Marriage Builders
Posted By: TA OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 05:23 PM
Who the He** is in charge?

Why is there NO public official there with a Bullhorn to at least talk to these people?

Why no Food, Water, or Toilets after 5 days, my God. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Someone needs to Hire me. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

5 friggin days and NO help. This in the greatest country in the World.

Typical Federal Governmental agencies. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Where are the State & Local officials?

Where is the National Guard, are they all in IRAQ?

Every single newscast says "they" are in meetings. I'll bet they're eating lunch, have a toilet, etc...

Where the **** is France, Germany, Canada, etc...?

Imagine if these people were White?
Hi TA,

We're coming:

There is no way to get in to most of the places.
ummm, why the ****** are these people STILL IN New Orleans?? They were told to LEAVE the city long before Katrina hit.

Where are the State & Local officials?

I happened to note that most of the people stuck there are ADULTS. The last time I checked, ADULTS, not big POPPA GOVERNMENT, were responsible for themselves.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 05:50 PM
I can tell you right now.

If that were my wife, children, or mother I would have had them out by now.

I would get a boat, canoe, whatever it took.

Can't the gov't get at least 30 people out at a time?

People on dialysis, etc...

There are NO rich people or important people who are trapped, that's why no rescue.

Can you honestly tell me if Bill Gates was trapped there that he would not have been rescued.

I think Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, and Bruce Willis would do a much better job. They always resolve the issues within 2 hours on the big screen. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Point being... its frustrating looking from the outside... and thinking what "should be done" or "could have been done differently"... Hopefully, they ARE doing the best they can, with the resources they have. And no one could have planned accurately for something like this. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
There are NO rich people or important people who are trapped, that's why no rescue.

naw, there are very few SMART people trapped there. The smart ones got out like they were told. Lots of folks CHOSE to stay so they only have the man in the mirror to blame, not BIG POPPA GOVERNMENT.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 05:59 PM
ummm, why the ****** are these people STILL IN New Orleans?? They were told to LEAVE the city long before Katrina hit.

I understand that. Most people like myself would have been long gone and sitting in a nice hotel watching this.

Over 25% of the people are children, is this fair to them?

Many of these people have NO money, resources, are disabled, etc...

They had very few options to get out.

Why did the Gov't NOT force them out? Mandatory means Mandatory, just like NC means NC. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

The bottom line is that I think most of these people were Mornons for not leaving. However, now that it has been 3 full days and no end in sight, where the **** is HELP.

Every sinle loser agency says "we are working on it, help is on the way."

Give me a break you LOSER agencies, they have Natl Guard guys on ships which aren't expected to arrive for several days.

These people are dying TODAY, not Friday. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

Man I hate Governmental agencies. 10x worse than a WS. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />
I think Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, and Bruce Willis would do a much better job. They always resolve the issues within 2 hours on the big screen. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />:(

If that were my wife, children, or mother I would have had them out by now.
Probably not, for the simple fact that there is no way to get out (of some places).
There are no boats, canoes, or whatever it takes to get out.

So they get out 30 people at a time.
How long will it take to move 50,000 to 60,000 people?

FEMA is standing down because of the violence.
Local law enforcement is standing down rescues to try & quell the violence & looters.

Yes, the govt should have been better prepared.
The Nat'l Guard should ahve at least been put on standby when it went to Class V the day before it hit.

Over 25% of the people are children, is this fair to them?

Many of these people have NO money, resources, are disabled, etc...

naw, they were just lazy and wanted to stay and loot. They thought they could ride it out. Sure, there are a few disabled, but those animals on TV looting and shooting at each other are hardly disabled. They are "abled" enough to rob and shoot people, I am sure they were able enough to get their sorry asses out when they were told to.

Those people who stayed with children need to be horsewhipped for not heeding the warning to leave town. They were told to leave and there were numerous free busses and safe houses set up in the north and the west. They chose to stay.

It's not BIG POPPA GUBMINT'S fault that some people are idiots.
It seems some of those refugees are shooting at helicopters who are trying to rescue them. They had to halt the evacuation of the Astrodome.
TA, I can guess which side of the political fence you are on. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Guv'mnt can't force people to be smart (eat right, quit smoking, move to higher ground, wear seatbelts, etc).
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 06:16 PM
I told my wife before all this started (because I'm so smart) that the Governor should issue a "shoot to Kill order" to any Thugs causing problems. Mayor Daley did the same thing during the Dem Natl Conv in 1968.

I've been to New Orleans, one of the Worst cities I have ever been to, and I'm from Chicago, LOL.

Better to start taking 30 sick people out at a time since Sunday then wait until everything is Perfect.

I've never seen so many lame excuses from officials in my life.

I told my wife 2 days before this storm hit that it looked like the worst was Really gonna happen.

Why did no public officials really do anything?

Why is there NO backup (Plan B) when they know that 70% of the city is below Sea Level.

Am I always the smartest guy in town.

On Bill O'Reilly last night some LOSER from the Army Core of Eng said the Levees were designed to sustain a Level 3 Hurricane.

Bill O said what good is a level 3 when you know at some point in the future a Level 4 or 5 WILL HIT.

This guy just sat there for 20 seconds and didn't say one word. The silence said it all.

It was like D-Day. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 06:18 PM
TA, I can guess which side of the political fence you are on. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Guv'mnt can't force people to be smart (eat right, quit smoking, move to higher ground, wear seatbelts, etc).

I'm a die hard Republican and proud of it. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

I still hate all Govt agencies.

The bottom line is these people need help Yesterday, tomorrow is NO good.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 06:19 PM
I think Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, and Bruce Willis would do a much better job. They always resolve the issues within 2 hours on the big screen. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Point being... its frustrating looking from the outside... and thinking what "should be done" or "could have been done differently"... Hopefully, they ARE doing the best they can, with the resources they have. And no one could have planned accurately for something like this. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

What about ARNOLD?

The bottom line is these people need help Yesterday, tomorrow is NO good.

No crap, some of the gang members are running out of bullets. Maybe we can airlift in some more bullets and heroin? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Republican? I apologize bro'. Couldn't tell. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
TA, I can guess which side of the political fence you are on. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Guv'mnt can't force people to be smart (eat right, quit smoking, move to higher ground, wear seatbelts, etc).

I'm a face-the-consequences-for-your-own-dumba** kinda gal! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 06:23 PM
C'mon Melody, we all hate these f'g thugs.

