Marriage Builders
Posted By: daybreak Valentines Day is almost here, ?? 4 you all - 01/30/10 09:54 PM
Last year I had just started dating this guy and instead of the traditional flowers or roses that are way over priced this time of year, he put together a basket of goodies for me, that just blew me away.It was so much better then flowers!!!

He had chocolate kisses, a DVD of Reba my favorite show, candles, bubble bath, a romance book, he had listened as we talked. It was probably the best valentines that I had ever gotten. Unfortunately we are no longer dating, friends still!!!

So here is the question for both the gals and guys, What was the best valentines that you have gotten or given to someone of the opposite sex.

I am hoping that we may inspire each other!!! I was told by a friend that giving roses is for amateurs!! I had to laugh!!!

Let's have fun with this ask others in your circle and post the best ones!!!

Thanks, Dawn

My XGF gave me a basket of emotional needs last year. Like for SF she put massage oils in the basket, for FS she put a 5 dollar bill in, for DS she put a carpet cleaning voucher, etc. She was very creative and I was deeply touched.....
Years ago my sons' dad surprised me with dinner on the beach for Valentine's Day. He'd never cooked before, but when I came home from work, he had a steak grilled, antipasto and a green salad all packed up in those plastic margarine containers, brie and a baguette, plus a bottle of wine and plastic wine glasses. We had a very romantic dinner on the beach and I've never forgotten it.
This is corny, but I think this year will be my best Valentines Day ever because of who I am getting to spend it with! :-)
Anna that doesn't sound corny at all, sounds rather nice.

I am having a truly hard time in the guy department so will be probably spending the night with my bowling league, as that is our normal night to bowl anyways!!!

Let's see I got stood up twice 2 weekends ago and dumped by someone else this week, so am thinking that I should not waste my time right now!!!

Oh well so goes life!!!

I got married on Valentine's day. I was only 21 though. Last year I went to a wedding on Valentine's day. I had to work really hard to get on myself, that is. That one was tough - normally weddings aren't but that date was what did it.
Posted By: KayC Re: Valentines Day is almost here, ?? 4 you all - 02/08/10 11:28 PM
Hey, I'll take anything I can get! LOL
Someone once asked me my most memorable Valentine's Day and I'd have to say it was 34 years ago, I was seeing, a German, from the old country. In his country they didn't celebrate Valentine's Day, so it didn't mean anything to him. He was working, it was a Saturday and I went to pick him up from was POURING rain like I've never seen, and as I was driving down the street, I saw him walking in it, no coat, absolutely drenched, and I pulled over to pick him up. He got in the car, puddles forming, he was soaking wet...and he handed me a Toberlone candy bar...he'd walked down to the nearest store a few blocks away, to purchase it for me...of course, thinking his European chocolate superior to American. smile
It wasn't the grandest Valentine's Day present I've ever received, but it was definitely touching as he made the effort to please me, getting absolutely soaked to the gils in the process.
"It wasn't the grandest Valentine's Day present I've ever received, but it was definitely touching as he made the effort to please me, getting absolutely soaked to the gils in the process."

I agree, it is more the thought than the present. Over the years, Valentine's Day for me has been mostly about expectations, with many disappointments. Anyone can go out and buy a card and flowers, but many times even that seemed to be too much to ask for.
LOL, I thought for a few minutes and I can't remember any special valentine occasion... I've been with my xWH the longest... almost 7 years dating, 7 years marriage...

Good, this means I have space for new memories smile

Well it was definitely a different Valentines Days, not bad, just different!!!

I did get to do something that I love, I got to bowl in the city tournament and then in my league.

The president of our bowling league, is in the process of going through a divorce. His wife never bowled and wouldn't even come to the bowling alley with him. He brought roses for all the ladies of the league, it was so sweet!!!

My grandsons gave me homemade cards that were awesome!

So it was a good day in my world!!!!

Posted By: dkd Re: Valentines Day is almost here, ?? 4 you all - 02/16/10 10:07 PM
I very much appreciated the fact that this V-day was very friendly on my budget.
The first date I had with my WW. Now...obviously not so much of a special feeling anymore.

And I think about after that one, and realize that V-day and anniversaries planning was always on my shoulders. Our first anniversary I made a big deal of it, cooked, got her a gift, flowers, and some special side stuff like oil massage, wine, and relaxing.(I received a card.) The second anniversary I didn't do anything expecting she'd reciprocate leading the way...nope got in trouble in fact and had to turn things around the next day...all me again. Then cheating on me. I should have seen it coming honestly(In more than just this obviously.).

Hindsight is always 20/20, we can see things now that we should've been obvious, they weren't. Don't beat yourself up about it!!!

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