Marriage Builders
I was looking around on this web site and found that someone in the affection board recommmended this book. I was wondering if anyone here has read it. I looked on and found only 5 star ratings. Monique
I've read it. It goes along with Harley's HIS NEEDS HER NEEDS pretty well, only paring the 10 Harley needs into 5 with some good illustrations on how to figure out both your "love language" and your spouses--meeting needs in the best way. Well worth a read. I also really appreciated Chapman's book HOPE FOR THE SEPARATED.<P><P>------------------<BR>Lor<BR>"Do not get tired of doing what is right, for after awhile you will reap a harvest of blessings if you do not get discouraged and give up. (Gal 6:9)<P><BR>
Yes it is part of my Christian Bookstore that is stacked beside my bed. I skimmed it and hopefully will get to reading it. I'll read it with you if you get it. Many people get much out of it. It is pretty short, so its not a huge commitment.<P>Hey, you got mail<P>------------------<BR>Faith, Hope, Love Remain,<BR>but the greatest of these is Love.<BR>1 Corinthians 13:13
Thanks for shareing the info. I'll have to pick this one up.
I enjoyed the book immensely. It is very positive and uplifting. I still look at occ. Lots of it is common sense, but stated in a way that makes one re-appreciate compassion. Most libraries have this book too-it is not a new one!!!
I have read it cover to cover. It is very enlightening. I learned a lot about myself. My H said he would read it. I wasn't able to figure out what his language so I look forward to him reading it and determining for himself.<P>Another thing I like about this book is that you can apply his method to your children and relatives. It has helped tremendously with my oldest son.
I recommend that book highly. It is the perfect complement to the Needs book. My wife and I both discovered how far off we both had been on the language thing. The frustration that that ignorance caused for all those years directly led to her EMA. She just flat gave up on me being able to make her happy.I was terribly frustrated all those years because I had given her so much to show my love for her and she still wasn't happy. <BR>I have given copies of both books to both my sons and told them.....READ THEM NOW before you need them.
read it- such an eye opener.<P>also works well with our son.<P>also , helped me realize what i see as a loving geustere.
Good book. Helps you understand why sometimes when you do things you think show love, your spouse may not see it that way. I figured out what my language was, and, I think, my wife's too. Too bad I can't get her to read it. [Linked Image from]<P>P.S.: Overlook Chapman's absurd comments about the basis of male sex drive. It's a minor flaw in an otherwise excellent book.
Ok I will read it. I will have to quit comming here though so I will have time to read it. I will check and see if our libary has it. Good Idea Monique
It is a wonderful book. Worth it's weight in gold and more.<P>------------------<BR>God bless you and all of us.<P>Samantha<P>
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