Marriage Builders
Posted By: fortheboys What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 02:29 AM
I just noticed this forum. Anyone know what this is? How do you get into it? It says you have to get permission to enter, but how do you do that? Is it different from this board?
Posted By: gemini1 Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 02:38 AM
fortheboys you must e-mail the moderator and she will decide if you are "real" or an ow.

C'mon aboard....

Try to e-mail Tempest for a request to join.

Posted By: Jenny Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 01:18 PM
wow, there's a private forum?? How long as that been going on? Where have I been? Why wasn't I invited? Sheesh, what's a girl to do? grumble grumble...
Posted By: tigger4jdt Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 01:36 PM

I know that I let everyone that I had emails for know, but I don't think that I ever got yours! Email Tempest for "permission" and we'll see ya over there!


Posted By: Autumn Day Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 06:37 PM
Only for BS's?
Anyone know what this is?
As it says;
Pregnancy/Child Private
A private forum especially for those dealing with the sensitive issue of pregnancies or children resulting from their spouses' or their own infidelity. Entry by permission of Forum Administrator only.

This is to help keep out the "riff-raff" since the people are in a very difficult situation.

The forum here, is for anyone.
Posted By: Autumn Day Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 06:52 PM
Wow, can't believe I never noticed it! I must not have scanned down the page far enough lately. Is it relatively new?
Posted By: K Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 09:02 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">This is to help keep out the "riff-raff" since the people are in a very difficult situation.

The forum here, is for anyone.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">...including riff-raff like me!

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
Posted By: tigger4jdt Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/25/03 09:48 PM
The "private" board is fairly new. I know that it was created after many of the older posters were basically driven off by some pretty harsh posters about their choices of NC! Many of these posters who had left were attacked personally.

This new forum is one that you have to request permission to post/read there from Tempest. It is not just for the BS but for the WS as well. I also know that those OW who have proven to be here to help and be helped are also welcomed. Basically, it's been described, by an administrator that it's easier to grant or take away permission to post on the private board than it is to ban those who come here to attack, and then have to do it again for another under another log in name.

I would recommend emailing Tempest, as it says to on the forum listing page, for permission to be on the private board. That includes you, K! The purpose is to get back the safe haven this board used to be.

Now, back to your normal programming. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
Posted By: Autumn Day Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/26/03 12:36 AM
Just wondering why some heard the description from admin. and some didn't? I'm feeling a bit like riff-raff, or perhaps it's just my grumpiness w/ these last few uncomfortable weeks of P. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />
Posted By: JustUss Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/26/03 01:29 AM

Please don't allow your feelings to be hurt because you didn't receive the initial information about the new private forum. I can assure you,,,you were NOT deliberately passed by.

The first notifications of the POSSIBILITY of a new forum were sent out by moderators that "happened" to have "some" of the PC members email addresses from past correspondence. (Contrary to rumor, moderators do NOT have instant access to members email addresses) Information was sent out to the few addresses we had, with the request that those members contact their P/C email friends, and ALL should contact Tempest with their support of the new forum and access. With 29,695 current members at MB, there is NO WAY Tempest could possibly be familiar with all,, who posts where and/or their stories. Tempest is reviewing suggestions and requests based on past posts. Acceptance is NOT based on whether you were the BS, WS or even if you have an OC. Tempest is basing access on the being supportive of MB and the P/C issues.

Please email Tempest <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Posted By: Pepperband Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/26/03 02:17 AM

I am very happy for all the MBers who are actively working on their marriages with the extra added stress of OC issues.

It bothered me for a long time that there was so much nonsense from certain posters on this forum .... posters with an ax to grind ... and it seemed to have driven off all the oldies but goodies.....

I am very happy there is now a safe place for you guys.


<img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />
Posted By: Autumn Day Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/26/03 02:28 AM
Ok, and thank you Justuss. I guess I did only email w/ one of the moderators on this forum and it was awhile back, although I'll never forget because the moderator stunned me by knowing my first name. No hurt feelings, just wondering what the scoop was.
Posted By: Tempest Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/26/03 02:40 AM
If you would like to request admittance, I will need you to provide the following information:

1. Login name or member ID number (to enable me to find your user account for authorization)

2. Display name (may not be the same as login) (to assist me in identifying who you are on the forum).

3. Email address you use for your MB Forum account (to assist me in verifying that you are who you say you are).

With this information, I will review some recent posts, just to get a feel for who you are, and where you are. Please be patient - there are more of you than there are of me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />
Posted By: zebrababy Re: What is the Preg/Child priv forum???? - 08/27/03 05:37 AM
Just had to say.... for those of you who are requesting to join us in the private forum ... you will be pleasantly surprised at the "atmosphere" of the board.

It's like a the flood gates have been lifted for so many members who were shot down for their choices.

Welcome to one and all who really understand that every persons choices are just that ... their choices!

What a joy to get back to supporting those who need just that.

See ya there,
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