There are still many, many innocent people that may die because help is not on the way.

"Evil flourishes when Good Men do NOTHING."
AND BRING IN SOME MORE BEER, DAMMIT!!! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />
C'mon Melody, we all hate these f'g thugs.

There are still many, many innocent people that may die because help is not on the way.

"Evil flourishes when Good Men do NOTHING."

And whose fault is it that they might die? That is not the government's, so please lets knock off the blame shifting, it makes my [censored] hurt. The state of LA told these people to LEAVE and they didn't. The Feds are doing everything they can and should be commended for it. Hopefully, they are good at dodging the bullets that are coming from the poor refugees in the Astrodome.

p.s. our convention center is full of refugees from LA, wanna take a family in?
TA -

I think it helps to look at it as an American disaster, not a gulf coast disaster. Please keep all our fellow Americans in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama in your thoughts and prayers. Do whatever you can and what your heart tells you is right to support those in need.

The Navy is sending the hospital ship Comfort, and the hospital where I work has staff mobilizing to help.

I read articles about people all over the country offering up rooms in their homes for these victims.

Melody - I'm sure it is a small percentage of people who are causing the problems. Ever been to a Saint's game? It is the same way there.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 06:34 PM
President Bush is having another news conference. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Let me guess, Bill (Slick Willy) Clinton and Bush Sr will raise $$$ for these victims instead of rescueing the people who are still alive.
What about the sick or the elder that could not leave. They need help.

I agree with TA. How would you feel if it were you or your family? I live on the east coast. My home is only about 6 feet about sea level. I have lived on the beach and had to leave my home.

It is not as easy as you think! JMO.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 06:38 PM
C'mon Melody, we all hate these f'g thugs.

There are still many, many innocent people that may die because help is not on the way.

"Evil flourishes when Good Men do NOTHING."

And whose fault is it that they might die? That is not the government's, so please lets knock off the blame shifting, it makes my [censored] hurt. The state of LA told these people to LEAVE and they didn't. The Feds are doing everything they can and should be commended for it. Hopefully, they are good at dodging the bullets that are coming from the poor refugees in the Astrodome.

p.s. our convention center is full of refugees from LA, wanna take a family in?

Do you have any idea how many illegal Mexicans live in my town?

Makes me sick. The schools are being destroyed, these people can't speak English, and drive with NO insurance. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

I need to learn to speak Spanish because English is a 2nd Friggin language here and all the Liberals here incl our Canadian Governor (Jennifer Granholm) support these Illegals.
Most of those people made a choice to stay, or had no means of leaving.

Could you imagine the crap that would be flying around these boards if the state/fed gov. forced people to leave their homes (especially if the storm wouldn't have hit)?

Are there really people reading here that think our Gov. does not want this resolved ASAP? How can you continue to live in a country you feel is so inadequate?

I am a Gov contractor on a military istallation. My company does alot of work in the Homeland Security, FEMA arena, and we are volunteering personnel, Emergency vehicles, millions in out of pocket revenue to assist anyway possible. In my past 20+ years of military/Gov employment I have seen very few other organizations willing to unselfishly put themselves in harms way.

Please do not spend 2-12 hours watching CNN, and come to the conclusion there is "an easy fix" for a situation. Please also avoid the "Why didn't they do this?" Because that what I would have done scenerio.

Having been a victim in almost every type of natural disaster, with the exception of fire "knock on wood". The best thing you can do to show support is give money, blood, and sweat "if allowed".

I am waiting to hear back on approval for my company to be allowed to bring in some support vehicles. If allowed I will hopefully be going as well!
believer, the people who are causing the problems are the ones who didn't heed the warnings and leave as they were told. Thats why they are in this mess. Many others are looting and shooting things up. Sure, I have great sympathy for the elderly and the disabled who are trapped there, but they constitute a very small minority. Most are not disabled or elderly.
Most of those people made a choice to stay, or had no means of leaving.

Could you imagine the crap that would be flying around these boards if the state/fed gov. forced people to leave their homes (especially if the storm wouldn't have hit)?

Are there really people reading here that think our Gov. does not want this resolved ASAP? How can you continue to live in a country you feel is so inadequate?

I am a Gov contractor on a military istallation. My company does alot of work in the Homeland Security, FEMA arena, and we are volunteering personnel, Emergency vehicles, millions in out of pocket revenue to assist anyway possible. In my past 20+ years of military/Gov employment I have seen very few other organizations willing to unselfishly put themselves in harms way.

Please do not spend 2-12 hours watching CNN, and come to the conclusion there is "an easy fix" for a situation. Please also avoid the "Why didn't they do this?" Because that what I would have done scenerio.

Having been a victim in almost every type of natural disaster, with the exception of fire "knock on wood". The best thing you can do to show support is give money, blood, and sweat "if allowed".

I am waiting to hear back on approval for my company to be allowed to bring in some support vehicles. If allowed I will hopefully be going as well!

Bravo!!!! Well said. Thank you.
Those people who stayed with children need to be horsewhipped for not heeding the warning to leave town. They were told to leave and there were numerous free busses and safe houses set up in the north and the west. They chose to stay.

Not everyone has a car, Melody. And the free transportation wasn't enough to get everyone out. Do the math.

It is the poor who were trapped. The people who could not pile into an SUV and leg it out of town. Or those perhaps who could not afford the alternatives to overburdened free services -- as everywhere else, they are forced to hope for the best, hope the hurricane wouldn't be catastrophic (for awhile, it looked like it wouldn't be). For the poor, as always, it's a game of roulette.
What about the sick or the elder that could not leave. They need help.

Of course they need help and they are getting it; I certainly sympathize with them. But, I am not talking about them, but the vast majority of remaining folks who chose to ignore warnings. They CHOSE to stay despite numerous opportunities, and warnings, to leave.

I agree with TA. How would you feel if it were you or your family?

It wouldn't be me or my family because I would never put my family in such a position. I would have left.

It is the poor who were trapped. The people who could not pile into an SUV and leg it out of town. Or those perhaps who could not afford the alternatives to overburdened free services -- as everywhere else, they are forced to hope for the best, hope the hurricane wouldn't be catastrophic (for awhile, it looked like it wouldn't be). For the poor, as always, it's a game of roulette.

