Marriage Builders
Posted By: heroswife Roughroad where are you? - 06/16/04 07:26 PM
Roughroad -

Where are you? If your lurking please let us know you are ok.

Has anyone heard from her in the past few days? It's not like her to stay away for so long.
Posted By: roughroad Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/16/04 09:41 PM
Are you are just too sweet, all of you are! God bless you guys. I'm okay. I don't have computer access outside work and i have been out of the office the last couple of days and most of today. i've been helping w/the national veteran's wheelchair games which are in st. louis this year.

i originally didn't think i could because my 11th anniversary is tomorrow and i didn't think i could keep it together enough to "help" other people. but i talked w/my supervisor and told her my concerns about now being able to keep my composure and she said that keeping busy might help and also that helping others can in turn help you and that she has heard from other people who have volunteered at these games before that it is just a wonderful experience to help the veterans and see what they have over come in their lives.

so i decided to volunteer monday, tues, wed, and friday. i still didn't think i could keep from crying on the 17th so i will be in the office tomorrow and will probably be spending most of the day on the forums and in prayer. the wheelchair games so far have been a wonderful experience. with meeting so many people, veteran's, who are in wheelchairs and have come from all over the country, and have overcome so many obstacles to be where they are. they are all so nice and so thankful and it has helped me in return even if i can only offer them a smile and a welcome to st. louis.

thank you again for your concern and i am so entirely thankful for your prayers, i'm not even sure i can even tell you how much they mean to me and how much they are truly providing for me. i do have some good news that i will share tomorrow. so check back w/me on my thread and will let you guys know what it is and what the power of prayer can do. now i've got you guys hooked and hanging to find out what it is <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

hopefully you guys know that you are ALL in my prayers to, love you much, RR
Posted By: lostnhurt Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/16/04 09:46 PM
RR, got your e-mail and replied. I too, like heroswife, miss you. I am so relieved to hear from you. Looking forward to your good news tomorrow. prayers for you.
Posted By: roughroad Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/17/04 04:44 PM
^ for heroswife
Posted By: heroswife Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/17/04 04:47 PM
Oh Rough when I saw that you had posted I was so relieved it brought tears to my eyes. It was like hearing from a long lost friend! Even though you hadn't been gone long the thought of something happening and never hearing from you again terrified me.

I'm glad you are OK. I'll check your other thread. I can't wait to hear your news.
Posted By: Autumn Day Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/17/04 04:49 PM
Hi RR~

Good to hear from you. Hope all is well for you today.

BTW, how's the workout going?
Posted By: roughroad Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/17/04 10:17 PM
AD, the "working out" is going okay. still have lots of work to do. i'm not sure i'll be able to lose the weight i wanted before i see my H but we will see..... i did make a tape of my workout CD but i used my roommate's stereo and i wasn't very familiar w/it. basically there wasn't any base in the music and it was a lot faster than it was supposed to be <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> but i did run w/it on sunday. so i'm going to make a better copy this weekend so i can really "get into it."

i did buy a pair of jeans last week and have been wearing them. i haven't worn a pair of jeans in at least 2 years maybe even 3. i just never thought i looked good in them. i don't necessarily think i look all that hot now but i'm not embarassed anymore. they are a size 12, and are very loose. i wish now i would have tried on a size 10 but i was kind of in a hurry and i actually really didn't think a 10 would have worked but now i'm thinking they may have. so i'll wait until the 26th or 27th and see about getting a size 10 or maybe smaller <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

thanks for thinking of me and for the advice, i can't wait to see what size i'll be by the end of the summer <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" /> God bless and prayers to you.
Posted By: heroswife Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/18/04 12:38 PM
Rough -

Glad to hear you workouts are work'n out for you! OK...pun intended.

I think that you are doing this right. Taking your time to develop good habits to take the weight off.

I predict by the end of the summer you will be in a size 6!

