Marriage Builders
Posted By: Mulan CEO of Hewlett-Packard fired over money for OW - 08/06/10 11:38 PM
CNN story here. But he will still walk away with millions:
Truly disgusting! What a statement on our corporate world.
Mark Hurd says, "there were instances in which I did not live up to the standards and principles of trust, respect and integrity that I have espoused at HP,"

Funny. He chooses the word "espoused" in his attempt at backing away from his affair behavior and trying to distance himself from what he has done. Cognitively (as exposed via his language) this is moving toward his WIFE. Quite Freudian of him, don't you think?

I love what I do for a living.

More info here:

This sounds like exactly the same kind of crap that happens every day in big corporations - only this time, it seems that the mistress has joined the "complain openly about the married man's lies" club instead of meekly keeping quiet and going away, the way a proper prostitute is supposed to do and always *used* to do.

If that's the case, it's the best thing that could happen on Planet Adultery. Imagine that - OW used to be the first to keep silent for fear of embarrassing themselves. No longer! Talk about exposure - the BS is now having all the work done *for* them!

Oh, and Gloria Allred is representing the mistress and insists "there was no affair." Who's making the popcorn?

I love what I do for a living.

So do we! Please keep sharing it with us!

Is Gloria married?
Has anyone writen an angry hate letter to HP? I'm about to and I realize it won't do any good. But damn! He gets to walk away with 12 million and possibly 53 million?!

I need to get out of teaching and become a CEO and do something scandalous (not an affair) so I can get me some 53 million and not have to work another day in my life.
Hate to see infidelity. Love to see our competition have issues smile
Did the OW file the sexual harassment suit before or after the free money stopped coming? Let me received in return for sexual favors; if OW thinks there is much difference between her and the prostitute on the corner, she is kidding herself.

I am sorry for Hurd family, because this tragedy will be blared from every newspaper and TV for a long time.
This female consultant's identity is, at this point, still secret, but that won't last long. With the details of her expense account coming out, HP employees will quickly figure it out. It doesn't sound like "sexual harassment" to me. It sounds like EA/PA gone bad and she shook the CEO and HP down for some money.

I have worked for HP as a consultant several times over the years, and used the products they used to make over that period of time. My last stint was a long one, when Carly Fiorina was selling off the most lucrative core and intellectual fountainhead of the company, the test equipment, scientific, and medical devices. Then this Hurd guy comes in and grows by acquisition into services company, by buying the company Ross Perot built He came from NCR, another great company that was run into the ground. Hurd is one of thousands of CEOs and wannabes who only know how to shuffle what others have built, and sometimes not so well in the end.

The reason I bring this up, is that I don't think it is an accident that folks like Hurd have trouble running companies that have strong identities built around their core values, and have problems with the values in their personal lives.
More here on CNN:

She's an actress employed as a contractor??

And oh, yeah: "I did not have sex with that woman . . . " uh-huh you got dumped as a CEO for nuttin'
And still more on What the CEO Traded His Career For:
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