Marriage Builders
Posted By: Alphin Six months today. - 10/03/05 11:28 AM
Six months ago today, WH left and moved in with the OW.

I remember the day very clearly, up to the point when he left. I hadn’t slept that night at all (D day was the previous evening, and WH broke the happy news to me at precisely the same time that Pope John Paul II died).

I crawled out of bed, and woke WH (he was sleeping on the sofa). I told him we had to work out what to tell the children.

I made two cups of tea. I remember exactly what mugs I used, old white ones with pictures of the yellow sun on them. My tea was too strong, but I guess I needed it. I said to WH that if there was nothing I could say to change his mind about leaving, then I thought it would be best that he left straight away, as the kids were in the middle of their Easter break and would have a week to adjust before going back to school. He agreed.

We decided that I would take DD5 to the park and tell her, and WH would talk to DD12. It was a sunny but windy morning in the park.. We couldn’t go to the part of the park where the swings and slides were, because it was full of broken glass bottles (bloody teenagers!) – so we walked around instead. I told DD5 that her Daddy wouldn’t be living with us any more, that he would be living somewhere else. Tears welled up in her eyes and she asked me why. I didn’t know what to tell her, so I told her the truth as I knew it at the time. I said that Daddy still loved her and DD12 very much, but that he didn’t love me any more and so he couldn’t live with me any more. I told her that Daddy and I would always love her and DD12, and that Daddy would still see her lots and lots. She seemed OK with that, at the time.

We went back home. I didn’t know where WH was, but found DD12 crying in her room. I put my arms around her and told her I was so sorry this had happened. She cried on my shoulder, said ‘It’s not your fault’. But I felt like it was. Then over her head I saw WH – he was in the walk-in cupboard in DD12’s room, getting a suitcase. He smiled at me, and said ‘alright?’. I couldn’t believe it. It was as if he was just going away for a couple of days. Not as if he’d just shattered all our lives. I wanted to smash his smiling face in. But I didn’t.

DD12 and I went downstairs, and put the TV on. DD5 was playing in her room. DD12 and I sat on the sofa, not speaking but I had my arm around her. WH packed his suitcase in our bedroom. I felt the first tears begin to come as I heard him opening and closing drawers in our room, and left DD12 to sit in the dining room on my own. WH came through in a few minutes. I said ‘How can you do this to us?’ He said ‘I’m sorry’.

He continued packing. I couldn’t go back into the lounge, back to DD12 – I couldn’t bear the pain in that room. I’m so ashamed that I left her alone for those long minutes. I called through the bedroom door to WH ‘You have to tell your mother, you have to call her before you go.’ He said he would.

He called her. I kept the kids away when he was on the phone. I still don’t know what he said to her – I can’t imagine. Then he went to close his suitcase, and pack up the car. I began to wash up the breakfast dishes.

He was ready to go. He came through to see me. He said ‘goodbye’, and his voice was full of tears. I didn’t answer him; I just stared at the sink. Then he went through to say goodbye to the girls who were both watching TV. I heard him go down the stairs and shut the front door behind him. As he shut the door, I heard the girls begin crying. I ran through from the kitchen to the lounge; they were clinging to each other on the sofa, and howling like I’ve never seen before. I put my arms around both of them, and cried too. I still had my washing-up gloves on.

I can’t remember anything else about that day. I don’t even know if I made any food, or how the kids got to bed that night. It’s like the day was cut off as I held my children, and stroked their hair with my wet, yellow hands.


Six months later, I have come far. I thought I would die when WH left, and in fact wished for this. My health took a major dive (I have Crohns Disease) and I stopped eating. My parents came to help me out, and were shocked and terrified by what they found. They forced me to go to the doctor, although I didn't want to. They told me again and again that if I didn't start caring for myself that I would end up in hospital and would lose custody of the children to WH. Eventually their nagging and persistence paid off.

I began to eat again. Small amounts at first, but enough to stave off ketosis. I began taking my meds properly. I stopped bleeding and I stopped losing so much weight. One day, about a month and a half after D-day, I found myself smiling at my children. A little while after that, I found I could smile at other things, too.

After I began taking Ads, things began to get better for me quite quickly. I began to find interest in things outside of just caring for my kids. I began reading books and listening to music. I was able to see beauty in the world, and, more importantly, see pain and horror and genuinely appreciate that there were people out there who had it far worse than me. I counted my blessings. I realised I had many.

My children and I clung to each other for support, and eventually we rallied. Instead of being a unit of four with a piece missing, we became a self-sufficient unit of three.