Hope you have a good day today.
Posted By: Autumn Day Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/18/04 02:22 PM
Wow, that's awesome RR! I'm so proud of you! You know what?...even if you haven't reached your goal by the time you see your H, he will be blind and stupid not to see the changes you've made in ALL aspects!!

One question...what kind of jeans? Please tell me they are more of a low rise, and not high waisted!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> Also, better to be a tad big than too tight.

You are an absolute sweetie, and doing so well. Whatever the outcome is with your H, God will bless you for your faithfulness and obedience!!!!
Posted By: roughroad Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/21/04 04:36 PM
just when i think you guys have been so sweet you are even sweeter!

the jeans are average waist height. i think my hips are still a little big in order to go the low rise route. i read an article in a magazine over the past couple of months that talked about finding a pair of jeans. they said the best are ones that sit naturally on the waist. that's what i would probably say these ones that i bought are, the only thing and this has been a problem my whole life, is finding jeans that actually fit my waist. i have a small waist, it's about a 29' and the jeans that i have to buy to fit over my hips/thighs are not jeans that fit my waist. i prefer to have jeans that you don't have to wear a belt, i mean, isn't that kind of the point?

the article also said to wear jeans that have a slight flare. i haven't gone that route yet. like i said i hadn't really planned on buying a pair of jeans but just happened to be on base and you don't have to pay tax on the military base and they usually have good sales. the jeans i got are ralph lauren's. they were the right length and fit so well in the legs and butt but that darn waist! i guess if i don't have to worry about my waist that's just one less thing right?

so i was going to go to the mall before i left on the 30th and try and find the pair of jeans i just bought in a smaller size and go from there. the article also said that old navy had some jeans that would be along the lines of what they suggested. i've not been a big old navy fan but i'll check that out too.

enough about me, thanks so much heroswife and autumnday for your encouragment. as humans we do need validation and support, i'm finding that out more than ever, probably more of my shortcomings of doing that w/my H but i can't change the past only do what i can now. i hope both of you are receiving the kind of support you need as well as the encouragment you deserve. i'm pretty lucky to have such wonderful people out there taking the time to even post to me about trivial things despite of all the hardships they may be experiencing in their lives.

as always, continued prayers for you, RR
Posted By: walkingoneggs Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/21/04 07:36 PM
RR, I just wanted to find a thread that you read to thank you for checking in and keeping up with my story. This thread sure shows how wonderful this forum is. That you could take off for a couple days and friends are looking for you. I know you're going to find your way and come out of this a better person. Keep up the hard work.
Like you I always feel a lot better after talking to SH. Take care. WOE
Posted By: roughroad Re: Roughroad where are you? - 06/21/04 08:18 PM
right back at you WOE <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

since heroswife first posted this and i came back and found it i've kind of wondered what i would do or what would happen if something did happen to me. so i decided to tell my sister that if anything ever happened to me to come here and post it to everyone. not that i think anything will happen and i'm not planning on that it's just that it's always the possibility. there's also a couple of people here that have my home phone or cell phone.

yes, this is a great forum and the tremendous support, caring, and even love that comes from the people here is truly amazing. i don't know what the future holds, none of us do but i will always remember MB and the people here very fondly and hope everyone knows how truly touched i have been. i sent my sister (i only have one sibling) the HN/HN book and she read it and said it was good. she is by no means headed for D but was just starting to feel frustrated in her M and her life and had been reaching out for answers. i'm glad i had this book to send to her. i've told her about the website and even sent her a copy of one of the enewsletters but w/3 small kids she keeps pretty busy. i'm lucky to get an email from her once a month. she much rather call and talk on the phone for 3 hours. honestly, i hate talking on the phone. maybe hate is too strong of a word but i definitely don't like it as much as her and certainly not for 3 hours!

but God love her she's 3 years younger than me and is getting the information before her marriage has any serious problems and if nothing else i was able to provide that information to her. thanks MB and thanks WOE.
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