Marriage Builders
Posted By: eldente Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/25/06 07:12 PM
Seems this article has caused some heated debate:

There's more: According to a wide-ranging review of the published literature, highly educated people are more likely to have had extra-marital sex (those with graduate degrees are 1.75 more likely to have cheated than those with high school diplomas.) Additionally, individuals who earn more than $30,000 a year are more likely to cheat.
Posted By: darkclouds Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/25/06 07:25 PM
rotfl!!! What a cop out!! Don't blame me, blame my income tax statement! What a crock! its funny fwh and I had a tlak abotu this. He said "Well, every rich and powerful man I know has slept around." that, as you can imagine went over like a ton of lead bricks. But still amusing what people will do to divert blame. So interesting.
Posted By: darkclouds Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/25/06 07:26 PM
One more thing, why is it don't marry a career woman? maybe I shouldn't have married a career man? I will read the article, and maybe it will tell me. thanks for the laugh eldente!
Posted By: darkclouds Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/25/06 07:35 PM
Wow that reporter obviously skipped his research methods and stats courses in university!! Hahahahaha! He really believes what he says thats whats so funny! Confounded by his own references. too funny. I highly, highly doubt he actualy read the studies he quoted. (Or didnt, I couldnt find the citation)Anyway thanks again.
Posted By: justpeachy Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/25/06 07:37 PM
dang it..then why am I celibate for the moment? wow...and I HAVEN'T CHEATED ON ANYBODY my xh? who is WITHOUT DEGREE OF ANY AND DOES HAVE MONEY...has been cheating like a wild monkey on testosterone!

Maybe I should just stay away from uneducated men...lmao.

I used to call him jethro cause he "done grad-e-ated sixth grade...naught plus naught equals ?" I, the faithful educated one stood by his stuuupid side for better and definitely in the worse...

I only date educated guy now...lmao....

All I get from the forbes crap is that people with more money have more money to cheat with...while the lesser incomes must get creative to cheat in backseats of cars vs. a suite at the ritz.
Posted By: justpeachy Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/25/06 07:40 PM
Does this mean I get to pretend I am a WS now? I've waited 2 eat some cake...lmao! Oh wait...I am single. I CAN EAT ALL THE CAKE I WANT!

As we all know...we should believe the liberal media...(GAG...SPEW)

hardy har har har! WHAT A JOKE!
Posted By: A.M.Martin Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/25/06 07:47 PM
You guys!!! C'mon!

These are statistics. Within any group of individuals, there is a high degree of variance that would seem to refute statistics. In other words, if blue-eyed peole are as a group smarter than brown-eyed people, there will nevetheless be individual brown-eyed people much smarter than the average blue-eyed person.

I doubt that money is the important variable here. l bet you will also find that the group of people you are singling out are more likely to be more liberal, not go to church, be more plugged into media ideas, etc. These things tend to go, in this country, with higher income and more education. (Again, but there are many poor liberals, many rich churchgoers within this generalization.)

Money is probably not the salient factor -- it's a proxy for all sorts of other socioeconomic issues that probably have a larger role.
Posted By: DMbx Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/27/06 07:21 PM
This is actually a really important topic for all whose life has been touched by adultery.
Unfortunately, the writer chose a very strident tone, and got all the predictable reaction (which he may have wanted right from the start - good advertising ...)

But the important point is -- look underneath the top layer. Identify the forces that encourage the "so-what / don't -care" attitude, the glamorizing of affairs, the forces that present infidelity as trivial, as acceptable, and unavoidable. An emotional environment of corporate raids, takeovers, and destruction as a great way of life. This attitude does spill over into one's private life - - going home at night and kicking the dog because someone had a hard time at the office...

There are poor people and rich people who cheat, as there are uneducated dingbats, and those with advanced degrees. Maybe that's just one of the faces or "overlays".

What kind of attitude does the world of commercial success reward, and which in turn makes them throw a big salary at the person?

For one, a predatory attitude - ranging from basic selfishness to outright sociopath.

Then, disregard for consequences to others - as long as we have an advantage today, we don't really care what happens tomorrow

Add your own items to the list.

But ... There are basic common elements in the studies listed - they point to an ever increasing LACK of RESPECT for the family, and for relationships. I'm okay and I don't give a cr*p about you!

There are social forces at work that denigrate the meaning of marriage, and its importance for the human environment.

While the tone of this Forbes article was *intentionally* trying to rub people the wrong way ( like "Whatever you do, don't marry ... etc.), we should take a good hard look at what's beneath the surface, and the basic truth that is being shouted down in the media.
Posted By: brokeshopaholic Re: Don't Marry Career Women? - 08/28/06 06:58 PM
kind of a side note.

my husband strongly encouraged me to get post secondary education and have a career. we have both benefited from the profession I chose. unfortunately it involves shiftwork, which is hard on the body. he likes the $ I bring in, yet in the past few years, had small complaints that dinner was never made, the house wasn't clean enough, etc. Makes me think now, he wanted a stay at home wife!

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