We went away for a week to Spain. At some point during that week, I stopped missing WH. Even when we came home again, I didn't miss him. I had forgotten what it was like to have him sleeping beside me. I'd forgotten the smell of him, his presence in the house was gone. I stopped waiting for him to come home.

Now I've stopped wanting him to come home, too. I've stopped imagining the day when he tries to return, begging me to take him back! I don't think it will ever happen, and I don't think I could have him back now. He left me to die, basically. He knew how serious my illness was, he knew I had previous history of self-harm and suicide attempts. He left me anyway, and left his kids too, knowing all that. It's not even a question of forgiving him any more – it's irrelevant. I don't wish him pain or harm, I'm just happy he leaves me alone.

I'm still waiting for him to file. At the moment, I'm hoping that he'll do the deed himself, but he seems terrified to proceed because he can't afford a solicitor. If he delays for another few months, I will file for divorce myself. I don't want to remain in limbo for very much longer.

So this is it, so far. I was just about as destroyed as one can be when left by their spouse. I have survived! I am happy – not ecstatically so, but working towards it. I am not as healthy as I'd like to be, but I'm better than I was. My kids and I have a much closer relationship than we ever did before.

I didn't believe it would get better. It did.

Life is coming good for me, and I have made peace with the world, and myself.

Posted By: Pepperband Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 01:07 PM
Thanks for telling your story ... in more detail than I remember.

Recovery will come. Healing is possible.
Posted By: kdsheartbreak Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 01:26 PM
I am so sorry for all the pain your family has gone through in the past six months. Its good to know you have supportive parents, and your family has pulled through this devestating time.
May you find peace and happiness you deserve in your new life, Alphin.

K.D.'s Heartbreak
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 03:31 PM
Thanks, Pep and KD. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

It's funny, but I've been dreading this 'anniversary' much more than my wedding anniversary, which was on the 12th of August. Perhaps it's partly because I've spent today alone, and my wedding anniversary was spent with family around me.

I really do feel OK - I haven't felt the need to indulge in a big pity party, nor have I shed a tear today.

I thought I might buy a bottle of wine today. I haven't. What would be the point - kind of like shooting myself in the foot.

I am thinking a lot about WH today, but I'll not beat myself up about it. I wonder if he realises what day it is? Probably. Though I guess he'll be 'celebrating' 6 months of living with the OW, rather than feeling sad that he left his family 6 months ago. They'll probably be making a night of it. It's OK. It doesn't really matter any more.

DD12 made a strawberry victoria sponge cake at school today. I intend to eat LOTS of that later, after my dinner.

Here's to getting an extra slice because WH isn't here to scoff it all!!!

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: lemonman Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 03:58 PM

You are a hero.........your WH is a scum sucking heathen who will someday pay for this 1000 times over...


Posted By: tucktummy Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 03:59 PM
Alhin - Glad your health is improving and your relationship with your daughters is getting better. His self-indulgence and selfishness will haunt him one of these days but I reckon he's still in la-la-land. Take care of yourself - easier said than done, but your health is your wealth. TT
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 04:30 PM

You are a hero...

Gosh. Thank you! I never thought of myself like that, but I think my kids are pretty heroic. Expecially DD12 - this has been so tough on her. She's come through it, though. Battle-scarred, but a survivor.

Hi TT.

your health is your wealth.

My mom said something similar to me the other day. I was telling her how I just wanted to be free now, and she said that I needed to be healthy to enjoy it properly.

I am going to travel, taking weekend breaks to anywhere that Easyjet fly - it's soooo cheap! Once the D is through, I reckon I can take a weekend trip every other month.

But, I do need to get myself healthier first.

<img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: faithful follower Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 04:34 PM
{{Alphin}} I shed a few tears reading that detailed description of the day your WH left. You are one heck of a woman!
Posted By: Bob_Pure Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 04:45 PM

See? Didn't scold ya <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: losttranslation Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 04:49 PM

You and your girls are in my thoughts and prayers.

Interesting that your WH has not yet filed for divorce.
Is it the lack of money
or the lack of a spine?

Or is because he knows down deep that he is throwing away a very precious and irreplaceable gift?

My WH is the same. I suppose they all are.
Posted By: krusht Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 06:08 PM

Thank you for that detailed, riviting description. Very well done!

The selfish, self-centeredness, of the self-absorbed WSs, seeking their own vile self-gratification over all others makes me sooo ill.

God bless you and your lovely daughters. You all have come so far in these short 6 months.

