Marriage Builders
Posted By: ranman Wife has left, need prayer - 10/05/00 07:27 PM
I just found out this past Monday that my wife has been having an EA with a guy for the past 4 months. She has just moved out of our house to give her some time to think. I am afraid that she will make a decission based on her emotions, and not what she knows is right. Please pray that she will listen to God's will, and not her own emotions. I'm not sure how much time I have, please pray.......<P>Thank you,<BR>Ran
Posted By: carol14 Re: Wife has left, need prayer - 10/05/00 10:45 PM
I have already been praying, I cried really hard when I read your post. (my pain mixed with yours) I really emphasize with your situation.<BR>Here's a prayer you can see, it an actual bible verse but I don't know the chapt or verse.<P>Dear God,<BR> Please open ranman's wife's eyes and turn her from darkness to light, from the power of satan to God, so she may find peace, and a place among those who are sanctified by faith." Amen<BR> Don't give up hope, I havn't, my h has not moved out but he is gone just the same.<BR>I am waiting on God, to guide me as to what to do next. <BR> Pray, pray, pray while you are crying vent here and cry some more, get a punching bag, exercise, walking helps me along with christian music. I am also continuing to see the counsler, my h has decided to stop going with me. I hope I have helped, you are in my evening prayers everyday.
Posted By: ranman Re: Wife has left, need prayer - 10/05/00 11:19 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by carol14:<BR><B> you are in my evening prayers everyday. </B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Thank you so much.<P>My prayes are with you,<BR>Ran
Posted By: ranman Re: Wife has left, need prayer - 10/12/00 04:37 AM
Well my wife has come home, please pray with me that she is here to stay. I am sleeping in a seperate room for now, because she has not stated that she wants to work on the marraige. I pray to God that she can break contact with the OM long enough for her to fall back in love with me. PLEASE help me pray this OM out of our life! I know she loves me, and I love her with my life....<P>Thank you,<BR>Randy<P>
Posted By: tigger Re: Wife has left, need prayer - 10/13/00 08:26 PM
My prayers are with you.
Posted By: alone1 Re: Wife has left, need prayer - 10/16/00 06:43 PM
Hello Everyone,<BR>I usually post on divorce/divorcing or general.For those of you who dont know my story here is an update.<BR>H asked out of the blue for divorce Nov.1999.<BR>H stayed at home ,but had internet EA's ,that I suspected, but had no proof.<BR>H moved out of home and moved internet OW and OC,s from another state and is sharing a apartment with them.H is pursueing a divorce.<BR>We have 2 teen-agers.<BR>Please pray for my emtional healing.That I can have the strength to pull out of my depression.That the pain will end.Please pray to surrender my life to God.Surrender doubts about the future,about how we will survive financially,and where we will end up living.<BR>Help me to forgive H and OW for all the pain they have caused to me,the children,and extended family. Beth
Posted By: alone1 Re: Wife has left, need prayer - 10/16/00 06:45 PM
Ranman<BR>Sorry I posted on your thread by accident .Beth
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