Well, all of a sudden, she had travel plans.
She was supposed to call me back on Friday night ( I spoke to her on a Thursday) to let me know the plans. She never did. I had to call her on Saturday to find out we wouldn’t spend time w/ baby that day. She committed to calling back on Sunday or Monday to ‘discuss some things’. That was May 11th/ 12th. It’s now June 4th and we’re just now hearing from her. This is after we sent a follow-up letter voicing our concerns that we hadn’t heard from her and threatening to get the law involved.
Well, like I mentioned, she finally called back and we’re meeting w/ her tonight at the public library.
I’m pissed for one because she didn’t call back as promised. I should know better than to think she’s credible, but gee whiz!!! I’m also pissed because after the ‘get your sh##’ together letter we sent her (we cc’d our lawyer), she finally decides to call, and instead of discussing things over the phone she wants to meet. Who in the he@@ does she think she is????
I&#8217;m so sick of the drama. She just does not know who she&#8217;s messing with. After tonight, she&#8217;ll be so clear on how not to get me aggravated. It&#8217;s she doesn&#8217;t realize that we could have had her dumb-as-a-beet-azz arrested for denying visitation. But after this last stunt, my H and I both agree, the gloves come off. No more warning letters, no more courtesy calls. It&#8217;s straight and to the point following the agreement without variation. I just know that one day, she&#8217;ll want to switch dates (that is when she get&#8217;s a life) and it will be really hard to not think back on these times and tell her he@@ no!<p>For all those w/ no contact, this is one of those days I wish she&#8217;d just drop off the face of the galaxy&#8230;the Earth is too small, I don&#8217;t&#8217; want our spiritual/celestial paths to cross ever again!.<p>For those that read this long vent&#8230;thanks!!!
I understand your frustration. At least it seems your H and you are on the same page as how to approach handling matters with OW.
I still deal with the frustration of OW continuing to bypass me and go thru H at the office. Which today I royally blasted him for. All because of the stupid car seat situation. She knew darn well it would be a problem for visitation today, but instead of emailing the info, she waited till this morning at work. GRRRR.
Sometimes the antics of our OW never cease to amaze me.
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