Curious if your daughter's low-life father has been in contact?

Stay strong and THRIVE!!

Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 06:22 PM

Thanks. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> It seems so long ago now, although I've lived through every minute of it! The memory is still so vivid, but kind of like a dream - someone else's dream. The woman that WH left isn't here any more.


Hiya. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Thanks for everything. You can scold me any time, really! I know I deserve it when you do. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />


How's plan B going for you?

It's the lack of money, and the lack of spine, and a general 'I can't be bothered' attitude. At no point has WH shown any remorse or regret for what he's done to me, although I know he regrets hurting the children.

The more I think about it, the more I realise that he never really cared that much about me, not the way I cared about him, anyway. Therefore, he'll never feel that he's lost anything by leaving me. Coming to accept that has made it much easier for me to let him go.


He's never tried to contact me, never given any sign that he's had second thoughts or that he still cares about me at all.

But he does love his girls - this is what I find so hard to understand. How he could do this to them. But yes, he sees them a couple of days a week. After the D, he'll have them every other weekend.

Thanks so much for your kind words. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: WhoMe Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 06:30 PM

I don't know if you have any idea how many people you may have helped with this post. The light is shining so brightly at the end of the tunnel for many damaged souls because of you. I can't imagine the pain of having my FWH simply walk out the door not even wanting to try and work things out. As it stands the pain caused by his affair was the most painful thing I have ever experienced.

So far, things for us are working out, but there will always be a little bit of the "what if" fear just under the surface. Your post made me realize that anyone can make it through. That doesn' mean it won't be tough or that it won't hurt. It just means we all have the inner strength to get through it.

I agree with some of the others that your husband will get his comeuppance someday for his actions and lack of compassion for his family. You have to know that you will get the last laugh...even if it doesn't matter by the time it happens.

God Bless You.
Posted By: lunamare Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 07:56 PM
Thanks for the update, Alphin, I had been wondering how you were doing.

But he does love his girls - this is what I find so hard to understand. How he could do this to them.

If he's like my WH, he won't admit to this, as he tries to convince himself (and me) that the kids 'will adjust'.


Please stay in touch.
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 08:56 PM

Thanks for your response! I hope that my tale is of some comfort to someone - it would be nice to think so. Even though my story doesn't look as if it will end with reconciliation, there is still life after being left! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Hi Luna,

Yeah, the kids might well 'adjust'. But they shouldn't have to, should they? Stupid WS's!

Please stay in touch.

I'll be around. I just haven't had that much to report lately, is all. Today is a 'special day'. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />

Take care of yourself and your kids, Luna. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: milkshake Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 09:00 PM

Thank you for your post. It made me cry... Thanks for giving strength to others!

God bless,
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 09:14 PM

Thank you. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I've been following your thread, even though I don't think I posted on it. I hope you are doing OK.

Posted By: cc46 Re: Six months today. - 10/03/05 11:54 PM

You are very brave and recovering so well!

My d day 1 year anniversary is on the 26th. I have no idea what I will feel then, or what I will do. But time does heal.

1 year already! and I'm not half as recovered as you, and not for lack of trying!

Keep us updated.
Posted By: graycloud Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 02:01 AM
Alph, this is a good thread.

Something that I find hard is reading news from people who've experienced this sort of nasty walk-out and a few months later go on about how they're doing so wonderfully.

Hearing that sort of thing puts put my B.S. detector, but it also makes me wonder if I'm somehow faulty because I still suffer some of the time, sixteen months after my wife skedaddled and two months after my divorce.

I like your honesty, and your scrupulous avoidance of exclamation points. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

The more I think about it, the more I realise that he never really cared that much about me, not the way I cared about him, anyway.

I expect that's so. I have the same sensation.

Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 06:16 AM
I like your honesty, and your scrupulous avoidance of exclamation points. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Hey, I'm British. Exclamation points are still rationed over here.

Special dispensation is granted to tabloid journalists and romantic novelists, though.

Posted By: tucktummy Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 11:18 AM
Alphin, one of these days when I'm back in England, I can join you on an Easyjet weekend away. Quite fancy Prague. It might be sooner rather than later. My WH has an op this coming weekend to prepare him for dialysis. My financial future is such a mess because of his stupidity and selfishness. He was totally in denial that he was so sick. I just pray now his OW doesn't dump him and that he can cope with the change in his lifestyle. I know for sure that I don't want to be his nursemaid now. He also hasn't filed for D although we have now talked about it. Want's me to do all the dirty work.