Sorry, AM, but there were numerous FREE opportunities to get out of town. There were massive bus caravans going north and many churches in other states opened their doors. Our convention centers and churches all along east Texas are full of poor people who made it out just fine. Many of these people remaining just decided to try their luck and ride it out.
We went through Isabel a couple of years ago. It was only a Cat 1 when it hit. I would not stay for a Cat4 or 5. Plain stupid. There was no help for several days, but we had PREPARED. We were not expecting the govt to save us. If people made the dumb decision to stay then they should have prepared for the aftermath. It was obvious this one would hurt!!!!
Many of these people remaining just decided to try their luck and ride it out.

It was a right-winger Louisiana friend who explained the plight of the thousands of poor people in the poorest part of the city.

Try to open your heart as well as your mind.
Let me put it this way, I have sympathy for those who are disabled, elderly and/or TRULY couldn't get out, but I have no sympathy, whatsoever, for the numerous who chose to ignore warnings and stay in NO. Our churches, convention centers, etc are FULL of poor people and they all managed to heed the warnings and get out, so I know it was not impossible. And I only wish terrible things on the scumbags who are looting and shooting up the place.
I have stayed for a Cat3. My husband and I have both agreed that anything more and we are gone. We do try to prepare. But how do you prepare for what these people are going thru.

As far as the Looters & the crazy ones they need to leave them behind to kill each other.
I guess knowing of the POSSIBILITY of the city flooding would be enough to get out. Isabel flooded my whole neighborhood and was a cat1. NO is below sealevel. That's all I would need to know. You get out. That's your preparation.
Ummm, just so you know and as someone already mentioned...Canada is helping! We have rescue/medical teams on their way and our PM has called George Bush to see what is needed and what we can do. Although I recognize it's not a priority, it is sad that the message isn't getting out that your neighbours to the north do care and are helping.

Canada was there after Hurricane Andrew as well; rebuilding and providing medical care.

I guess people were not thinking. I would have left NO to because of it being below sea level.

Are you in NC. We did not have the problems you had from Isabel but we are close enough that we travele on releif teams to help in the aftermath.
I grew up not too far from New Orleans - it sound like some of you really don't understand the community in the inner city there. These are some of the poorest people in America - a large percentage of them didn't "heed warnings and get out" because they simply couldn't. Lots of them don't even own vehicles and travel by foot or if they are lucky bicycle. Many of them have never been out of the area they live in. The people you see on tv going in circles more or less trying to figure out where to go - it is because they can't see the scope of this thing. They don't know how bad it is - they aren't watching CNN with the rest of the country.

Pray for them - pray they get out alive. Stop blaming them for the predicament they are in. Somehow someway someone has too help them!
My H is one of the National Guardsmen working on the logistics from our state--1500 miles away from the gulf states. When the National Guard from other states come in, they too have to be provisioned with food & water, have a place to land, understand the situation and their role. Different units have different missions with different training & equipment, ie are they a transportation company, engineers, medics...artillery.

Some ARE in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia.

The Guards in the devastated states may not have access to their equipment, generators, communications or their soldiers who aren't full-time federal employees. Phones are ringing all over the nation in the homes & civilian offices of the members of the National Guard.
Let me put it this way, I have sympathy for those who are disabled, elderly and/or TRULY couldn't get out, but I have no sympathy, whatsoever, for the numerous who chose to ignore warnings and stay in NO.

Natural disaster + big city + voluntary evacuation = some people will still be there during and after the disaster. This is a fact. Everybody knew this would happen.

A society that values civility and brotherhood does not turn its back on people because we judge them to have made an unwise decision.

ML, how shall we determine which of those stranded in NO are worthy of help?

I love you ML, but you're full of it today.

Natural disaster + big city + voluntary evacuation = some people will still be there during and after the disaster. This is a fact. Everybody knew this would happen.

A society that values civility and brotherhood does not turn its back on people because we judge them to have made an unwise decision.

ML, how shall we determine which of those stranded in NO are worthy of help?

I love you ML, but you're full of it today.


GC, I think everyone is "worthy" of help and help is certainly on the way. However, I refuse to impart sympathy to those who sat there on their a**es instead of leaving as they were told. They only have themselves to blame.

I'll save my sympathy for those who truly deserve it, such as the real victims, like those poor children whose parents were too damn lazy to get them out of harms way. And the elderly and handicapped who couldn't get out.

If you choose to feel pity for people who CHOSE to put themselves in that position, that is your issue, but don't you dare sanctimonously DEMAND that I feel pity for folks who had every opportunity to get out and chose to stay.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/01/05 09:59 PM
Jack Rafferty (he was fuming) of CNN ripped Bush, the Governor, the Mayor, the Natl Guard, and every singl gov't agency.

CNN has a poll going and so far over 600 respondents ALL said we were unprepared. Not one person said we were ready. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

Said it has been 5 days since the storm hit and we knew no less than 2 days notice that it was a CAT 4 storm at Minimum.

He also said if these people were Rich White Fat Cats they would have been saved within 24 hours.
Imagine if these people were White?

Do you have any idea how many illegal Mexicans live in my town?

Makes me sick. The schools are being destroyed, these people can't speak English, and drive with NO insurance.

He also said if these people were Rich White Fat Cats they would have been saved within 24 hours

Your racism is hardly necessary don't ya think ???

I'm with ML on this one.

If I'm living in a city below sea level, and a CAT 4 is coming, I'm not riding it out folks. I have children. They come first.
There are NO rich people or important people who are trapped, that's why no rescue.

Can you honestly tell me if Bill Gates was trapped there that he would not have been rescued.


So it's wrong for the rich to utilize their own resources for their own benefit? Resources that they have acquired by being the "movers and shakers" of this country. Punishing the wealthy by restricting their use of the advantages that they created for themselves would cause a societal shutdown. Without the rich, the poor or middle classes do not exist...Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand to see what would happen if we began to penalize the wealthy simply because they have used their intelligence to become successful and productive members of society. I am not a Darwin fan, but I must call "survival of the fittest" on this one...

Mrs. Wondering

P.S. "Who is John Galt?"
I must call survival of us all on this one.

There's no excuse for people to be sick and dying and in danger in NO. My question for those who want to turn their backs...

Why do you hate America?

GC, who is turning their backs on these people? I have yet to see anyone who is doing this. And who "hates" America? The only "hate" I see here is being spewed from TA against Mexicans and white people, who ARE Americans.
There's no excuse for people to be sick and dying and in danger in NO.

