Marriage Builders
Posted By: plecostomous Prayer Answered! - 07/13/01 10:12 AM
Hi All,<P>This has nothing to do with the MB web site, but more to do with the fact prayers do get answered. It may seem petty to some people, but my prayer that was answered means a lot to me. I just wanted to post this to give others hope that God is listening, and he does answer our prayers.<P>Basically I have some computer equipment that was sent to me from a customer. (I am a computer engineer). I had to do some tests with this equipment. This equipment is worth thousands and is very important to the customer. I was specifically told to handle it with care and not to damage it, or we would be in serious trouble.<P>To cut a long story short, during my testing the equipment stopped working, and I repeatedly procrastinated about telling anyone or sorting it out. All my marriage problems just confounded my stress and made me procrastinate even more! I kept putting off, and avoiding the fact that this was broken and I was in trouble.<P>Yesterday I got an email from the customer requesting the equipment back, as it is needed urgently. Oh boy, I am in serious trouble! Last night I prayed to the Lord that he might help me, over and over again. Knowing that this broken equipment may cost me my job. Today I came in and tested the equipment and ... it worked first time!!!!!<P>Some may say, oh this is just chance. But the fact that I have tested this at least 20-30 times before, and it never worked, says something different to me.<P>I thank the Lord for his patience with me, and I praise him for helping me when I was really in need. I pray that he can help me overcome my procrastination, and learn to do things on time in future.<P>Hope this give some hope to someone out there!<P>Plec.
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