Alphin, it is almost refreshing to read your story and attitude. Many of us don't get the chance to recover our marriages, even though we might have been willing to try. You are facing a different future than the one you envisaged but you have the support of family and good friends who will help you along the way. Way to go. TT
Posted By: losttranslation Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 11:51 AM

I struggle with Plan B. On the one side it has released me from running circles trying to please Prince Charming and woo him into NC with Skunkypoo.

On the otherside, after reading "Hang in or hang it up?" by Dr. Shirley Glass, I realize that all of her reasons for throwing in the towel are fulfilled:
1. WH has no compassion for my pain
2. WH justifies his betrayal and minimizes the significance of his infidelity (We are talking about a 4 year EA/PA)
3. WH continues to lie and deceive me.

and none of her reasons for picking up the pieces are:
1. WH shows remors and empathy for my devastation (are you kidding?)
2. WH takes responsibilities for understanding his vulnerabilities (his A is all my fault, you know)
3. the unfaithful behavior has stopped (they still work together, they still meet alone secretly... no sex anymore though <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />)

So, I guess I view Plan B as a transition phase. As long as I have some grain of hope, a willingness to love my H, should he come back, I will not file for divorce. Meanwhile I will take my life out of the cruel dictatorship of his A. Yes, I have a life, it is calling me back, and it is worth living.

Strangely, I see your WH's not filing divorce as a more hopeful sign than with Prince Charming. Prince would never move in with OW ... he'd be far too ashamed to do so. BUT he doesn't have the spine to end it with her either. He is still frantically trying to justify his A and at the same time sweep it under the carpet and at the same time keephis emotional tie and thrill with her going.

In your case, WH left you and the kids for the sleazebag. Seemingly quite consequential, but he hasn't followed through, has he? If she truly is the love of his life, why does he deny her complete security? I don't think that he realizes that his infidelity has nothing to do with the omelette at all. AND it has the least of all to do with you. It is all about him. It is about his ego and his character.

I think that deep down our husbands have something in common. They have a moral code that they held high and that they broke. We are their scapegoats. It is nearly impossible for them to admit that they have a flaw in their character. Has your H ever apologized for anything at all during your marriage? Has he always been the strong, upright, conscientious citizen?

I trusted, respected, and admired my H. He has disappeared. My real H, or at least the man I imagined him to be, would certainly like me to move on with my life and look after our children for him.
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 07:54 PM

I'm really sorry about you H's condition. I genuinely hope the op goes OK for him.

If you fancy escaping, Prague sounds good to me, too. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Has your H ever apologized for anything at all during your marriage?

Very rarely. He's also always had a very 'entitled' view of the world - that it owes him something! Recogising that in him has made me wonder if this is the first affair he'd actually had. I guess I'll probably never know, and it doesn't matter anyway. The affair he left me for is the only one that matters, and even that is mattering less and less.

My H has also disappeared. I feel like he's dead, actually. I feel I'm getting over mourning his death. Like yours, my real H would want me to move on, and not pine for him.

So I am. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 08:29 PM

DD5 started Karate lessons today!

She loved it! She's brilliant! She was the smallest person there, but so poised.

My heart just swelled, I tell ya. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: milkshake Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 08:44 PM
Hi Alphin,

Karate! How wonderful! Did she like it?

I wanted my son (just turned 3 in September) to take some lessons as well, but that time they told me he is still too small.

You are a great mom Alphin.
Posted By: faithinme Re: Six months today. - 10/04/05 08:58 PM
That was one of the most beautiful and hopeful posts I've read.

Thank you for sharing.

Posted By: carnation Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 05:59 AM

You are a hero.........your WH is a scum sucking heathen who will someday pay for this 1000 times over...



Yes, you are a hero. I so agree. I also agree that your WH will pay for this 1000 times over... and you will not have to do a thing for this to happen... what goes around - comes around. Seen it happen a million times, for good and bad.

Lemon said it best - You ARE a hero.

Best regards - carnation
Posted By: hurtinginokla Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 06:40 AM

I just read your post. You have done well and should be so proud. I hope when I hit the six month point I will be doing as well.

You are a hero as everyone has said, and your WH will someday realize this and regret what he has done. And by then you will have moved on to a better and more rewarding life. God Bless you and your children....
Posted By: losttranslation Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 06:53 AM

I didn't want to threadjack so I started another one on entitlement.

Like you, Plan B is giving me distance and a critical view of my M pre-affair. I thought I was happy then, but I realize I could be happier. I wouldn't settle for a M like the one I had anymore.
I think that we have outgrown that.
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 10:26 AM

Karate! How wonderful! Did she like it?