Correct, there is no excuse for them staying behind when there was warning and FREE transportation out of N.O.

My question for those who want to turn their backs...

Who is turning their back? There are plenty of people trying to help those who are in a bad spot due to their own bad decisions. And they are being shot at by those they are trying to help. (With guns looted from Wal-Mart, btw)

Why do you hate America?

Please... It's a horrible tragedy in N.O. Many are doing their best to help.

But Melody is right. Able bodied adults should stand on their own two feet and not always look to to fix problems of their own making.
People all over television and the radio, making sweeping generalizations, saying that people stuck in NO are stuck there because they are stupid, these people implicitly advocate turning our backs by diminishing the incentive to bring aid to NO.

Aside: during the last four years, the Army Corps of Engineers has lost most of the portion of their budget intended to fund work on the levees in NO. The Corps knew the levees were likely to fail. I can't believe anybody from the federal government would say something as colossally dumb and false as "Nobody expected the levees to be breached". When I heard this, my jaw dropped.

In early 2001, FEMA listed the three major disasters most likely to occur in the near future. One was a terrorist attack in NYC. Another was a devastating hurricane striking NO. The third was a major earthquake in San Francisco.

I'm amazed that anybody is debating whether or not Americans in pain are deserving of assistance.

...people stuck in NO are stuck there because they are stupid...

For the most part, this is a true statement.

They have known this type of thing could happen for decades. It is known that the levees couldn't take more than a cat 3. Would *you* have stayed???

I'm amazed that anybody is debating whether or not Americans in pain are deserving of assistance.

Who is debating that they don't deserve help? I hear people saying they were stupid to stay behind, and that is pretty obvious.
Correct, there is no excuse for them staying behind when there was warning and FREE transportation out of N.O.

Amazing. They don't need an excuse. They're human beings in danger in America. When our brothers are suffering we should help them. Why is there any debate about this?

Who is turning their back? There are plenty of people trying to help those who are in a bad spot due to their own bad decisions. And they are being shot at by those they are trying to help. (With guns looted from Wal-Mart, btw)

What makes you sure there are plenty?

An old man in NO fell down a stairwell and cracked his head. His neighbor tried to stop the bleeding. Somebody went for help. They found several NO police cars, but none of the cops could help.

Why were there not National Guardsmen crawling over the place?

Plenty? You really think so?

But Melody is right. Able bodied adults should stand on their own two feet and not always look to to fix problems of their own making.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Shall we wait for the people stuck in NO to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps then?

What is the point here?

This isn't some lame-brained debate about social welfare programs. It's the wake of a disaster. Sheesh.

The only point I can see is "to heck with them; they're fools".

I think that's sick.

GC, most are stuck there because they are stupid. That is simply a fact; don't shoot the messenger. But, I have yet to see or hear a single person advocate turning our backs on these people. Yes, many are freaking idiots who placed themselves in this situation willingly, and there is no reason to ignore that unpleasant truth. You may wish to do so, but you have no right to demand it of others. There is nothing "compassionate" about pretending it isn't true.

I see alot of sanctimonious folks trying to co-opt the tragedy of others in order to portray themselves as more "compassionate" and beat others over the head for not being as "compassionate" as them. [most often called guilt manipulation]

But you know what? We have a little saying here in Texas that goes like this: TALK IS CHEAP. Or another favorite: Money talks and bullsh** walks.

How about the "compassionate" folks on this thread put your money where your mouths are and take in a refugee family as many of us here in Longview, Texas are? You can call my church at:

First Baptist Church
290 E South St
Longview, Texas

and put your name on the list to "adopt" a family. Or you can call:

Maude Cobb Center in Longview. That number is (866) 438-4636 [about a 100 refugees and growing daily]

They need money, clothes, blankets, towels, washcloths, pillows, etc.
Not that this thread has any business here, but break out the gaff, fish-on...

Regardless of your News preference. CNN or Fox News, They will tell you what you want to hear in support of your politcal beliefs, finger pointing options.

I think the focus should be "what can I do to help". Not what has this division or branch of federal/local Gov. Done or NOT done.

Simply said Quit B*tchin, and take action.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 12:52 AM
GC, who is turning their backs on these people?

Do you HONESTLY believe if these people were White and had $$$ they would be in that dome with NO Food, NO water, NO toilets, NO sleeping quarters, NO security, etc...

I have yet to see anyone who is doing this. And who "hates" America?

The only "hate" I see here is being spewed from TA against Mexicans and white people, who ARE Americans.

First of all, I'm a WHITE die hard Republican and I have money. In fact I specialize in $$$. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />

I wasn't talking about Mexicans in my first post. I said "Illegal Mexicans." There is a huge difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL.

Our town is being destroyed because of the ILLEGALS.

2 years ago I was involved in an accident with an Illegal. Bottom line, he couldn't speak English, nor read English which really F'n ticked me off (he couldn't read the YIELD Sign) he had NO drivers license and NO car insurance.

The Police told me he will never show up in court and to go thru my own Insurance company. I ended up having to pay a $1,000 deductible and my rates are now higher because of this Illegal Loser.

The only true Americans are the American Indians and the White man took care of that.
Amazing. They don't need an excuse. They're human beings in danger in America. When our brothers are suffering we should help them. Why is there any debate about this?

There is no debate. You are fighting a paper tiger, my friend. There is no there "there" as no one is arguing that we shouldn't help them.

Why not put your money where your mouth is and take in one of these families?

First of all, I'm a WHITE die hard Republican and I have money. In fact I specialize in $$$. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />

Why don't you shut up and do something about it then? Take in a family and quit whining about BIG POPPA GUBMINT doing all the work. We have numerous refugee families here in Longview who deseperately need help:

First Baptist Church
290 E South St
Longview, Texas

and put your name on the list to "adopt" a family. Or you can call:

Maude Cobb Center in Longview. That number is (866) 438-4636 [about a 100 refugees and growing daily]
Folks -

I hope everyone here will learn from the unfortunate experience of these survivors. How many times have you seen the pamphlets and lists for disaster preparedness? They are EVERYWHERE.

With the threat of terrorism and natural disasters, people are crazy not to be prepared. I have supplies, which I rotate, and have had for YEARS. I have meals, water, canned goods (and boxed wine!), flashlights, first aid kits, sleeping bags, tents, fishing poles (we live by the ocean). They are stored in 3 plastic bins that can be evacuated with my family and pets, in about 2 minutes - all packed up and ready to go.

