Hi my friends, it's been a while since I've been here, lots has been happening. In the past 3 weeks, we have had 6 suicides, all males, 4 between the ages of 14 and 22, one 28 and a police officer as well. Within a 20 mile radius.
Satan is out to steal, kill and destroy. Please pray for our communities, for the families who have lost their loved ones, and for the Christians in this community to stand in the gap for those who cannot. This town's name is Carstairs and the surrounding towns.
I am needing prayer myself, as I am being led by the Lord to get Christians together from this town and surrounding communities, to begin a prayer walk, as a family of God, regardless of their denomination. I know that I will most likely be a target for the enemy, and ask for your prayers that the Lord may use me in what ever way He wishes, and that the enemy will have no power over me in any way!
I am also taking a trip by myself to BC this weekend to perform for a gospel in the park concert, please pray for my safety driving through the mountains. I truly appreciate and need your prayers.

Knight, I'm sorry to hear of the troubles you are having, I will keep you in my prayers too!
God Bless you all,