Loved it. I was a little worried because the class was 1 1/2 hours, which is a bit long for a 5 year old, but she sailed through it. She loves the ritual and reverence of it - the bowing and complete obedience to the teacher! I was surprised at that - thought she'd just be into the kicking and punching! - but she's really into learning about new and different perspectives on the world too.

Thanks for saying I'm a great mom! Means a lot. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


Thank you for sharing.

My pleasure. It was really cathartic for me, actually - writing it all down!


I also agree that your WH will pay for this 1000 times over... and you will not have to do a thing for this to happen... what goes around - comes around.

Strange that even now, I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone, not even WH and the OW. I understand that probably, one day, their relationship will end, and one or the other of them will be very hurt by that event. If another infidelity is involved in the break-up, it will be even worse.

But I'm not responsible for what may or may not happen. It's beyond my control. They have made their own choices, and one day they'll stop blaming me for them, I guess! Because at the moment, obviously, it's all my fault that WH left his wife and kids, y'know... <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Thanks for calling me a hero. It's like SleeplessNSeattle says in his sig line - what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!


God Bless you and your children....

Thank you. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> And God bless you and yours. Actually, I think you are a hero, too. I've always thought, from reading your posts, how hard it must be to have a WS who leaves, and then comes back, and then leaves again. I don't think I could cope with that at all.

I'm so glad about your job, Hurting.

Posted By: HopefulinNY Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 02:34 PM

Glad to see you are doing so good. I have been watching you from the sidelines. You are doing everything right!

Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 07:06 PM
Thanks, HINY <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Things are certainly on the up for me, but no sign of the fog clearing for WH.

He and the Omelette are going down to stay with MIL this weekend. I remember how I felt the first time I knew they'd been down to visit - I felt ill. Now I'm really not bothered.

As long as I don't have to have anything to do with WH and his 'new life', then I am OK!

Edited to add -- well, I am a little bit annoyed. I don't like to think of them together, enjoying themselves in a lovely city, doing things together that H and I used to do. But it's history now -- I have my future to think of, right? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: Bob_Pure Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 07:56 PM

* cough * <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Pepperband Re: Six months today. - 10/05/05 08:01 PM
How often is he a hands-on-father?
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 06:17 AM

* cough * <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

Ahem. Yeah, sorry, b0b. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />


How often is he a hands-on-father?

He's turned into your classic 'access dad'. Takes them to nice places to have fun, buys them lots of toys and pretty clothes.

But knows nothing about what their day-to-day lives are like, or the problems they have. And still doesn't give me any actual CA$H to help raise them.

Posted By: Bob_Pure Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 06:50 AM

My cough wasn't 'cos the word's a trigger but'cos the whole UK sport is immoral. I thought so BEFORE Squids afair too.

Violence, black market, infidelity, financial impropriety is at the utter CORE of the sport here. I have 21 years experience of that to back up my statement.

Your lass can have a WONDERFUL time doing teh sport but don't get 'involved' in the running of the club or the sport is my advice.

My own son does karate but as a participant only Thats the best way !

Enjoy ! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 09:38 AM
Thanks b0b. I've no intention of getting any more involved than watching DD5 kick and punch 6-foot men. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Forgot to mention that MIL is going to ask 'how the divorce is coming along' when WH and OW go down there this weekend.

She's going to make sure she asks in front of OW, too!

Love my MIL! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: faithful follower Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 02:11 PM
Alphin, I am confused. Why does he not provide financial support to you?
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 03:45 PM
Hi Faithful.

He pays for the house, and some of the bills. He hasn't given me any CS since he left, although he does buy them some clothes and shoes.

Posted By: faithful follower Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 03:47 PM
Is this something that in the UK, you don't get official CS until you D? Glad he is at least taking care of the house and some bills. You handling things ok? Anything I can pray about for you?
Posted By: Alphin Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 04:10 PM
There's a very inefficient system here, called the Child Support Agency. They are very behind in recovering payments, and some many never be recovered.

I put in my claim in May. But I'm not holding my breath.

You are darling to think of me. You could pray for my health to be a little better, if you wouldn't mind?

Thank you,

Posted By: faithful follower Re: Six months today. - 10/06/05 04:20 PM
You could pray for my health to be a little better, if you wouldn't mind?

Thank you,
Of course! I will put you on my "list". {{Alphin}} I am so proud to see how you have grown! You are the best example your kids will ever have. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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