Marriage Builders
Posted By: ISGirl How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 12:04 AM
I posted this over at SYMC, and wanted to do the same thing here.

If you happen to be a believer in an afterlife...

If you then also believe that when the afterlife is achieved, we will be reuinted with all our loved ones...

Ponder this...

If you (regardless of whether you are a WS or a BS) were to die today...

And your spouse/partner were to die tomorrow...

Would you be reunited?

Or has the love died...on the part of either party, which theoretically would mean there would be no "loved one" with whom to reunite.

Just something to chew on.

<small>[ November 07, 2004, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: ISGirl ]</small>
Posted By: Pepperband Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 01:54 AM
This question reminds me of the ending of that Sally Fields movie "Places In The Heart" ... at the end of the movie... friends and foe (living and dead) were all sitting together in church... it was a very surreal ending ...

I guess we are all connected... only God knows how this comes to be in the afterlife. Perhaps we all become one with each other???


<small>[ November 07, 2004, 07:55 PM: Message edited by: Pepperband ]</small>
Posted By: ISGirl Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 03:20 PM
Posted By: Spider Slayer Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 03:58 PM
Well, I don't really feel that I have educated myself enough to have a "great," or "sound" philosophy about this. So, please realize that everything you read here has no basis in fact, theory, or necessarily makes sense to anyone but me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> That said, here goes.

I believe that we have all been here before. I believe in reincarnation. I believe you keep coming back until you have learned it all - which I can't imagine anyone ever "learns it all," so maybe that just means we all keep coming back, trying to do better than the time before.

I also believe we tend to come back AROUND ones that we have been with before. For instance, I feel like I've known my H for a long, long time, but I don't think I was always M'd to him, necessarily. Perhaps he was my brother, or sister, OR, perhaps we were M'd before and he was the W and I the H. I don't think we are gender-specific.

I know dreams are not proof, but I have often dreamed of my H as a woman, or a relative of mine, or a great friend. Perhaps this is why we feel "bonded" to different people for different reasons. I don't think we are "pre-destined" to be with these same people over and over again, but I think that some souls are drawn together - probably for comfort, or genuine love and companionship. Making the journey with a good friend through this life, is a LOT easier than doing it alone, me thinks.

Anyway, like I said, I have no great books to point to for my POV, no religions (that I know of), no famous people. It is just what I believe for now. Until someone comes along and educates me! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />


ps, now I will go back and read the question!
Posted By: Spider Slayer Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 04:03 PM
OK, the question. Would we be reunited? Yes, I think so. As H and W? No, I don't think so. I don't even think there is male and female. I don't think we take our "eyes" with us as we understand our "sight" to be right now. I think our consciousness is so different outside of our bodies, that we cannot even wrap our brains around the concept. No judgement, guilt, shame, anger, hate, FEAR, . . .

I cannot imagine being free of these things. Everything around us is done out of fear. War, terrorism, security screenings at the airports, even this last presidential election! Both campaigns (I feel) prayed on our FEARS of being attacked, being "vulnerable."

Anyway, I don't have time for THAT soapbox today. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Great topic, ISGirl. Very interesting.
Posted By: Bob_Pure Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 04:10 PM
I asked this question at abible study once. Friend and pastor Jem replied that in ther hereafter we will know " as Christ knows". We will share His capacity for love. Rather than ONLY being united in love specially with our spouse we will unite in love even more fully with ALL the saved.

No-one knows what earthly experience we will take with us past judgment and as so much of our experiences on earth is sin, and that isn't allowed in Heaven it makes for an interesting question.

I hope I didn't misrepresent Pastor Jem !
Posted By: Octobergirl Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/09/04 06:39 AM
Hi ISGirl,

I have thought about this before especially since reading,"The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom.

Personally,I do believe we will meet loved ones again after death but whether or not we are reunited as a H and W or something like that I have no idea.I think we all learn from any and all relationships here on earth and they are designed to help us learn and bring us closer to God.I also think Mathematics is another way as well(personal theory).

Anyway,I used to think that my WH and I would be bound eternally forever but I am not so sure anymore after what he did.I'm definitely in a quandary about that one.

How are you doing these days?
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

Posted By: lemonman Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 07:03 PM
What is SYMC???????? Another board or what? just curious.
Posted By: Pepperband Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 07:06 PM
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Octobergirl:

I have thought about this before especially since reading,"The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom.

</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">THAT BOOK CHANGED MY LIFE.... I read it to my Mom while she was dying of liver cancer this March...

Posted By: KMEJ Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 07:06 PM
yes it is another board' I believe.

I went there once, came back here.

LM- left a question for you back on the bash KMEJ thread (just kidding everyone, put your 2x4's down). If you want to go back and read it.
Posted By: lemonman Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 07:08 PM
what was the trhead entitled. The *cherished* thread??
Posted By: KMEJ Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 07:13 PM
yeah sorry. I posted it saying I wanted the topic dropped, however as you can see it is still not dropped.
Posted By: ISGirl Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 08:11 PM

SYMC stands for Save Your Marriage Central. It is Penny Tupy's site. Penny is Cerri've probably seen her posts.

Here is the link:

Save Your Marriage Central Bulletin Board

Come on over and check it out!

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Posted By: ITHURTS Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/08/04 08:33 PM
Thank God I have family and pets - that's who I'll met up with those who love unconditionally..for keeps...not till something they think is better that comes along..

And my WS will be very lonely down there..
Posted By: still seeking Re: How Lasting Is Our Love - Really? - 11/09/04 12:39 AM
I believe we lived (as spirits) with God before coming to earth.

We wanted to be like our father - have control over physical things, we wanted to share the power of creation so we came to earth to get these things - and to learn, and to take a test.

I believe these things that are important to us - our spouse, our children, our friends are what will be important to us after we leave this test. I believe our relationships can continue if we take care of them, and nuture them, and don't destroy them by our choices.

Are there any stronger bonds than those between Husband and Wife? Between parent and child? How much love does a mother have for a child, even one who strays?

Isn't that what the pain is all about when there is an A? Broken bonds, broken promises, broken hearts. Lost love, lost innocence, lost hope. Do our hearts......our spirts, know something that our minds don't know? Do we long for a better place, for perfected families, for eternal love?

I believe we are eternal beings, that we continue on after what we call death.

I believe love CAN BE eternal. I believe the bonds between us can be also.

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