I work for the federal government, so I KNOW not to count on them. Anyway, they always warn you to be able to be self-sufficient for up to two weeks.

NO ONE is ever going to take care of you and your family like you will.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 01:01 AM

First of all, I'm a WHITE die hard Republican and I have money. In fact I specialize in $$$. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/pfft.gif" alt="" />

Why don't you shut up ...

That wasn't very nice Melody.

I've seen your pic and you're a very pretty woman. I think this is very unbecoming for a lady like you.

I give money every month to a local Mission to help mothers and children.

I also give faithfully to our Church and I do volunteer work.
Yep, Mel sure is purdy...................
TA, I think it's very nice to suggest you take in a refugee family. Lets see ya put your money where your big ole mouth is and take in one of these families. They need a home, along with clothes, food and support in finding a job. Surely you have guest room?

I sure hope you aren't all talk, my friend.
Posted again for our folks:

First Baptist Church
290 E South St
Longview, Texas

and put your name on the list to "adopt" a family. Or you can call:

Maude Cobb Center in Longview. That number is (866) 438-4636 [about a 100 refugees and growing daily]

They need money, clothes, blankets, towels, washcloths, pillows, etc.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 01:18 AM
TA, I think it's very nice to suggest you take in a refugee family. Lets see ya put your money where your big ole mouth is and take in one of these families. They need a home, along with clothes, food and support in finding a job. Surely you have guest room?

I sure hope you aren't all talk, my friend.

I have a large 5 bedroom, 4 bath, 3 car garage home on 10 acres on Lake Michigan.

I have 2 guest bedrooms which I have been in and out of 4x with the WS problems. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

I wanted to have an Exchange student come stay with us but the WS said NO.

I would NOT have a family stay in my house anyways. I would rather donate money and let them get an apartment of their own so they can have privacy also.

I'm not talking about housing at this point.

[b]How about we just get these people Food, Water, and Portable toilets to start.

My ignorant WW said "they're all just a bunch of Stupid * anyways." <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

Man did she tick me off. I said how would you like if you were stuck there and had no food, water, shelter, protection, etc...

She said "I'm not Stupid, I would have left before the storm came."

Absolutely NO compassion at all. Sometimes I wonder why I even care for her. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />

How fast she is to make comments while living in Luxury on Lake Michigan because of MY hard work.

She can't even afford a cheap apartment on her salary.

I said the "FACT" is they are there so they need help now before they die.

I didn't quite catch that contact info for adopting a crawdad-refugee. Could you post that again. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Wealthy White Republican complaining about Wealthy White Republicans..."Hello pot, this is kettle"...

Mr. Wondering
I would NOT have a family stay in my house anyways. I would rather donate money and let them get an apartment of their own so they can have privacy also.

In other words, you won't do a damn thing except sit on here and bltch and whine about others not doing enough. How very "compassionate" you are. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

As we say in Texas: money talks and bullshi** walks....... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 01:29 AM
Anderson Cooper is on CNN right now and he is very ticked off at the politicians.

He's spewing venom.

He said the Politicians make him sick.
Wealthy White Republican complaining about Wealthy White Republicans..."Hello pot, this is kettle"...

Mr. Wondering

**snort** <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 01:33 AM
In other words, you won't do a damn thing except sit on here and bltch and whine about others not doing enough. How very "compassionate" you are. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

As we say in Texas: money talks and bullshi** walks....... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

*SOME* people Just don't get it Melody.

I'm not talking about the Private sector, that can come later.

Are you listening?

The Federal Govt, the local State and Municipal agencies are the ones responsible to help these stranded people.

The private sector can do very little at this point to help.

The Govt is in charge, not we the people.

You voted Republican? Guess you fell for that "Compassionate Conservatism" load of ****. You do realize it is not "prestigious" to vote Republican, don't ya? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

Mr. Wondering
The Federal Govt, the local State and Municipal agencies are the ones responsible to help these stranded people.

TA, *YOU* don't seem to get it. ALL AMERICANS are "responsible." If you aren't willing to take one of these families in, as many of us are, then please shut the heII up because it is apparent that your "compassion" is FAKE.

You are in NO POSITION to sanctimoniously lecture anyone if you aren't willing to help yourself. If you have guestrooms, you should be taking in a family. Put your money where your mouth is, TA. PROVE your "compassion."
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 01:40 AM
There are a lot of things that "W" does that ticks me off.

He is 10x better than that phony Kerry and Theresa Heinz biatch (Hillary clone).
A link that explains it all...


Mr. Wondering
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 01:57 AM
TA, *YOU* don't seem to get it. ALL AMERICANS are "responsible." If you aren't willing to take one of these families in, as many of us are, then please shut the ****** up because it is apparent that your "compassion" is FAKE.

Oh please Melody, give it up already.

So, the only way I can help is to have one of these families live in my home? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

By the time N.O. is rebuilt and all these people are taken care of it will cost ME plenty. I'm in the Highest Tax Bracket in the country.

You are in NO POSITION to sanctimoniously lecture anyone if you aren't willing to help yourself. If you have guestrooms, you should be taking in a family.

I guess I should stop sending money to that womens shelter by my home and quit giving money to my church because the ONLY way to truly help these people is to allow them to live in my famiy's home. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Put your money where your mouth is, TA. PROVE your "compassion."

I PROVE it every year to the IRS on my tax return.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 01:58 AM
A link that explains it all...


Mr. Wondering

My state is BLUE (MI).
We're in Michigan too. But we aren't talking about Michigan. We're talking about LA, MS, and AL. They, my friend, are red.

How many votes do ya think the Republicans are losing in NO right now? Wait until you see how efficiently they line up the tax breaks for the corporations next spring.

BTW, can we count on seeing you at the Michigan Militia "revival" in Davison. Ha Ha

Mr. Wondering
I guess I should stop sending money to that womens shelter by my home and quit giving money to my church because the ONLY way to truly help these people is to allow them to live in my famiy's home.[/b] <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Put up or shut up, TA.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 02:08 AM

By Bob Faw
NBC News

*** once again, copyrighted content edited out ***

I have to wonder just how influenced we [that's a casual we btw..I'm sure at least some people here have a better source of specific information] are by what we are being shown [round the clock] on TV.

