Marriage Builders
Posted By: daybreak So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 06:08 PM
I have no plans at this time so am looking to see what others are doing, to see if anything inspires me!!!!!


Posted By: Seabird Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 06:22 PM
I spent last Memorial Day in the depths of dispair, doing fixer upper things around the house while my then STBXW took the kids to go visit her family in New York. It was the first time I was alone since she told me that she was leaving me, and on the advice of my IC, I tried to stay busy around the house too keep from going into a full-blown depressive state.

THIS year I am going tubing down the Guadalupe River with my new girlfriend, who actually owns and wears a bikini. Yay me! laugh
Posted By: Pariah Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 06:51 PM
I'm going to sight in my Springfield 1903-A4 that I just restored after a year of scrounging all the proper military parts.

It's EXACTLY like Pvt. Jackson's sniper rifle from Saving Private Ryan.

It was my dad's deer rifle that he bought in the 50's and then sporterized it, never thinking that it would ever have any value.

Now they are priceless and sought after and I have one!
Posted By: newly Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 06:55 PM
Spending the weekend at a friend's house who has a pool.
This is one of the most relaxing things we do as a family. Swim, sit, read, eat, and the girls watch movies on the big screen TV with Surround sound when they need breaks from swimming.
Posted By: Tabby1 Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 07:42 PM
We don't celebrate Memorial Day here but I spent Victoria Day with my (sort of) BF and we did fireworks with his DD and neighbours kids.
Posted By: daybreak Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 08:56 PM
Sea, I am glad things are better for you this year!!!

Pariah, old guns am not sure I can get into that, but old cars I can!!!

newly, pool and movies sounds great!!!

tabby, fireworks sounds like fun, I love to ew and ahhh over them.

Still am not sure what I am doing, will probably wait and see what my kids are doing, we usually do a cook out at my house. I have a huge deck and a new family room, so we all fit and that works. I love to cook, and so my kids let me!!!

Posted By: mlhbisme Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 09:13 PM
packing more for our move, selling stuff in our town wide garage sale, homework... spending it with my kids.

good lord i am boring. yawn...

I scheduled myself off for a 4 day weekend...The kids and I were going to go camping but found out the XH and his soon to be new family were going to the same place so I dont know what we will do now. Maybe go up to Erie, hang on the beach and stay one night with my sister and brother-in-law. If nothing else we'll stay home and clean out the like tons of fun but much needed since the move last October.
I have Friday off and it's payday, so I"m going to do a little shopping and have lunch with a friend. I work on Saturday, but Saturday night I and the kids will go to my boyfriend's house, about an hour south of me. Then Sunday morning we'll pack all the camping gear and go down to his "family campground" in southern Iowa. His uncle turned a pasture into a campground with volleyball, swimming and fishing ponds, etc. They have family reunions there every year. Four of his brothers will be there, and his parents, and some cousins. We'll spend Sunday and Monday fishing and grilling and hanging out. It's a good chance for my kids to get to know his family better.
Posted By: mlhbisme Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/20/08 10:48 PM

that totally sounds like fun!

We're not doing a whole lot. Maybe Prince Caspian on Saturday. We do have a family bbq on Sunday, which will be fun. Maybe get to some yardwork on Monday.
I don't have DS4 so it will probably be golf, bud light, and cigars. I'm sure there will be many pit lightings, but I also have crawfish, crab, and shrimp in the freezer so I think I'll take a stab at seafood fetuccini.

Would love to go fishing, but can't afford to put gas in the boat frown

Regardless, I am SOOOOO ready for a long weekend with nothing on the books. This will be one of the rare occasions where I get to be selfish. Can't wait!

Posted By: Pariah Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/21/08 05:23 PM
Well, I just found out that I will be working Saturday, but off Manday.

Saturday WILL count as overtime @ $60 an hour. laugh
Posted By: ezb Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/21/08 05:28 PM
I'll be deligently working on my changes, figuring out why I'm controlling and manipulating and setting in motion a plan to keep the changes permanent which will include but not be limited to making a folder of printed out reminders, causes and effects and key patterns to recognize it before it happens.
Posted By: Seabird Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/21/08 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Pariah
Well, I just found out that I will be working Saturday, but off Manday.

Saturday WILL count as overtime @ $60 an hour. laugh

"Um, yeaaaaaaah... As long as you're coming in on Saturday, why don't you just go ahead and come in on Sunday too. That would be greeeeat... Yeaaaaaaah...[/Lumbergh]

Did you get the memo about the TPS reports? confused

Posted By: Seabird Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/21/08 05:54 PM
I'll get those out as soon as I locate my stapler.
Posted By: Pariah Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/21/08 06:42 PM
Dayum, it's good to be a gangsta. wink

(yep, I'm that guy at work)
Posted By: Mark1952 Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/21/08 06:54 PM
I'm off Saturday, Sunday and Monday and then on vacation the rest of the week. (where's that tongue sticking out icon when I need it?) wink

I'll work in the yard and garden on Saturday. I have to be at church at 7:30 am on Sunday and have a reception afterwards till about 3 pm. Then I'll go home, change, load up my truck and leave for our vacation cottage, stopping at the store along the way for supplies. I should get there about 8 pm or so, unload the truck, put stuff away, clean up the place a bit and go to bed or fall asleep on the couch late.

