Marriage Builders
Posted By: Anonymous93 Cracking a Mac - 10/09/12 04:30 PM
Husband has an up to date iMac, password protected. Any tips on how to crack his password and get into it while he's gone to look for evidence of an affair?

I know nothing about macs. I have an ipod, but other than that i use Windows machines.
Posted By: SugarCane Re: Cracking a Mac - 10/09/12 04:55 PM
It is hard to catch someone's log on password. I take it you've tried the obvious - guessing the password? Mother's maiden name, town of birth, grandfather's occupation, a password used elsewhere that you DO know?

I read here of a BH who set up a hidden camera - nannycam - the kind that you can install in an ornament. That worked.

By the sound of it, you do not have admin privileges on his Mac? if you did, you wouldn't need his password. You could install a keylogger as an administrator. The greater problem, though, is that you should be able to just ask him for access to his Mac, as part of your recovery conditions. He should not deny this to you if he is claiming to want to end the affair and recover your marriage.

I will read your thread to see where you are on this.
Posted By: MrNiceGuy Re: Cracking a Mac - 10/09/12 08:41 PM
Well .. I found a way in for you i think. However he will know you were in as it will reset the password to one you choose. This is provided he is using a mac book pro. Do you know the exact mac your hubby has? Maybe i can find more for you.
Maybe that will help you.


Boot to the Recovery HD:

Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.

When the menu bar appears select Terminal from the Utilities menu. Enter reset password at the prompt and press RETURN. Follow instructions in the dialog window that will appear.

edit to add the instructions from the link.

Posted By: MrNiceGuy Re: Cracking a Mac - 10/09/12 08:47 PM
Here is another work around .... to make a new admin account.
But, it will create a new account and your old files will still not be accessible.

Creating a new Admin on Mac Os X:
Here's how to reset your OS X password without an OS X CD.
the Working solution for me was to create a new admin
you can create new admin like this by deleting a specific file.

You need to enter terminal and create a new admin account:

1. Reboot
2. Hold apple key + s key down after you hear the chime.
(command + s keys on newer Macs)
3. When you get text prompt enter in these terminal commands to create a brand new admin account (hitting return after each line):

mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
shutdown -h now

4. After rebooting you should have a brand new admin account. When you login as the new admin you can simply delete the old one and your good to go again!


P.S. I will look around a bit more still for other solutions. If your computers were PCs it would be a breeze as you could see my previous threads about password erasing and the admin work around for windows.
Posted By: MrNiceGuy Re: Cracking a Mac - 10/09/12 08:50 PM
Here is some more info related to password recovery for macs.


Posted By: MrNiceGuy Re: Cracking a Mac - 10/09/12 08:52 PM
And a youtube video to guide you if your going to do this.

Hope that all helps you.

If I find some more I will post it.

edit: WOW .. i watched the vid .. and you can DEF get in with the video instructions. BUT your hubby will know you got in because the password will be changed to one you choose. BUT you will be in ...
Posted By: Anonymous93 Re: Cracking a Mac - 10/09/12 11:36 PM
Thanks! I was hoping there would be a way that he wouldn't know. But i guess it doesn't matter. Either he was cheating and he deserved it or he wasn't and our marriage will be over.

He's got an imac. Up to date with the newest installs of everything. In one of your posts mentioned starting from a CD. I know his didn't come with one. I remember because all the windows machines we ever got had startup disks and we both thought it was weird.

I'll read the links and see if i can find more of my own and l'll let everyone know how it turns out.
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