Marriage Builders
I can't believe this. But I heard on the news tonight (re: Scott and Laci Peterson), that the biggest risk of dying for a pregnant woman is being murdered by her husband.

And the statistics are that the murder is usually in the 8th month.

What does this say about our society?????????????
Since you brought it up, the boy name my WH likes is Connor....That was the name of Laci's baby.
kloe- It is so hard for me to believe this. That the biggest danger to a pregnant woman is from her husband. It just defy's my imagination.

How messed up is our society?????????????????????
Six months ago I wouldn't have believed that statistic. But after going through what I have and reading about everyone else, I know see how it is possible (not that I think WH would ever do anything like that to me or the baby, I just see how it happens). It can't be coincidence that Laci's husband was having an affair when this happened.
Domestic Violence is very common in pregnancy. Infact it generally peaks during those months.

First instances of DV in a relationship often occur during the second trimester.

Its a crazy mixed up world alright.

kloe - I would not have believed it if I didn't see it on TV. Pretty scary. And what does this say about our society? Sad Sad Sad.
What are you guys trying to do to me tonight??? Don't you think I have enough to worry about right now??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
believer, it is not our society alone that has this problem. It occurs much more in third world countries, and the law is on the mens' side rather than on the side of the pregnant womens'.

At least here, the law will deal with the man to punish or at least try him. In many patriarchal societies, especially Middle Eastern Moslem ones, honor killings are part of the everyday landscape and police do not interfere. And an honor killing is defined by the man who does it.

The woman can be as innocent as the Virgin Mary and have a history of perfect obedience and submission. And her husband is entitled to beat or kill her because of a perceived offense against his honor.

For a man in those societies to actually be arrested and tried or punished for his crime is practically unheard of.

As for the part about husbands who kill their pregnant wives, I wish someone would explain it to me. Biologically, it seems stupid. I mean, males want to have their genes carried on, right? I just don't get it. They find a woman who is willing to have their baby, continue their line, give them biological immortality, and they kill them?

Just don't understand. 'Splain it to me, Lucy?
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