I was sitting outside at work today and overheard some conversation about the aftermath. People were laughing and making jokes like " aren't a part of our country anymore"..they were upset about potential gas price increases and completely callous to the suffering that is actually occuring.

I'm sure that there were plenty of people who stayed when they could have left. I saw an interview with a woman prior to landfall who flat out said she could have left but was staying to be with her family. I remember feeling irritated with her and [talking out loud to the tv all by myself of course] saying does she realize she is going to consume very limited resources?! Could I have left my own family behind though if I were in a position of forced choice? Could I say...well..sons and daughters and assorted other people I care about but can not sustain..I sure do hope you all don't die..I'm bailing though..try to catch up to you on the flip side.

This is a catastrophic event. I don't think political agendas or even ethical judgements have a place at the very least until the bodies aren't floating down the streets any longer. For every idiot who found a gun and a lack of police to spank then for using it there are probably 5 children who are hungry and tired and frightened and I'd be willing to bet that the volunteers haven't seen much in the way of meals and toilets either. There are a lot of people who are providing aid that stayed and risked while being fully aware that it could be the last decision they ever made..they stayed for those in denial who went to a class 5 hurricane with a book and a diet coke expecting to be home the next day.

It's a big cross section..the common element is that whatever caused them to be there..there they are and it is truly unpleasant in a way that even we [who think we know a little something about pain] can't probably really comprehend.

Okay, perhaps a reasonable, factual article. But if this cause concerns you so, and you are so very passionate about it as well as being so socially concious of it, then why are you still voting Republican??? Oh Yeah, that's right, the $$$$...Odd that you seem to argue so vehemently for a bleeding heart liberal social issue, and care you may, but not as much as you do for the "almighty dollar", eh?

The Wonderings
I'm so sad that this debate is occurring. I know that in large part it's erupting out of the feeling of utter helplessness that many of us have. I know I've felt that way for days. My instant contribution to the Red Cross barely scratches the surface. The little bit I did to help (a truly tiny amount) find Star's sister doesn't help either, though I'm very glad she's been found and I think it's amazing to be a part of a community that would pull that off so quickly. (Le is my hero, even though she can't post here anymore.)

So I look for other things I can do. I live next to the National Institutes of Health, and they're going to try to bring cancer patients who've lost their normal treatment locations to this area. NIH specializes in both adult and pediatric oncology, and they have tremendous resources.

I just read an e-mail from the NIH Director -- apparently much of the medical staff at NIH has volunteered to help if they can -- and they're waiting on HHS to figure out what they ought to be doing. And I bet HHS is waiting on somebody else.

When they start bringing the cancer patients up here, if they do, family members will come along. When that happens, NIH is going to ask members of the community, people who work there and people who live nearby, to open their homes to them.

I hope my entire neighborhood will volunteer. We all live less than 15 minutes' walk from the NIH Clinical Center. We're as good as it gets in terms of helping that way.

And yet... we wait. Because no one can even figure out who's got cancer and who doesn't. Will this save lives? Lordy, yes. Probably hundreds of lives. But it won't save the lives of the people who are drowning or dying in the heat right now.

That's where we all feel utterly powerless. A great nation with huge resources, and we can't save the old man or the young child or whoever else we just saw on TV. It tears our hearts out.

And in feeling utterly powerless, we begin to tear at each other.

Instead, I'd ask each person to do just a little to make this better. Lord knows I can't do a thing about most of it. But I can give when I'm asked to, and I can try to help find other lost relatives, and I can open my home when NIH asks. Surely the rest of us can do that, too?
Agree, JustJ. I think before others point fingers and complain that others are not helping, they should make damn sure they are doing something themselves. Many of the sanctimonous, nattering nabobs on this thread haven't lifted a damn finger to help these people and here they are sanctimoniously lecturing others who ARE helping.

That is energy that would be much better spent sending money or goods to the Red Cross or getting your name on a list to adopt a family in need.

Okay, perhaps a reasonable, factual article. But if this cause concerns you so, and you are so very passionate about it as well as being so socially concious of it, then why are you still voting Republican??? Oh Yeah, that's right, the $$$$...Odd that you seem to argue so vehemently for a bleeding heart liberal social issue, and care you may, but not as much as you do for the "almighty dollar", eh?

The Wonderings

oh c'mon, compassion is HARDLY the domain of liberals. Whats with the ad hom attacks on Republicans? Why does this have to be reduced to political cheap shots?
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 02:32 AM

Okay, perhaps a reasonable, factual article.

Gee, someone actually agrees with me.

... then why are you still voting Republican???

Because Liberal social programs KEEP people POOR.

Liberal politicians like the Clintons NEED poor people to keep them in office.

They have convinced poor people that the Democrats and the ACLU are the answer.

Why do you think 90% of Blacks vote for Democrats?
Why do you think 90% of Blacks vote for Democrats?

Ok. This has gone too far. What are you trying to say here?
Are you saying that most African-Americans are poor?

I just finished looking at Larry King Live.

I was devastated along with most of the reporters.

This is soo, soo, sad..


So what if people didn't leave if they could?

We of all people should know that people make mistakes in error...

That's is not a justification for not helping them..

That does not make it OK for them to suffer...

I'm surprised by this in the MB community...of all places...
I will add my .02 since you are all on the topic.

I am mad.
How is that? I am MAD to see this woman on TV holding her child less then 2 who is LITERALLY DYING in her arms because he has had no food or WATER in DAYS!

She followed the instructions and went to the dome. Now she is standing there holding her son while he DIES! No one is there to help. It is out of control! She followed orders and now she is stuck there without help.

Do I think the gov't need to do more? Oh heck yes.
Do I think that they are trying their best? Nope.
Do I think it has anything to do with white vs. black people? Nope
Do I think that the gov't should have planned better for this? Oh yes.
Could we as a country have ever had any idea the amount of devistation? Not a chance.

We need to get in there, and get those people out, yesterday.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 02:41 AM
Agree, JustJ. I think before others point fingers and complain that others are not helping, they should make damn sure they are doing something themselves. Many of the sanctimonous, nattering nabobs on this thread haven't lifted a damn finger to help these people and here they are sanctimoniously lecturing others who ARE helping.

That is energy that would be much better spent sending money or goods to the Red Cross or getting your name on a list to adopt a family in need.

[b]Melody, how do you know who is helping and who is not?

