Marriage Builders
I copied this from gq2:

I am doing ok. Actually better since my anger has set in.

Seems I received in my email "in" box a short two sentence email from my recent xbf. Now he is officially the xbf.

He said that he and I shouldn't talk since he is making a "concerted" effort with his xgf.


I had no clue! I had no idea! Last I heard...I WAS THE ONE HE WAS DATING...

He is an utmost jerk.

So I sent back an email saying it had been originally me who requested no talking to him in the first place when I found out his "omission" of truth last week regarding the Train Wreck.

He's horrid. he is a profound liar.

And she? WEll she is certainly working hard isn't she.

Oh well. I am just shocked and angered at such behaviors. Especially after all the horrid things he told her about me. Horrible things! And the "oh there is no way I'd ever welcome somebody that toxic back into my life ever"...and I remember even asking him "what would you do if she showed up one night in the rain on your doorstep saying she left her live in boyfriend and had nowhere to go?" He said "give her money and send her to a hotel."

The woman was living with her fiancee as of 2 weeks ago. She was shacked up with another guy!

I am sickened and livid at the whole scenario.

But good thing.

I am healing and taking some well needed time for me now. Am going outta town w/friends in 2 weeks and am going to just recover somehow from this horror. It is sickening to be knowingly lied to. j

Some people are just darth's in disguise I guess.

So I sent my brief thoughts back to him...INCLUDING THE TRUTH..including HIS OMISSION of the truth...and bcc'd it as well.

I have no time for liars. I am saddened he has become this sort of person. Never did I think this was happening whatsoever. I feel blindsided. Dumbstruck. But actually better b/c I know the truth of all that happened and am ok with the ending.

And will take some time from this to recoup...recoil. Just relax and forget about this. I may not forget, as this person was at one time, somebody very important to me. I would also assume that he's being pressured into doing this from her, but I don't really care from this point on. He is no longer any concern of mine.

Let this be a lesson to anybody dating anybody outside the city limits...or down the street for that matter. If something "feels" probably is! If you have to ever question anything as I did last week, then there is something wrong. And apparently yes..outta sight equals outta mind.
am going to get my nails done...and pedi done.

again...when you're sad...get out!

for my mb buddies who have my cell number...

cell is on!
Oh ick ick ick.

Why on earth would he treat you like that? What a rotten way to end things. How on earth can things go from one week you thinking there is an immenent commitment to him sending you a NC letter????????

Sorry to hear about this Peach. I would not have been able to resist including some of the nastier comments he made about her and questioning his judgement in the reply.

What good would it do? I'd rather take the higher road..

PLUS SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS ALREADY. I have nobody to convince of what kind of woman she is. He knows it too.

I give it well...maybe a few weeks. Seems she is not into hacking into his email accounts...she broke into his home last february...she is not exactly a sound minded woman...shacking up here and there and in full view of her son. sickening!

and to think all the measures I've taken to sheild my son from this dating stuff. I have only let my ds meet one person I've dated.
peachy, i just do not know what to say other than i am truly sorry that this has come this.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate you and your friendship...been so nice getting to know you also in the real world too <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
thank you peachy... i feel the same.
u have my email if you need to vent or talk.

JP, it seems you lost Nothing, therefore no reason for mourning nor comforting you either ;-)
Well, he certainly isn't worth wasting much sleep over or energy on.
nope he's not.

and I am going to get thru this. it is a bump. at least I am telling myself this.
Seems I received in my email "in" box a short two sentence email from my recent xbf. Now he is officially the xbf.

I see, it's officially official now.

I don't understand why you have to continually repeat the mantra that it was YOU who initiated NC. After all, it's plain that you didn't. Not only had you not blocked his email but you responded to it.

If it's over, it's over. Ditch him.
i dont mean to sound "mean" or to down play what you went through with your XBF...


unless you look at "dating" as a game...and have fun with it....

you will continue to run into the same sitch that you experienced recently...

in reading your posts.....

you are PISSED!! and the whole world knows IT...

XBF....his XGF....etc...

usually its the girl who screws over the guy and the poor guy feels like he "got played"...

as we get older...(i use this term loosly!) we almost expect that the games will end and not be there...i have found that not only to be false...but the "women" in "our" age group are MORE NEEDY and im sorry to say...easier to "take advantage of"....

the more you VENT to him....the less classy you become...

keep your self respect....

WHO CARES!! really....laugh...accept it....


men and women are FORMIDIBLE adversaries in the "dating game"... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


if my memory serves me dated this guy in the past and it didnt work out right???

why would it now????? the odds were against you already...

it sounds like you had some fun, had a good time...NOW....MOVE ON...and.......

rememeber this experience for the next time...

(im on a roll...sorry for the lenghth but i just thought of a concept!)

when you react all mad and upset...and have to have the last word....guys can sometimes "mis-read" these signals....

i read that "ok, shes mad....but with alittle time, she'll come around because if she didnt REALLY like me, she wouldnt care"....

you may think...."screw that done"

by not calling....emailing....NC....not caring....GIVES YOU TREMENDOUS POWER....


in my continue to play right into his hand....

i have learned alot just watching my teenagers go through the same thing.....and its NO different than what happened to you....

whether your 13, or 23 or 43.....boys are boys and girls are "toys for boys to play with".... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

it dosent matter what age we are...being single has it own sets of problems and the dating world has its own rules...

just dont take yourself or dating SO serious right now....

it'll be alot more fun that way!!

thats all for now! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />
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