Then Monday, I get to do the yard work THERE and help the neighbor put up his satellite dish.

My wife should be joining me sometime Monday evening and I will cook dinner for us.

The rest of the week will be vacation stuff I hope...

Posted By: newly Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/27/08 12:51 PM
Well, I'm sunburned, anyone else?
My kids are too. But they had fun at the pool, and playing Wii and Wii Fit, so it was a very relaxing weekend with friends.
Anyone else?
Posted By: daybreak Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/27/08 07:15 PM
WE aren't sunburnt!! It rained and never reached 50 degrees here, so everything was moved indoors, even the watergun fight with my mother and Kev. It was so hilarious, my mom is 67 and Kevin is 47 and then my 2 and 3 yo GS, mom had the super soaker and and the other three had little squirt pistols. NOt fair!!

My house was wet everywhere, she held some of us at bay outside and wouldn't let us in!!!! The 2 yo was sitting on the chair next to her!!

I said something about how she would've gotten pissed if people had done that in her house, she said yeah but it wasn't my house!!! I had friends over that have known my mom for ages that wer just blown away that she was doing this, we laughed so hard and all had wet clothing.

We had a ball and way to much food, but I love to cook so all is good!!!

Posted By: newly Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/27/08 08:09 PM
OK Day, you rock as one of the coolest daughters and grandmothers to let them turn your house into a water gun fight.

Our weather could not have been better. Last week was bad, and today is rain, but the weekend was the best in years.

You will always have memories of watching that water gun fight, and you can't help but smile thinking about it.
We had a great alot of spring cleaning done and spent yesterday with family. Weather was cool Friday and Saturday but warmed up Sunday and Monday.

Sounds like fun with the water guns. Every once in a while I shock my kids with the kitchen sink sprayer as they walk by me. A little water never hurts anything....well at least not too much.

The Diplomat arrived Thursday night

Took son to school Friday
Went to daughter's school to pick up and fill out forms and French horn
Took daughter to fail her learner's permit test again
Got daughter state-issued photo ID instead
Sent children to their dad's for weekend
Diplomat and I went to dinner and to see Indiana Jones movie

Went to son's 8th grade graduation Saturday
Took diploma to be framed ($125)
Went to Target for some things to do some repairs around house
Went to Whole Foods for dinner - cook anything in the store right in front of you
Went to see Baby Mama w/ Diplomat

Son came home Sunday am for church
Went to church
Son's dad picked him up
Went to hardware store for more stuff for repairs
Grilled chicken for dinner

Monday we did more repairs around the house
Diplomat left around 4 p.m.

Tomorrow, (Thursday) I send daughter to Germany for 3 weeks - school exchange program which means we will have a German teenage girl living w/ us for 3 weeks
Posted By: daybreak Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/29/08 01:40 AM
Cin, that was a very busy weekend!!!!

It sure was....and it wasn't long enough. Thankfully, I have gotten past crying every time my time w/ The Diplomat is over.
Posted By: Seabird Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/29/08 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by cinderella
The Diplomat arrived Thursday night

Took son to school Friday
Went to daughter's school to pick up and fill out forms and French horn
Took daughter to fail her learner's permit test again
Got daughter state-issued photo ID instead
Sent children to their dad's for weekend
Diplomat and I went to dinner and to see Indiana Jones movie

Went to son's 8th grade graduation Saturday
Took diploma to be framed ($125)
Went to Target for some things to do some repairs around house
Went to Whole Foods for dinner - cook anything in the store right in front of you
Went to see Baby Mama w/ Diplomat

Son came home Sunday am for church
Went to church
Son's dad picked him up
Went to hardware store for more stuff for repairs
Grilled chicken for dinner

Monday we did more repairs around the house
Diplomat left around 4 p.m.

Tomorrow, (Thursday) I send daughter to Germany for 3 weeks - school exchange program which means we will have a German teenage girl living w/ us for 3 weeks

Did anyone else try and read that in verse form? grin
Posted By: daybreak Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/29/08 01:06 PM
No I didn't!

I like the way it was broken down easier to read then huge paragraphs!

So how many times do you get to see the diplomat? How did you meet that it is a LDR? I never go to the Kingdom so am not familiar!!

Posted By: Pariah Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/29/08 01:49 PM
From Cinderella, Book of Diplomat, Chapter 1, Verses 1-19.


Pariah, that was funny.
Posted By: daybreak Re: So what are you doing memorial weekend? - 05/31/08 04:28 AM
I don't get it!!!!!
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