Do you have a crystal ball?

The Red Cross said they do NOT want food or goods.

They want $$$, so I donated $200 this morning. 1-800-HELP-NOW

My WW biatched me out for doing this. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
I haven't read through all the posts on this thread, so... but...

My overwhelming thought/emotion is that there has been a failure. And I'm blaming The Top.
We all have a part in this -- we pay our taxes (but my thoughts are not about taxes, by any means).
We pay our taxes to our government that in turn pays people to
a) think about such events
b) develop plans to deal with such events
c) execute those plans

There has been failure here, and I haven't seen one single soul stand up and -- forget about assuming responsiblity for anything After The Fact -- assume responsibility for developing a Plan Before It Happened to deal with it -- because quite obviously, a plan never existed.

Mr. FEMA Director (Michael Brown) is my new least-favorite-person-on-the-planet...

but only after:

a) seeing no evidence of any plan to deal with a situation that FEMA itself had predicted to be one of the three most likely major disasters to occur, and
b) watching him go out of his way, ad nauseum, to defend himself (keyword: Himself)
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 02:47 AM
Why do you think 90% of Blacks vote for Democrats?

Ok. This has gone too far. What are you trying to say here?
Are you saying that most African-Americans are poor?

Absolutely not. However blacks woud be further ahead and would have more money if they stopped following liberal ideas.

I'm surprised by this in the MB community...of all places...

I am shocked the most. Us BS of all people understand about compassion. I thought many here would support me when I posted this thread. Instead they blame these people and call them Stupid.

I hope they don't LB like this to their WS, reconciliation will never happen.
I think that not only the government, but the locals here are doing everything humanly possible to get those people out of there. To blame these deaths on them is absolutely outrageous and makes me SICK. Our government did not CAUSE Hurricane Katrina. FEMA was put in place down there before the storm even hit, but not even the most prepared government can prevent every casuality. They are doing much more for those people than most were willing to do for themselves.

I am just amazed to see this spoiled, selfish whining and finger pointing. And it is from people who most likely are not lifting a damn finger themselves to help these people.

We have schools, nursing homes, convention centers, football stadiums full of homeless people who need HOMES. They need HOMES and food, and personal effects. So instead of useless finger pointing and second guessing some very dedicated, hard working people, [who were SHOT AT when they tried to evacuate people from the Super Dome to transport them to Houston] why don't you get off YOUR DEAD ASSES and adopt a family or donate money to the Red Cross?

Over a 100 families in Houston and Longview have volunteered to adopt a family.
I am shocked by the lack of compassion for sure.

This is not a political issue.

This is not about color.

This is about hungry, starving, dying people right this minute.

It does not matter how or why they need our help.

We, as individuals, really can't help right now. So logically speaking it has to be the government. To me, that's a no brainer.

Those folks can hardly get out of the city of NO. How could they get to any of our houses?

God Help Us.
Melody, how do you know who is helping and who is not?

Do you have a crystal ball?

I can only go by what you said and you stated have no intention of taking in a family and told me that you already pay enough in tax dollars.
Those folks can hardly get out of the city of NO. How could they get to any of our houses?

God Help Us.

Mimi, we have THOUSANDS of refugees across Texas that need homes. And when they get the rest of the folks out of NO, they will also need homes.
This is not a political issue.
Not now.

But it was just that... for the last several decades...
Sooner or later, laziness and greed -- they come back and bite us all in the @ss.

MUCH of this never had to happen. Period.
This is not a political issue.
Not now.

But it was just that... for the last several decades...
Sooner or later, laziness and greed -- they come back and bite us all in the @ss.

MUCH of this never had to happen. Period.

huh? We can prevent hurricanes? You have got to be kidding me?

It's not that we are agreeing or disagreeing with you regarding the article...the article was a statement of fact...nothing to argue over.

We are not taking political cheap shots here...all we are saying is ARGUE WHAT YOU VOTE FOR! TA, you seem to be saying that these stranded folks were/are helpless, and the government should be more stealh in helping those who can't help themselves...this is NOT a Republican viewpoint...this is the view of those "liberal social programs" that supposedly KEEP the Poor Poor (which you trounced in your post)...a typical Republican view would assert that these folks should have "pulled themselves up by the bootstraps" and gotten out of dodge...That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be helped...not an issue...obviously they should be...

So, whether you are a Democrat or a Republican is really of no issue to us...all we are saying is that TA's arguments don't match HIS vote...Pick a side, any side...

The Wonderings
huh? We can prevent hurricanes? You have got to be kidding me?
Of course not.... but we can plan for them, right?
I blabbered (?) a post a few minutes back -- where I spouted off a little more (and with perhaps a bit more intelligence....)
a typical Republican view would assert that these folks should have "pulled themselves up by the bootstraps" and gotten out of dodge...That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be helped...not an issue...obviously they should be...

sigh.......this is not a Republican viewpoint in this context. There isn't a Republican alive who is saying "pull yourselves up by your bootstraps." Sure, Republicans believe people should be accountable for themselves, but to misapply it to natural disaster victims is a gross, cartoonish distortion.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 03:06 AM
Melody, how do you know who is helping and who is not?

Do you have a crystal ball?

I can only go by what you said and you stated have no intention of taking in a family and told me that you already pay enough in tax dollars.

I never said this. I said I am in the Highest Income Tas Bracket already. Yes, I will pay a lot in tax. I also donated $200 this am after the President asked for help and I may give more. I need to see where the money is being spent.

How many people would HONESTLY take in some family you don't even know. Especially when you are trying to save your marriage.

I wouldn't even take in my own brother or sisters unless I really had to.

My sister many years ago wanted to move in with me with her child. I told her I would rather pay her rent than to live with me. I told her both of us need our privacy and I did not want to ruin our relationship especially with spouses invlolved.

I paid her rent for about 6 months until she got back on her feet. If she would have moved in with me she would probably still be here 20 years later.
huh? We can prevent hurricanes? You have got to be kidding me?
Of course not.... but we can plan for them, right?
I blabbered (?) a post a few minutes back -- where I spouted off a little more (and with perhaps a bit more intelligence....)

And how would we plan for them better?

Where are the State & Local officials?

I happened to note that most of the people stuck there are ADULTS. The last time I checked, ADULTS, not big POPPA GOVERNMENT, were responsible for themselves.

We love you Mel and we agree with you completely throughout this thread, But isn't this a bootstrap theory here?

