Marriage Builders
Posted By: Andi51 Who's been to a MB weekend? - 08/02/04 04:49 PM
If you've attended a marriage builders weekend please let me know what to expect. I saw the plan for the seminars on the website but tell me about the seminars themselves. Is it mostly lecture or do the participants have to talk or play games with others, etc? My H is willing to go to the Sept weekend near us but doesn't want to be forced into doing silly stuff with other couples or the whole group. We're just at the beginning of the rebuilding process and I think the workshop is coming at the perfect time for us and it's only 445 minutes from home!!!
Posted By: Andi51 Re: Who's been to a MB weekend? - 08/07/04 05:54 AM
Has anyone out there attended? H will go but wants to know in advance what to expect! By the way, that's 45 minutes from my house not 445!
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