TA shouldn't be complaining, the Government is on it's way, fumbling over itself I bet, but nonetheless on it's way.

The Wonderings
How many people would HONESTLY take in some family you don't even know. Especially when you are trying to save your marriage.

Many of us down here in Texas are "honestly" taking in families that we don't know.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 03:13 AM

It's not that we are agreeing or disagreeing with you regarding the article...the article was a statement of fact...nothing to argue over.

We are not taking political cheap shots here...all we are saying is ARGUE WHAT YOU VOTE FOR! TA, you seem to be saying that these stranded folks were/are helpless, and the government should be more stealh in helping those who can't help themselves...this is NOT a Republican viewpoint...this is the view of those "liberal social programs" that supposedly KEEP the Poor Poor (which you trounced in your post)...a typical Republican view would assert that these folks should have "pulled themselves up by the bootstraps" and gotten out of dodge...That doesn't mean that they shouldn't be helped...not an issue...obviously they should be...

So, whether you are a Democrat or a Republican is really of no issue to us...all we are saying is that TA's arguments don't match HIS vote...Pick a side, any side...

The Wonderings

I said previously I am a die hard elephant and always will be.

75% of these peope were NOT helpless, they were Idiots.

We need to help them in spite of their poor decisions. I would say 25% did not deserve this.

We need to have compassion for people who make ill decisions in this type of situation.

All lives are worth saving, not just my Rich White A$$.

Where are the State & Local officials?

I happened to note that most of the people stuck there are ADULTS. The last time I checked, ADULTS, not big POPPA GOVERNMENT, were responsible for themselves.

We love you Mel and we agree with you completely throughout this thread, But isn't this a bootstrap theory here?

TA shouldn't be complaining, the Government is on it's way, fumbling over itself I bet, but nonetheless on it's way.

The Wonderings

That is not the bootstrap theory at all. No where has any Republican advocated that we abandon them and that they pick themselves up by their OWN boostraps. Saying that they are ADULTS, which they are, who are ultimately responsible for themselves is not the same as advocating that we abandon them and no Republican has said any such thing.
I am shocked the most. Us BS of all people understand about compassion. I thought many here would support me when I posted this thread. Instead they blame these people and call them Stupid.

I hope they don't LB like this to their WS, reconciliation will never happen

Never ever ever, put me in your collective group of BS. We aren't all the same people, and all WS aren't the same people, and they all don't spew the same old stuff that you complain about time and time again.


You don't hope WE LB ? There won't be a reconciliation ???

Again, you know not what you speak, I've been in a solid recover for almost a year and a half, there you go with your assumptions again.

I have the greatest of compassion for this situation, and I've dug in my pockets too.

Stop your assumptions, because they couldn't be further than the facts.

Your WW said this, your WW said that. She couldn't afford to rent her own tiny apartment ?

My GOD.... and you wonder why YOU aren't reconciling ?????

Enough...I can't take it anymore.
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 03:16 AM
How many people would HONESTLY take in some family you don't even know. Especially when you are trying to save your marriage.

Many of us down here in Texas are "honestly" taking in families that we don't know.

[b]That's a very kind gesture. I would IF I had to.

How long are we talking? 2 weeks, 2 years?
FEMA itself produced a report, after a study, that said a major hurricane/disaster in NO was one of the top 3 major threats to the US. (I'm paraphrasing of course).
"All" of the "experts" -- the scientists, the meteorologists, etc... they've ALL been saying the same thing... for DECADES... it was GOING to HAPPEN.
The Army Corp of Eng... responsible for the levee system in NO -- they freely admit that it was ALL designed for a Cat 3 Hurr at best.
While everyone else (the experts) were saying -- for DECADES -- "hey, if the big one hits, we're toast."
This was a FAILURE to deal with REALITY... and I have a hard time NOT deducing it all down to politics/money (same thing, generally, one way or the other).
How many people would HONESTLY take in some family you don't even know. Especially when you are trying to save your marriage.

Many of us down here in Texas are "honestly" taking in families that we don't know.

That's a very kind gesture. I would IF I had to.

How long are we talking? 2 weeks, 2 years?

It will likely be 3 months according to our pastor.

TA's arguments are incongruent with his vote...In the beginning of this thread, we, along with others presumed TA was a Democrat based on his seemingly liberal viewpoints...then we find out that he is actually one of the "Wealthy White Fat Cats" that he is complaining about...again , we don't care whose side your on, be it Rep. or just can't be a "fence riding cake eater"!

The Wonderings

TA's arguments are incongruent with his vote...In the beginning of this thread, we, along with others presumed TA was a Democrat based on his seemingly liberal viewpoints...then we find out that he is actually one of the "Wealthy White Fat Cats" that he is complaining about...again , we don't care whose side your on, be it Rep. or just can't be a "fence riding cake eater"!

The Wonderings

Gotcha, and I agree 100%. I think he is a TROLL and have for a long time.


ROTFLMAO! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />

The Wonderings

This site has hundreds and hundreds of listings for families, homes, furnished, offers to relocate families. There's no way to get this information to the people that need it. Everyone is doing something, the people of NO just can't get to the information.

It's tragic, I agree. But I still stand on the side of common sense. If I was penniless, carless, and had nothing but my two feet, I would have carried my child to safety. I wouldn't be standing around waiting for someone to come HELP me. I'd be going to FIND the help. It's been days people.... MOVE not WAIT.... that's where I lose my patience. I just can't watch the television anymore. I can't understand this, I just can't.

Volunteering Housing - Craigslist
Posted By: TA Re: OT: Why don't these People have Food & Water? - 09/02/05 03:29 AM

TA's arguments are incongruent with his vote...In the beginning of this thread, we, along with others presumed TA was a Democrat based on his seemingly liberal viewpoints...then we find out that he is actually one of the "Wealthy White Fat Cats" that he is complaining about...again , we don't care whose side your on, be it Rep. or just can't be a "fence riding cake eater"!

The Wonderings

So because I'm a Republican I can't be compassionate?

This is what Liberals continue to propogate.

I'm appalled at the way this thread has deteriorated in the last few hours - and the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of ALL of the participants.

And I'm locking it.

I don't want to see another one like this, or all of the people who participate may lose their posting privileges here either temporarily or permanently. If there is a problem with my "parental" behavior, I can only say that there would be none if some were not behaving like children.
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